I personally thought this is a "multi-purpose" site.
I, among others here are "in".
i made a big mistake when signing up at this supposed website for jehovah's witnesses.
after reading some things on this site it has become apparent to me that this site is nothing put another pathetic site for apostates: people who betrayed jehovah, left the truth, and are so bitter about their experiene in the truth, and they are angry just like satan because they know they will very soon be dead at jehovah's hand!.
this website should be renamed something more fitting like "satan's playground" or a similar name that would get across the message of your site.. sincerely,.
I personally thought this is a "multi-purpose" site.
I, among others here are "in".
has anyone turned it down or know of someone who did turn down being an elder or ms?.
yes, it should be one of the biggest privileges a brother can get !!
(how do i put the barfy icon in?
Still under the radar and not a lot of details ...
But yes, I "moved" to a different congregation (same area, just for reasons I gave as business and changing meeting times) and basically said I did not want to do it anymore. At the time, you were basically, automatically given the position with the new congregation with a nice letter from the old congregation.
The reason I said to the new congregation was not wanting to be on any more JC's ... but was told that was part of the organizational arrangement. I basically told them it was not part of my arrangement. I didn't have to wait for the CO to visit. I basically told them I quit.
In a year or two, I will give more details.
documents that have arrived as of 2020-06-02 in english and spanish.letters are:.
if you are on the email list these are already under your coffee cup.
if your not on the email list, then reply below if you want the link put in your pm box.petra!.
Atlantis ...
Please send. I thought I was on the mailing list but if not add me please.
Many, many thanks.
Is this more orange man bad crap?
phoenix ...
I would say no. Stench is in the nose of the beholder (or besmeller or whatever the term should be).
"Bad crap" if I may quote you, is what it is. Spray it, sanitize it, try to polish it, whatever. Intrinsically, it is what it is.
Give Obama a break.
There are the US Territories and countries in Africa that Obama incorrectly mentioned as actual "States."
Can't we consider Kenya a "State?" If you were born there, doesn't that make it a State?
phoenix ...
Put on your favorite news channel ... CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, etc.
No further comment needed.
i did this in my facebook group for my podcast and it was fun.. so what's the craziest thing you ever saw?.
for me it was watching a brother have a heart attack during the meeting in the auditorium.
i was a kid and noticed him shaking and acting strange.
Thinking back, quite a few odd/crazy times. Literally, dozens.
We had quite a few anointed in our congregation (like 6 or 7) from Eastern Europe / Russia when I was growing up. At the time, being one of the anointed put you into a special class, even if you did nothing else in the congregation.
I remember one night, a brother from Poland (?), was giving what I think was talk #5. I think it was about 6 minutes or so until they "range the bell" when you went overtime. If you kept talking too long, they would ring it again.
Anyway, they rang the bell on him 2 or 3 times. He pointed at the brother with the bell, gave him an evil look, and said something like, in broken English, "Do you know what I am going to do what that bell if it makes noise again?"
Everyone was quiet and he went on for another 2 or 3 minutes.
That was one time when instead of giving council immediately after the talk, the School Servant simply said something like "Our school is running a bit late so we will give private council to Brother 'Nutski' afterwards. Now, let's all stand for song number ........... "
If he was working on "Timing" on his speech council slip, maybe he would have received a "W" (Work on This).
i'm reading babylon the great has fallen, god's kingdom rules, published 1963. this was studied years ago when i was about 10-12 years old.
i wanted to just read some of the beliefs from decades ago.
my wife wants to know why i'm reading this book.
Reading "Babylon the Great Has Fallen, God's Kingdom Rules"
1234 ...
Bizarre that you mention that book. I was cleaning out a closet just yesterday. I keep finding stuff from old relatives that have died but somehow all the stuff gets passed to me. I think I have about 5 copies of the book between my garage and attic.
I just looked at the book and get those flashbacks of being a kid at the book study on Tuesday night and some how trying to make sense out of something that really doesn't make sense. And those explanations of Rev. 18:2 and 18:4 seemed to go on forever when you are at a young age.
Now with extra time with the COVID-19 thing happening, you may just have just motivated me to go and pick the book up out of the box and read parts for my enjoyment.
I still even have the "question" book that came along with it for use at the book study. Aren't you proud of me?
cities across america have been pillaged and destroyed these last few days.
a white policeman has been charged with murder of a black man.
protests have been organized across major us cities and horrible riots have occurred.
Who sponsors this organized activity?? add to the list of questions, who printed their placards, who printed their "I can't breath shirts"?
resolute B ....
What has me scratching my head (and lower regions of my body) is how all of this "organized activity" seems to be in some ways hidden. I mean the President can't be in a room with a dozen people without information leaking out.
How can there be in any possible way so many people involved in hundreds of cities in some organized events and no one seems to be "on the inside" and flooding the media with what it going on?
North Korea could not keep that many people "quiet".