I dont know why this is so hard for some of you to think of. Jehovah could have killed Satan that very day Satan got Eve and Adam to eat the fruit. He didnt though because Satan challenged his father and Almighty God Jehovah. Satan said he could get humans to worship him instead of Jehovah. I believe Jehovah let Satan stay alive to test us humans. I think he didnt destroy humankind after Adam and Eve sinned because he had faith in the humans that he created. He is testing us even today and seeing who is doing what is right and following him and who is following Satan. In the end Satan will be destroyed along with everyone that follows him and the people who have passed Jehovahs test will get to live in a good world. As for that guy who was killed by Jehovah for touching the tabernacle. Well lets just say if the Almighty most powerful person in all the universe tells you not to touch something, DONT TOUCH IT!!!!
JoinedPosts by SGame
Hurled to the Earth - Why?!?
by Mister 8iggs inbasically, this is my take on it.
this isn't intended to start a flame war between believer's and non-believer's of god.. god creates angels.
god creates man.
So the children would not feel left out???
by pincushion inthis has to do with halloween...now personally i think halloween should be cancelled all together and that a whole other topic, so here is my comment and question.... while i was with the dubs...halloween was approaching, of course we know halloween is frowned upon in the organization to the point when halloween approaches talks are given to extent and that is perfectly fine.
however the alberta congregation i was involved with, every halloween, on, before or after the 31'st, depending what saturday it suited the majority..they would hold a candy hunt for the children.
i asked one of the sisters why they did this, as they frowned upon the occassion, yet promoted it in a small sense through their candy hunt.
I for one think your congregation was a little messed up. They must not have been very strong in the JW religion. I mean so what if the children felt a little left out on one of the most demonic holidays ever. I could see if it was a little game they were playing during the summer or something but to do it close to Halloween is almost just like celebrating it.
Help me SAVE my family
by hamptonite21 inin 1989 i was in my freshman year of high school.
i became interested in the girl who was a jw.
basically you can tell what happen from here.
wow you guys really attacked me! Well you guys bring up some good points but i am not the best of people to argue with because i really dont know what some JWs said to other board members. I can say though that you people got it a little wrong. JWs dont tell you what to do. They tell you what is the right thing to do but the decision is yours. They dont try to dictate your life. They tell you what the bible says is the right thing to do and again you have the choice. I mean come on do you think that you can do whatever you want to do and still be in good favor with God? Its kind of late here so my brain is fried and i cant really think of what im trying to say. I am not trying to start a battle with any of you. I just saw all these anti JWs peeps and i decided to give this person another point of view from someone who is almost just like him. Anywayz thanx for welcoming me peoples and im sure we will debate again sometime. :)
Help me SAVE my family
by hamptonite21 inin 1989 i was in my freshman year of high school.
i became interested in the girl who was a jw.
basically you can tell what happen from here.
First i would like to say that i am sorry about your mother. It must of been hard on you. Second i would like to say that you are a little confused. You can not save your family, you can only harm them by trying to get them to leave Jehovah. You were a witness and I know deep down you know the truth. So what you got a taste of the world but Satan is the ruler of this world. Look around and you will see this. Also please dont listen to most of the people on this board. They think that Jehovahs witnesses are a cult. Why? Because the witnesses do what the bible tells them to do and these other people dont like to be told what to do. It makes me sick really. Im not even a baptized witness but I know what they say is true. It says so right in the Bible. I mean come on, your mother saw that it was the truth before she died and how do you think she would feel now knowing that you are trying to get your family out of it. Also what if she is brought back in paradise and she sees that none of her family is there because you turned them back to Satans world? You should let your Aunt and cousins be because i think they are happy.