OnTheWayOut ... you are right in saying that everyone has the right to know the TATT but I was just trying to say from my (and many of us here) experience, that most witnesses will not accept what we've got to say, nor appreciate our good intents. And as a consequence, they have committed themselves to a particular path, on which they will travel until their death or that of the Society.
But don't you guys get blown away by the story behind the Matrix and the position we find our selves in ... and I'm sure there must have been a time or two when we've all wished for a second to be re-plugged in become blissfully ignorant once more.
However we are not ignorant and we cant unlearn what we know. And as a result we have become more like the Greek princess Cassandra, who was given the power to truthfully prophecy the future ... but cursed by the fact no-one would listen. As a result, she was seen as a liar, a madwoman and ultimately imprisoned by her family and countrymen. Tragically she went insane because despite her best efforts to warn of an approaching disaster, people never paid heed and sadly suffered as a result of doing so.
And perhaps the lesson here is that we should be a little pragmatic and realize the risks in trying to save people who by and large, do not want to be. All the while, taking care of our own mental heath so that we can fight (or rather help) another day.
no zombie