I'm having a Black Elderly Lives Matter T-shirt printed. If I get in the mood, I will put it on and walk around one of the nursing homes in downtown Miami.
If the cops come, I will start screaming or else take my shirt off and set it on fire.
i believe a light has to be shown on the elderly, forget blm.
sure, blacks are being mistreated by law enforcement at times, but there are hundreds of millions of people on a daily basis having no regard for the elderly by not wearing masks in the middle of a pandemic.
they believe the elderly have to be casualties for the economy and getting normalcy back.
I'm having a Black Elderly Lives Matter T-shirt printed. If I get in the mood, I will put it on and walk around one of the nursing homes in downtown Miami.
If the cops come, I will start screaming or else take my shirt off and set it on fire.
it seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
the running mate should be one of those wooden Indian statues commonly sitting outside of old country stores
@MeanMrMustard .....
Interesting, now that I think about it. It would be an interesting VP debate if they are having one this year.
A wooden Indian statue vs. a department store mannequin.
After the debate, the moving company just picks them both up and carries them to the truck.
it seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
Why does the US only give us candidates that half one foot in the grave already? Sheesh.
@Bourne ....
I feel the same. Two guys with combined ages of 150 years.
It's sad when you elect a President of the Free World who has to wear diapers and starts every sentence, "When I was a boy....." or brag about how fortunate they were to have indoor plumbing when growing up or something.
Sad. Very sad.
it seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
Rub you really should stop stating misinformation like disinfects and light bulbs.
Min ......
The UV light into your body was just a bit weird. Maybe you just glow in the dark or something.
But the president of Lysol (or whatever the parent company is) immediately made a public statement about not using disinfectants to kill the virus inside your body. Dr. Trump at his best.
That is a fact, not my opinion.
it seems like the only possibilities are women of color.
no whites need apply.. maybe he will change his mind and ask hillary clinton?
If Biden refuses a debate with Trump, that just indicates the man is mentally "gone".
@D o C ....
If I were one of Biden's handlers, I would make up whatever excuses not to debate. When you have the lead in most polls and Trump just keeps talking stupid, let him talk.
As I noted the words of Mark Twain earlier, "it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to talk and remove all doubt."
I would tell Biden to stay in his basement and let Trump talk about curing COVID-19 by ingesting disinfectants or swallowing UV light bulbs.
When you're in a fight and the other guy just keeps punching himself in the face why get involved?
look at the new york post online today and watch the videos of mayhem and destruction to the city with fires all over manhattan.
the police vehicles are being destroyed and torched and the rioting just goes on and on.. i regularly went to nyc sometimes once a month for years.
now, who on earth would want to go to this hellhole??.
As I mentioned on another thread, our presidential choice appears to be between Beevis and Butthead.
I'm just spending some quality time trying to determine which is which.
i believe a light has to be shown on the elderly, forget blm.
sure, blacks are being mistreated by law enforcement at times, but there are hundreds of millions of people on a daily basis having no regard for the elderly by not wearing masks in the middle of a pandemic.
they believe the elderly have to be casualties for the economy and getting normalcy back.
I think Black Elderly Lives Matter.
and this isn't a cult?
just saw my wife put on her name tag for the zoom assembly.... what the what?
i thought these things werent even live.
Is there anything creepy or wrong about wearing your team's Jersey when watching a game on TV at home? Is there anything creepy wrong with employees wearing uniforms while in a video conference call?
I agree. It gives people some sense of self, that they are part of the group. It's a great way to get that warm feeling that you are part of a club, company, religion, whatever. Remember, for a lot of people this is their only real contact with others since everyone else is a part of the "world." They need it. They look forward to it and then later can feel a sense of satisfaction.
It is more of a self-help thing than anything else and then they can mentally masturbate on the loving provisions.
one thing we were always taught in the past is how we should sit down and pray (kneel) to jehoober whenever we were at an event where they played the national anthem.
we had to actively disrespect the flag and anthem and be no part of the world, because we were our own country with jesus as king.. given kneeling/sitting for the national anthem is now the favorite pastime of the far-left and if you do so, you get associated with democrats, how do jehovah's witnesses now 'become no part of this world' when they have to disrespect the flag?.
I NEVER, NEVER, understood the thing with the national anthem.
You are allowed to stand up in a courtroom to show "respect" for a judge when he/she enters the courtroom as is the custom, but you were not supposed to stand up and show respect for the country when the anthem is played.
I never considered it "worshiping" anyone or anything but just being respectful. But it made it very difficult on occasions in school.
someone has stepped forward to assist us.
that sure didn't take very long!.
2020-august-s-147-e announcements and reminders, in english and in german.. .
Thank the loving provider of food at the proper time. Yes, please send.