OMG ... if I could tell you how many times I have said things that some considered "inappropriate", I could write a book.
Rub a Dub (but then by definition, I am Rub a Dub).
do any of you remember things you should never have said to a fellow j.w ?.
two of mine come to mind, one was when we were out in field circus one day and my companion was complaining of knee pain, he explained, " it has a crack in it ", i replied " that explains why my bum hurts, that's got a crack in it", the other one was when a guy showed me a chef's knife he had bought for chopping, and i said " i always wanted a big chopper ".. you ?.
OMG ... if I could tell you how many times I have said things that some considered "inappropriate", I could write a book.
Rub a Dub (but then by definition, I am Rub a Dub).
for those who travel, such as attend international conventions (lol, i had to add a jw thing into this thread), do you have the precheck thing for the airports?
this is the thing where you go in a separate line and don't have to take your shoes off and do all the things that most people do.. it does cost money, about $85 for 5 years.. but for those who travel internationally, the global entry thing is well worth the money.
for only $15 more ($100 total for 5 years) it includes precheck within the us and then entry back into the us without the typical long lines at customs.
Just another way for the government to make money, under the guise making you safe ... The whole thing is just a scheme to collect more money from the sheep... Any terrorist organization with mediocre planning will be able to place a bomb on a plane.
redvip2000 ...
I see you don't understand the purpose of Global Entry / PreCheck. It is not so much about safety, IMO, but about expediting those who go through fingerprinting and a background checks to get through the lines quicker. I don't see the connection with terrorists.
If you rarely, if ever fly, then it is not worth it. Think of it like the Disney thing where you pay a little extra for the Fast Pass or Speed Pass things to get you to the front of the line.
It is the same idea with the Global Entry thing. You just have to fill out an on-line government form, pay your money, and they do a background check. Then you make an appointment to go to the airport, have your picture taken, get fingerprinted and answer a few questions. The airport part takes all of 5 or 10 minutes.That's it.
Rub a Dub
here, in the us, we go to the "bathroom".
am i taking a bath?
we either poop or pee.. when we go to canada, we go to the "washroom".
Here, in the US, we go to the "bathroom". Am I taking a bath? No. We either poop or pee.
When we go to Canada, we go to the "washroom". What are we washing? Are we taking a basket of laundry with us? No. We either poop or pee.
In Europe, every sign is W/C (Water Closet). Are we going into that place to drink some water? No way. We either poop or pee.
Odd as it may sound, why can't we just say what it is?
Rub a Dub
corona-virus facts.
in china, people generally do not wash their hands.
there is no soap in restrooms or even in hospitals.
Ahhh, and did you know aliens killed JFK and the government knows it!
iwantoutnow ...
According to a recent news article, Elvis is still alive and living in South America. And he can still dance and the locals love to watch him in a local bar on the weekends.
Rub a Dub
when you hear that the polls say.... do you really believe it??.
i think polls can be and often are skewered.
i don’t trust them..
50% of the voters may say that, but the system to convict him is more like the Electoral College.
DesirousOfChange ...
You are absolutely correct.
Whatever side of the aisle you are on, if you live in a state with a greater population (California, New York, Texas) your vote counts much less than if you live in a more rural state with less people, such as Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, etc.
In the United States, people don't count: the land does.
Rub a Dub
for those who travel, such as attend international conventions (lol, i had to add a jw thing into this thread), do you have the precheck thing for the airports?
this is the thing where you go in a separate line and don't have to take your shoes off and do all the things that most people do.. it does cost money, about $85 for 5 years.. but for those who travel internationally, the global entry thing is well worth the money.
for only $15 more ($100 total for 5 years) it includes precheck within the us and then entry back into the us without the typical long lines at customs.
For those who travel, such as attend international conventions (lol, I had to add a JW thing into this thread), do you have the PreCheck thing for the airports? This is the thing where you go in a separate line and don't have to take your shoes off and do all the things that most people do.
It does cost money, about $85 for 5 years.
But for those who travel internationally, the Global Entry thing is well worth the money. For only $15 more ($100 total for 5 years) it includes PreCheck within the US and then entry back into the US without the typical long lines at customs.
Normally, you just walk to the little Kiosks, slide in your passport, put your fingers on the glass for fingerprints, click on the "No" buttons about bringing in illegal items, are you carrying any fruit, did you have sex with a farm animal (just kidding) or some other stupid stuff about farm animals. Just click the "No" to all on the touchscreen, and it prints out your picture and you just hand it to someone on your way out of the airport and that is it.
Finally, the government has made things even easier (not typical for the government, but give credit where credit is due). My wife and I recently returned from a trip outside of the country. We went to the Global Entry Kiosks. We slid our passports in and all it asked us was do we have anything to declare. We just pressed the "No" button. Then it said look into the camera. It takes a picture of you. Then using facial recognition, it just says "thank you" and prints out your receipt and you hand it to the person as you leave the airport. No lines whatsoever. That is it!
I'm sure I am not saying anything that people who travel here don't already know but I found it interesting that this time we came back from a trip that they did not even check our fingerprints on the machine.
It was easy. I actually spent longer peeing in the bathroom after getting off the plane than I did in getting through customs. I am serious.
Rub a Dub
corona-virus facts.
in china, people generally do not wash their hands.
there is no soap in restrooms or even in hospitals.
I still think the contaminated limes may be the cause of this.
Rub a Dub .
Extremely sad.
Not trying to be a racist here (I'm married to a Latina), but Kobe was an example of what many in the community should aspire to be. Not someone sticking something in your face, or some sort of jive. Rather, he was a role model, someone you would think you would like to have your son to grow up to be. Maybe the Stephan Curry sort of guy.
My wife (a Miami Heat fan) had tears in her eyes when she saw this on TV.
Rub a Dub
after at least 8 excrement findings, police in massachusetts finally caught this woman who would poop in a parking lot and leave her crap as well as some tissues.
i just thought you should know about this 💩.
I guess it wouldn't be too difficult to have a dog follow the scent trail.
Rub a Dub
corona-virus facts.
in china, people generally do not wash their hands.
there is no soap in restrooms or even in hospitals.
Maybe the Corona Virus was caused by contaminated limes.
Rub a Dub