Them people are going to bring this country down if we don't stop it.
You know who you are.
many of us are confused so this hand-dandy chart may assist.. .
Them people are going to bring this country down if we don't stop it.
You know who you are.
i still like the commentary on the monthly’s, i can skip through some parts.
but it seems like he is pushing too hard to put out videos and the quality is getting very low on the content..
I stand corrected on my earlier comments on the Cedar's air fryer I purchased on the Home Shopping Network.
When I looked at it again, it actually had Emeril on the side.
the latest issue of the watchtower shows a man with a beard praying.. .
i fully expected to see him 'progress' to clean-shaven in the following pictures, but instead he is still bearded when 'applying bible principles'.. .
i then realized that he was already featured on the cover itself.. .
There will just be several elders spread around that will take the WT pic, be more "upscale" brothers, have the beards very well trimmed and otherwise "examples." Especially after being on the Zoom thing now.
An extremely well trimmed beard, from an elder that contributes a lot, will do very well when the CO visits. You will see.
since my homepage is drudge report, i'd have to say that the drudge report is what i often check during the day.. of course, this site is clearly one of my favs..
and then the Meat Locker
i still like the commentary on the monthly’s, i can skip through some parts.
but it seems like he is pushing too hard to put out videos and the quality is getting very low on the content..
Do you make french fries in your John Cedars air fryer?
@truth b known ...
Now that you mention it, the fries did have an odd taste. I thought it was the brand of fries I bought and not the fryer but who knows. I'll try a different brand and report back later.
i still like the commentary on the monthly’s, i can skip through some parts.
but it seems like he is pushing too hard to put out videos and the quality is getting very low on the content..
I bought one of the air fryers he sells on the Home Shopping Network and so far it works pretty well.
5 more letters arrived today.
1--2019-11-08-proposal to merge the congregation charity into the kingdom hall trust-------------------2--2019-11-information relating to the merger with the kingdom hall trust-------------------------.
3--2020-01-minutes of meeting of the charity trustees-1.
Letters please. As always, thank you.
the latest issue of the watchtower shows a man with a beard praying.. .
i fully expected to see him 'progress' to clean-shaven in the following pictures, but instead he is still bearded when 'applying bible principles'.. .
i then realized that he was already featured on the cover itself.. .
I'm sure the loosening of the rules will be welcomed by Italian brothers and sisters.
cities across america have been pillaged and destroyed these last few days.
a white policeman has been charged with murder of a black man.
protests have been organized across major us cities and horrible riots have occurred.
Hmmm nothing wrong with people wanting to be with their own kind.
silentbuddha ...
I guess my sarcasm highlights my point.
When personally, I hear the term "own kind" I think of people. When I hear the word dog, I think of dog. When I hear the work cat, I think of cat.
I don't automatically attach a color to a dog, cat or another human being.
Maybe its just me.
i hear every mayor, every politician, claiming that the protesters are coming in from "other states".
at some point, with about 130 cities that had protests over the last weekend, where the hell are people coming from???.
there are only 50 states (57 per obama, but that includes us territories and kenya).
I hear all those protesters from out of town brought pallets of bricks with them, too!
Desirous ...
That was sort of my point, how can everyone be from "out of town?" Is there no civic responsibility or duty to support one's own community?
If I throw a brick or smash a local business, doesn't the company go to my local Home Depot / Lowes / Ace / Menards or other local place and purchase materials to rebuild and support the local workers? Why go out of town to do that?
I don't get it.