The sliver lining may be a lot of cheap stocks in the market to buy at a bargain. I also would expect some really good travel deals coming soon.
Rub a Dub
so for years the usa has been relying on cheap labor in china.
supply lines were never interrupted.
china has gotten away with murder in its sending anything it wants with little checking of its goods.
The sliver lining may be a lot of cheap stocks in the market to buy at a bargain. I also would expect some really good travel deals coming soon.
Rub a Dub
so i have an eye out for a couple of the more nefarious jw books from the past.
i look on ebay etsy and others.
i see that the older books are selling for a good price.
I have to create an ebay account.
I probably have a dozen large boxes of books from relatives of mine that have deceased. I was just never sure what to do with them. Maybe it was worth it for me to keep them.
Rub a Dub
it turns out the lds church has about $38b in stocks and mutual funds from major companies such as apple, microsoft, amazon, walmart and others.
they also have numerous dummy corporations to hold assests with a combined value of $32b.
SBF ...
Thank you for saving me time mentioning some of the items you mentioned. If you just google wealthy Mormons, you will see a long list of millionaires and even billionaires (Romney, Huntsman, etc.).
Yes, Mormons encourage education, careers and of course, the 10% tithe on ones earnings.
Rub a Dub
(referred to below: watchtower bible and tract society presidents: russell, rutherford, knorr, franz )did you know that from 1879 until 1954 ... ... the writings of c.t.russell, j.f.rutherford, nathan knorr, and the watchtower's own charter... ... agreed ... that jesus christ was to be worshiped?this fact has been cleverly and dramatically hidden by manipulation of older quotations.
______________________________________________________________________pastor charles taze russell answers the question for us.
see below zion’s watch tower 1898 jul 15 p.216“question: the fact that our lord received worship is claimed by some to be an evidence that while on earth he was god the father disguised in a body of flesh and not really a man.
Terry ...
Just answering your question, I don't think most JW's know what happened in 2019, let alone 1954.
It's just the way it is and the way we learn to think, or not think. Just operate on autopilot.
Rub a Dub
will meetings and conventions be canceled?
the ministry?
shepherding calls, get togethers?
From what I have heard, those attending the one day assemblies will be required to have a Clorox enema prior to entering.
There will be a suggested contribution for this loving provision.
Rub a Dub
if the holy spirit is an "active force", how can it be grieved (ephesians 4:30)?.
in other words, according to the jw's, one can make jehovah's "force" sorrowful?
this is an example of how the jw leaders have perverted the gospel in translation, and have put the jw's in a position in which they must perform intellectual gymnastics in order to maintain their false position.
Acer are you aware that there are few if any active JWs here? This is an exJW forum.
cofty ...
I beg to differ. There are many active JW's here, such as myself.
There are many of us who just want to understand and analyze all aspects of our beliefs.
Rub a Dub
we hear how the economy is much healthier now.
are you better off than you were before, or the same or worse?
The point is, 6 years to break even is nothing to cheerlead about....... then you really really have some serious math deficiencies.
just n from bethel ...
You analysis tools seem quite refined but perhaps a few courses in the English language and Political Science may be of help. There is an increasing number of colleges and universities that you can even study on-line.
I'll type slow. Obama was President for EIGHT years,. My comment was based on the market doubling over EIGHT years, not six or three or two and half or whatever you trying to say.
You seem obsessed on why it did so well (i.e. Fed Reserve or other forces).
I'm just saying it doubled. That means, you take the original number and multiply it by 2.
That's all I was saying. I saw what happened to our 401k's and IRA's. We were very pleased.
I will type slower in the future.
Rub a Dub
we hear how the economy is much healthier now.
are you better off than you were before, or the same or worse?
Obama now claims responsibility for everything up to last week, but no longer. Right?
Simon, Simon ...
Come on. Obama is not claiming anything. I was just stating the facts.
Wife and I have been contributing into 401k / IRA for years.
The market doubled under Obama. That is all.
If the Orange Man doubles it, God bless him.
We can then retire sooner with a thicker 401k.
Rub a Dub
we hear how the economy is much healthier now.
are you better off than you were before, or the same or worse?
Since Obama took over in 2009, there has been a bull market which just pumps up our 401k's.
The market doubled under Obama. Great for my wife's and my 401k. Retirement will be nicer.
With the Orange Man, we have to see. If he wants to take so much credit for the rise, he then must take the blame for the fall (actually per Fox News).
Rub a Dub
... or rather listen to the advice on their jw news website:.
show love to others.
while we all know the importance of attending christian meetings and participating in the public ministry, if you are sick, it is best to stay home to avoid infecting others.
It would be interesting to put on plastic gloves when the emblems are passed and see the reaction.
Rub a Dub