when the powers-that-be were telling people a month earlier that masks did nothing, shouldn't be worn and shouldn't be purchased ... fuck them and their stupid laws ....They have no right to make such rules or to take people's money in such an economically uncertain time.
Simon ....
C'mon man.
I don't understand when you say, and I quote, " They have no right to make such rules" ... YES THEY DO.
People choose to live in a place, vote (possibly) and put a government into place. Every year, millions of people move to other countries. I could have moved to Canada or Brazil many years ago in my job, but chose to stay here in the US. I weighed all the options and stayed here.
Do I like everything, absolutely not. But if I choose to live in this country, I can't really say that they don't have the right to make decisions. It is a choice people make. If people don't like choices, then a move to North Korea or other totalitarian regimes may be an option. If people don't like where they live, then I say "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out." People should find somewhere better. I personally think about someday retiring in Costa Rica. Seems like a very nice place for us. I don't know.
But saying the government doesn't have the right to do what it wants to do when people vote to have representatives in authority to make these decisions makes no sense to me.
You ask for it, you got it. Vote, don't vote, whatever. There are many countries that would welcome our USD/CND money.
Rub a Dub (ver 2.1 beta)