Even in my days as a good little dub, I never really understood the whole Memorial thing once the "partakers" we had died off (we had about six when I was a kid).
In the Bible, everyone who Jesus invited partook. He didn't invite people to watch. And he certainly did not invite "people off the street" to come in and watch.
What they now call the "special talk" before/after the actual Memorial could be the Memorial talk for the majority at the normal Sunday or Saturday meeting.
If there are partakers, an elder (substituting for the role of Jesus) goes to the home of the person on the actual night, reads the verses, prays, and the person(s) partakes.
To me, that would be more biblical and far more respectful for the event than what has now become more of a red carpet event when everyone is watching who is wearing what new dress.
Rub a Dub