silentbuddha ...
I don't see what that has to do with CONVID-19 related facts but weren't you given your medication this morning and your biscuit to chew on?
Rub a Dub
like the guy or not, i don't know how this guy can talk so much, giving fact after fact and analyze what is going on, not just in new york but across the country.
he's not reading from notes and there are no teleprompters.
he gives about an hour to an hour and a half at press conferences every day and fox news carries it.. i mean, as i am listening, he's saying they moved 802 ventilators from this state to that state, 412 came here to new york .... on and on.
silentbuddha ...
I don't see what that has to do with CONVID-19 related facts but weren't you given your medication this morning and your biscuit to chew on?
Rub a Dub
like the guy or not, i don't know how this guy can talk so much, giving fact after fact and analyze what is going on, not just in new york but across the country.
he's not reading from notes and there are no teleprompters.
he gives about an hour to an hour and a half at press conferences every day and fox news carries it.. i mean, as i am listening, he's saying they moved 802 ventilators from this state to that state, 412 came here to new york .... on and on.
Like the guy or not, I don't know how this guy can talk so much, giving fact after fact and analyze what is going on, not just in New York but across the country. He's not reading from notes and there are no teleprompters. He gives about an hour to an hour and a half at press conferences every day and Fox News carries it.
I mean, as I am listening, he's saying they moved 802 ventilators from this state to that state, 412 came here to New York .... on and on. He's even mentioning specific hospital names. Then he's discussing the number of people in certain hotels that they have changed to hospital units.
Then he's explaining about how they plan moving the resources from one state to another, similar to what they do when hurricanes hit in a certain area. Then he's pissed at some in New York who have been outside and not doing the 6 foot distance thing.
Then he takes most of the questions from the press and when there are specifics, he answers them himself.
I still don't understand how he can keep all of this stuff in his head and have such long press conferences daily and even have non-New York stuff at his fingertips.
I bet he was great in college when it was time to cram for a test!
Rub a Dub
so this elder is super brainwashed, as is his wife.
she actually made a comment that she wished antmo 3 was her dad and that he is so cool.
oh my god, i threw up in my mouth.
In my mind, there are only two real possibilities that would generate this:
1. Truly caring
2. Control
For older ones living alone without a car, if they called and are truly caring and you tell them you feel sick, they could arrange to have you taken to a place to get tested, or to get a visit from a nurse. If you ended up being positive, they could arrange to have food brought and left outside your door. For ones that have a car or family at home, I don't see what a phone call from an elder would really accomplish.
For everyone else, it is just a control issue.
Rub a Dub
one new cutting-edge attempt to deal with the novel coronavirus is to take plasma from those who have had covid-19, recovered, and have the natural antibodies against it, and then put those antibodies in victims who have the virus and need help..
isn't taking plasma one of the the no-nos according to wts doctrine?does anyone see "new light" on the horizon in this matter that would allow the faithful sheep to accept such treatment?.
The only "vaccine" I need (aside my supplements) is controlled tiny exposures to the virus.
The only vaccines I need are from two famous doctors: Dr. Johnny Walker and Dr. Jose Cuervo
Rub a Dub
i am curious can a single jw sister get a breast augmentation?
will the elders disfellowship her?
will jehovah be angry with her or upset?
Personally, I don't understand why people even tell others. I guess some people just have to talk.
I had the "boys" snipped a number of years ago. I didn't fell obligated to run around and tell anybody, ask for permission, go to the elders, or anything else. It was nobody's business.
I don't understand, what can anybody say if they don't know?
Just don't dress at the KH with anything tight and I don't see how it would be an issue.
Rub a Dub
today’s watchtower article was the ultimate cya.
for friggin’ decades all we heard was that as armageddon gets nearer and nearer, the number of the ‘great crowd’ will increase and the number of the “little flock” will decrease!
in fact, it was one of the proofs that the end was near!.
The short and simple answer to this is similar to the board game Monopoly where you have "Get Out of Jail Free" cards.
With the GB, they have stacks of "Noo Light" cards that they can play whenever needed.
Rub a Dub
i recall when it was released ,that's when i was a drone, how excited i felt at the prospect of reading it and formulating ways to sell it at the homes in my area.. i thought, finally a book to explain the last book in the bible and indeed one that the churches seemed to want to leave alone!.
i sold quite a few probably because of my enthusiasm and can still remember clearly the first day when i went knocking on doors with it ,and it's been decades since.. but over time it lost it's shine and my mind started to question the explanations in it due to the scene of other things being changed in the jw beliefs.. do you remember they flogged that book so many times in the book studies even when it was found to have "newer light " eclipsing it!.
who else remembers the printed pages with the official corrections to insert into the book ,so many that the book collapsed to be of no relevance anymore really.....what an embarrassment!.
The horn-blowing part in Cedar Point Ohio was always my favorite part. I want to put Cedar Point on my bucket list before I die. Maybe they have gift shops or something nearby where you can buy souvenir horns and blow them (Note: If you arrive by car and have young children, take the horns away from them during the drive home.)
The rest of the horns blowing got me confused though. If you look at the dates when they blew each other, the fourth one came before the third one or the third before the second or something like that (don't make me look up the details but they were not in chronological order).
So it wasn't like they were in a line where you had first, second, third, etc.
It was more like they were standing side by side and they were being called randomly, sort of like they call people on The Price is Right. It doesn't matter what number you are wearing. They call your number and you blow your horn. I bet after all the blowing going on, they were truly happified.
Rub a Dub
let me think of a few advantages to having mexico do more manufacturing for us:.
- low cost labor .
- just drive around or jump over the wall to see family and friends.
you will have to shop there [Walmart] --just don't shop there to save a few pennies on junk ...
WTW ...
Unfortunately, we are given fewer options each day in the hope of buying something non-Chinese. Try to but any small appliance, a toaster, a blender, an electric grill, a fryer or just about anything else. Try to get one made in the US, Canada or any country in Europe. If you can find one, let us know, it is that bad.
Even the flag-waving American Tool Brand Craftsman has moved most of its production to Asia. Growing up, my father would never think of buying any brand other than Craftsman, even other US-made brands. Craftsman was the gold standard. No more.
People have just become used to cheap disposable items. You don't get anything "fixed" anymore, you just buy a new one. You want a toaster, you pay 15 or 20 dollars or even less. Not 40 or 50 for the same item if made here in the US or Europe, if they even existed.
Growing up, we had a shop in town that repaired small appliances. A motor burns out on a blender, an element in a toaster stops working or something similar and you take it to the store, leave it and a week later you return and they have fixed it. Do you think that kind of store could exist today?
Last year, I was having a problem with my trimmer for my lawn. It was a gas model from Home Depot (made in China) and was getting very hard to start. I called the local dealer who does small engine repair (lawn equipment, riding mowers, etc.) and he said bring it in. Then he mentioned that there was a minimum $50 charge. I stopped right there and said thank you. Figuring I paid about $100 for the trimmer, why would I pay $50 plus parts to get it fixed and still have a used trimmer? Guess what? I paid a bit more but just bought a cordless electric one instead. It simply costs too much to get things repaired when we get addicted to cheap crap.
I don't see this changing anytime soon, just hopefully "cheap" stuff will come from Mexico instead.
Rub a Dub
i recall when it was released ,that's when i was a drone, how excited i felt at the prospect of reading it and formulating ways to sell it at the homes in my area.. i thought, finally a book to explain the last book in the bible and indeed one that the churches seemed to want to leave alone!.
i sold quite a few probably because of my enthusiasm and can still remember clearly the first day when i went knocking on doors with it ,and it's been decades since.. but over time it lost it's shine and my mind started to question the explanations in it due to the scene of other things being changed in the jw beliefs.. do you remember they flogged that book so many times in the book studies even when it was found to have "newer light " eclipsing it!.
who else remembers the printed pages with the official corrections to insert into the book ,so many that the book collapsed to be of no relevance anymore really.....what an embarrassment!.
If you were born in the early 1980’s, you would have studied that book twice as a JW child.
Yes, I remember it well.
If you were born in the 50's or 60's, you would have studied the predecessor of the Revelation book, Babylon the Great Has Fallen, God's Kingdom Rules.
I think we did that thing 4 times if I recall. I don't know how I sat for an hour as a kid. When they announced it at the Service Meeting, you could see the peoples' eyes open and give a forced smile like they were discretely trying to pass a small fart but realized it wasn't really a fart.
Rub a Dub
let me think of a few advantages to having mexico do more manufacturing for us:.
- low cost labor .
- just drive around or jump over the wall to see family and friends.
Let me think of a few advantages to having Mexico do more manufacturing for us:
- Low cost labor
- Just drive around or jump over the wall to see family and friends.
- Invite a friend over and he will mow your lawn while he's there.
- A language that many Americans already speak.
- Tacos, tamales, tortillas, tequila and a lot of other stuff that begins with the letter T.
- The transfer of evil diseases? Well, you drink the water and get the shits for a day or so. Then you're pretty well protected for a few of years.
We long for the good old days.
Rub a Dub