President Trump is not "morbidly" obese
That's the medical classification for his size/weight. Many people fit that category.
j f rutherford in all his wisdom hysterically, stupidly, and boastfully proclaimed the now slogan;.
"millions now living will never die".
donny trump in all his wisdom hysterically, stupidly, and of course boastfully proclaimed that a million supporters requested tickets for his much ballyhooed rally in tulsa!
President Trump is not "morbidly" obese
That's the medical classification for his size/weight. Many people fit that category.
i’ve heard from a few trump voters that they are getting tired of the whole trump thing.
one person yesterday said he lies.
another person said she hears from her clients in her business that the constant drama and push back from all sides against trump is fatiguing.. i remind people that before this worldwide pandemic, we had the best numbers in jobs.
I would like to see Michelle and the department store mannequin, Pence, in a VP debate.
If he pulled that thing like Trump did to Hillary, walking behind her while she was answering a question, Michelle would have Pence face-down screaming "I can't breathe either".
i’ve heard from a few trump voters that they are getting tired of the whole trump thing.
one person yesterday said he lies.
another person said she hears from her clients in her business that the constant drama and push back from all sides against trump is fatiguing.. i remind people that before this worldwide pandemic, we had the best numbers in jobs.
I’ve heard from a few Trump voters that they are getting tired of the whole Trump thing.
Min ...
Are the people you said you talk with "elitists"?
i’ve heard from a few trump voters that they are getting tired of the whole trump thing.
one person yesterday said he lies.
another person said she hears from her clients in her business that the constant drama and push back from all sides against trump is fatiguing.. i remind people that before this worldwide pandemic, we had the best numbers in jobs.
If Michelle would accept the VP slot, walk Biden around for exercise, and be the President-in-waiting, Trump should just get off of AirForce 1, get on his private jet, and go to one his golf courses and retire.
I'm serious, it would not be a contest.
j f rutherford in all his wisdom hysterically, stupidly, and boastfully proclaimed the now slogan;.
"millions now living will never die".
donny trump in all his wisdom hysterically, stupidly, and of course boastfully proclaimed that a million supporters requested tickets for his much ballyhooed rally in tulsa!
Vice-President Biden is what, 10 years older than Trump?
frozen ...
Biden is 4 years older than Trump.
Both should go to a retirement community and play shuffleboard, bridge, bingo, whatever. Take the grandkids on day trips to the zoo.
A lizard and a morbidly obese man and both in their mid-70's should reevaluate their priorities and fine better things to do. Their clocks are ticking.
j f rutherford in all his wisdom hysterically, stupidly, and boastfully proclaimed the now slogan;.
"millions now living will never die".
donny trump in all his wisdom hysterically, stupidly, and of course boastfully proclaimed that a million supporters requested tickets for his much ballyhooed rally in tulsa!
on Fox news alone the rally generated 7.7 million views. If you take into account some streaming services added in several more million that's probably more than Biden could ever get.
littlerockguy ...
That is true, I'm sure no one wants to hear Biden or most other people bloviate for two hours. I wouldn't listen to anyone that long. Say what you need to say, and be done with it.
As a person, I would (if allowed by JW's) vote for Biden but there is no way I would sit and listen to the guy for two hours. 30 minutes tops. I may give Jesus an hour, maybe an hour and a half. That is it.
Sitting through a 30 minute Public Talk is about all I can handle while looking at my watch 10 times.
j f rutherford in all his wisdom hysterically, stupidly, and boastfully proclaimed the now slogan;.
"millions now living will never die".
donny trump in all his wisdom hysterically, stupidly, and of course boastfully proclaimed that a million supporters requested tickets for his much ballyhooed rally in tulsa!
A million now requesting will never show"
@eyeuse2 ...
That is not totally correct.
A remnant (6,200) did show up from all tribes, states, countries, tongues and peoples.
I am sure the ones in attendance were happified, especially with the simplified seating arrangements.
the us attorney general appears to be a polarizing figure.
he certainly is not like his predecessor from alabama, jeff sessions .
barr seems to speak his mind and i really don’t think that he has a problem sticking up for what he believes in.. i like him but i also liked sessions.
I personally find Kamila Harris reasonably attractive ... as do I find Nikki Haley on the Repub side.
I won't use my favorite words for the two current candidates (Orange Man and Lizard) but either of the two women don't look bad to me.
At least the two women don't look like they have yellow birds' nests on their heads or have had their faces in a dehydrator for a week.
i love rhythm and blues and soul music.
i love funk but i also enjoy music of the 60s and 70s.
just not really into classical or country western although some country is pretty good..
I like the classic rock I grew up with, Chicago, Fleetwood Mac, ZZ Top, Elton John, Jethro Tull, Genesis, on and on.
More recently, Pitbull has made great music even though he is considered a rapper but IMO is nothing like what most people consider rappers (ok, maybe a little biased here, he was born and went to school here in Miami with Cuban parents). He has done work and hits with so many popular artists such as JLo, Mark Anthony, Christina Aguilera, the list goes on and on.
And his own personal stuff, such as Fireball, Don't Stop the Party, Get Ready, and others would make a dead corpse want to get up and dance. It is hard to listen to him and not want to dance.
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