The horn-blowing part in Cedar Point Ohio was always my favorite part. I want to put Cedar Point on my bucket list before I die. Maybe they have gift shops or something nearby where you can buy souvenir horns and blow them (Note: If you arrive by car and have young children, take the horns away from them during the drive home.)
The rest of the horns blowing got me confused though. If you look at the dates when they blew each other, the fourth one came before the third one or the third before the second or something like that (don't make me look up the details but they were not in chronological order).
So it wasn't like they were in a line where you had first, second, third, etc.
It was more like they were standing side by side and they were being called randomly, sort of like they call people on The Price is Right. It doesn't matter what number you are wearing. They call your number and you blow your horn. I bet after all the blowing going on, they were truly happified.
Rub a Dub