According to CBS:
Anony Mous ...
I wouldn't believe a word of it coming from CBS and the liberal outlets. Next you'll be getting your news from MSNBC.
Wait until it comes from Fox News.
it just seems rather odd to me that supposedly a million people had tickets or wanted tickets and yet the upper deck of the arena was half empty (or less) and they cancelled the outdoor overflow thing.
just a bit strange based from what was reported the day before.. i wonder if it was no-shows or being overly optimistic..
According to CBS:
Anony Mous ...
I wouldn't believe a word of it coming from CBS and the liberal outlets. Next you'll be getting your news from MSNBC.
Wait until it comes from Fox News.
it just seems rather odd to me that supposedly a million people had tickets or wanted tickets and yet the upper deck of the arena was half empty (or less) and they cancelled the outdoor overflow thing.
just a bit strange based from what was reported the day before.. i wonder if it was no-shows or being overly optimistic..
Still way, way more [people] than anything Biden and the dems can muster
That is true. It is just the magnitude of difference that was the issue here. If the Dems claimed that 10,000 were registered for a Biden event and 1% (100) showed up, Biden would be considered a laughing stock to many.
My point was comparing apples to apples. Then somehow the Chinese influence on the Dems got involved. I thought maybe then the Dems and Chinese were conspiring to register for the Tulsa event. No negative racial component in any way was intended. Those are some of the most common Chinese last names.
it just seems rather odd to me that supposedly a million people had tickets or wanted tickets and yet the upper deck of the arena was half empty (or less) and they cancelled the outdoor overflow thing.
just a bit strange based from what was reported the day before.. i wonder if it was no-shows or being overly optimistic..
Apparently, the democrats welcome Chinese election interference.
Simon ...
That is true.
But the Republicans should have been smarter and not bragging about the number registered until first looking at the names on the registrant list.
It should have thrown up a red flag when you see that 990,000 of the 1,000,000 registered for the Tulsa event had last names of Chen, Liu, Zhao, Zhoi, Wang, Wu and Wong.
we have to get rid of these racist relics.
i propose that we destroy all these bottles of syrups and burn every pancake box !
we need to get rid of anything that reminds us of anything negative concerning slavery.. in boston they decapitated the head of christopher columbus and got rid of his statue.
Maybe Aunt Jemima will be white. I dunno.
Min ...
I doubt white. Perhaps a native-American transvestite with one leg.
Then they can check off more of the boxes when filling out the Employment Equal Opportunity forms to be politically correct.
it just seems rather odd to me that supposedly a million people had tickets or wanted tickets and yet the upper deck of the arena was half empty (or less) and they cancelled the outdoor overflow thing.
just a bit strange based from what was reported the day before.. i wonder if it was no-shows or being overly optimistic..
But it makes people feel better to live in fantasy land
Min ...
You're old enough to remember when they would ask a little boy what he wanted to be when he grew up, and the boy would answer "President." At the time it was more of a role model but obviously a utopian view of the office.
Times change. People today don't care. You get what you vote for.
I guess the other Presidents that I can remember in my life were, perhaps other then Clinton, at least "Presidential." I can't imagine Bush the Elder, Bush the Younger, Obama or even Reagan acting like that in public.
As the expression goes, be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
it just seems rather odd to me that supposedly a million people had tickets or wanted tickets and yet the upper deck of the arena was half empty (or less) and they cancelled the outdoor overflow thing.
just a bit strange based from what was reported the day before.. i wonder if it was no-shows or being overly optimistic..
Rub, Presidents never have been known to speak this way.
Min ...
I've read that behind the scenes, Nixon was extremely foul-mouthed.
I guess it is just how you present yourself to the public.
it just seems rather odd to me that supposedly a million people had tickets or wanted tickets and yet the upper deck of the arena was half empty (or less) and they cancelled the outdoor overflow thing.
just a bit strange based from what was reported the day before.. i wonder if it was no-shows or being overly optimistic..
Maybe people with children decided not to attend.
I just heard part of it but he was calling some people a son-of-a-bitch among other very presidential words.
it just seems rather odd to me that supposedly a million people had tickets or wanted tickets and yet the upper deck of the arena was half empty (or less) and they cancelled the outdoor overflow thing.
just a bit strange based from what was reported the day before.. i wonder if it was no-shows or being overly optimistic..
It just seems rather odd to me that supposedly a million people had tickets or wanted tickets and yet the upper deck of the arena was half empty (or less) and they cancelled the outdoor overflow thing. Just a bit strange based from what was reported the day before.
I wonder if it was no-shows or being overly optimistic.
a new fox poll says biden is up by 12 percentage points.
of course, most other polls say trump will be trounced this time around.. do you think the polls might be right this time?
There is definitely a pee tape
Min / On the Way ...
You guys keep talking about "pee tape."
I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I first thought about yellow-colored duct tape. Then I realized that it may refer to the bed that the women peed on where Obama slept in.
Is that correct?
ravi zacharias just passed away the other day.
this is his defense on jesus being the truth..
I just pulled a copy of the blue "Truth" book from my bookshelf that I got signed from the District Assembly when it was released at our Pautucket Rhode Island assembly. It was a happifying event.