Hey blackout! Glad you're here. What are you up to today? I have a party with the dreaded family. Ugh.
just feeling a little insecure and unnoticed and like an omega in this pond of slime (no offense) and lonely and having had a few chardonnays, unreserved.. yes people i need some attention!!!!
Hey blackout! Glad you're here. What are you up to today? I have a party with the dreaded family. Ugh.
Just remember what I said to the JW who took me to my first memorial...she asked how I liked it and I told her, "It's the only glass of wine I've ever passed up."
if you were to ask a loyal jw :.
which is worse to be disfellowshipped for repeated fornication (and no remorse) or to be disfellowshipped for having an opposing view from the gb such as not beleiving in the blood issue?.
this is pure speculation but i would think that the jw would say the later because your basically an apostate for not beleiving all that the borg says.
Where as the other person is simply out violating gods principles.
For my own part, I can guarantee you that smoking was not the real reason I was disfellowshipped. Not at all. I could have stopped smoking. I did try. I had stopped smoking years before to get baptized, so I knew it was possible. I am still trying to sort out the reasons, 8 years later. I must have had reservations subconsciously, about being a Witness. But I never allowed my nebulous doubts to morph into anything concrete. Too scary. Question the WTS? ( Well, beyond my sarcastic, semi- scathing denunciations done when I was in one of my alter-pesonalities or moods or manic or whatever my current doctor wants to call it?)
I couldn't do it. It was unthinkable. So I smoked my way out.
An (ostensibly) unrepentant fornicator may subconsciously be looking for a way out, then getting scared, going back to the KH, then getting scared of being back in, getting disfellowshipped again, etc. etc. Sorry, I am so ineloquent tonight. I can't even spell. What's wrong with me? AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!
I think you know what I mean. I used to say that I was disfellowshipped not for smoking, but for not loving Jehovah enough. Now, to be sure, I don't love Jehovah enough. But I am beginning to think the real reason was that I had my doubts.....
to the elders?
I remember bitching one time (one time? Try all the time) to an elder about the lack of love in the congregation. He said, "This is a spiritual paradise". I said, "Yeah? Well there's trouble in paradise".
Then another time, I was bitching about the elders to an elder. The elder said, "Elders are gifts in men". I said, "Well, I'd like to exchange a few of my gifts".
as a jw, we were always told that god was blessing us, because we were doing his will.
jw's saw god's hand everywhere in our lives.
if we had good news, a good job, good health, it was because god was blessing us.
Now that you don't belong to the JW's anymore, do you feel less blessed?
Well, not blessed, but when ever anything good happens, I do thank Jehovah in prayer. For what it's worth. I don't know. I don't want to be ungrateful, that's for sure.
I remember sisters, when they found a good deal at a thrift store, saying Jehovah found the item for them. I remember thinking, "Jehovah is not a bargain hunter".
as a jw, we were always told that god was blessing us, because we were doing his will.
jw's saw god's hand everywhere in our lives.
if we had good news, a good job, good health, it was because god was blessing us.
Now that you don't belong to the JW's anymore, do you feel less blessed?
Well, not blessed, but when ever anything good happens, I do thank Jehovah in prayer. For what it's worth. I don't know. I don't want to be ungrateful, that's for sure.
I remember sisters, when they found a good deal at a thrift store, saying Jehovah found the item for them. I remember thinking, "Jehovah is not a bargain hunter".
dixie chicks, playing a concert over seas, announced that they were embarrassed that our president is from texas.. why don't they keep their dumb ass comments to themselves?
why do many of these entertainers think we give a sh*t what they think???.
play your music, act, entertain us, but keep your yappers shut about politics!
The Dixie Chicks trashed an American President overseas, which, in my opinion should not have happened.I'm more than happy to trash him anywhere to anyone. And I am grateful that I have that freedom, a freedom which many feel that same president would love to see me lose.
so many times in the jw, i saw couples getting married.
but what struck me so often was the difference in age between the man and wife.
often the man was 15-25 years older than the woman.
I was 15 years older than my second husband. I mistook his tremendous intelligence for maturity. It was an honest mistake. And I loved him.
I told him that I felt it was wrong to marry. He said he loved me and wanted to marry me. The age difference would not matter.
In this case, it did.
Everyone is different. I would hate to make generalizations. Some of these relationships work; some do not.
PS He was not a JW
' you will usually get the following safe response:.
"it's not for us to judge who will be saved.
jehovah reads hearts and he will decide who is worthy of salvation.".
I couldn't help myself...I started to cry. It just got me so frustrated. So I told him, "You know I was raised in a faith, that told me we were the only ones who would be saved, and I remember being five years old and bursting into tears because I knew all my little friends in school, and my grandparents were going to die and not be with me, because only my family and those who believed like us would be saved. Don't you realize how damaging that kind of thinking is?"
It's worse than damaging.
You know, one day the JW woman who was studying with me was looking at the Bible Stories book with my 6 year old daughter, and she was pointing to the picture of the people dying in the flood. My daughter took one look at it and said, "That is so sad. All those people are dying! That is terrible!"
The woman told me later, "You know, none of my children ever saw it that way. They never expressed any concern for the ones dying in the flood".
I think way too many Witnesses are just perversely thrilled with the belief that they will survive while billions of others will be slaughtered. I absolutely hated the district conventions when they would have those pathetically ridiculous drramas, and the audience would applaud thunderously when the "bad" people bit the dust. It was sick, sick, sick.