Plus their little letter to Hitler.
when a debate arises between a witness and a non-witness, "neutrality" is often used as the trump card, a final.
argument that can't be overcome: "we're the only group that is neutral in worldly affairs", they say.. but are jehovah's witnesses really neutral?.
consider that witnesses will teach the following:.
Plus their little letter to Hitler.
the 'dubs' came by today just as the wife and i were on the way out.
we chatted a few moments and the two guys wanted to know if i had any questions about the bible.
so i asked them to drop by in a day or two and they left me with two thin magazines and a book they jokingly referred to as "the gold nugget.".
Cold Steel,
Great post for lurkers still 'in.'
"albert" was 55 years old, and the fifth-born of seven children.
i am the second oldest and babysat him often while he was growing up --- and while i was still at home.. yesterday, albert was out taking his usual morning stroll around his small town, when he collapsed on the sidewalk.
the doctors said it was a heart attack.
I am sorry for your loss. You were so fortunate to have had a loving brother.
some strange things are happening.. 1. wife started smoking.
2. wife agreed that the whole "clean up after armageddon while growing to perfection" thing is all speculation.. 3. as i was going to the meeting tonight (i had a part and kids are sick so she stayed in) she says "do you have to go?"..
4. when i got home she says " i wanna go out and party..... hmmmmmm.
Yes, your wife may be feeling a little giddy at first, I know I did. Just support her. How wonderful she may leave the org.
So funny!!!
lurkers, debaters, haters, lovers, the lost, the found, and the misplaced.
it's been a while, and i wanted to pop in.
the point isn't to agree.
Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing. I hope you post more.
many friends i've spoken with are becoming discouraged.
because of this it's becoming tempting to privately share my views with friends, but i know this is still too dangerous.
most witnesses in my circle are intelligent free thinkers.
Thanks for sharing your observations on JW morale. It is fascinting stuff for someone like me who has 'escaped.'
well ive missed my 5th meeting in a row..decided to watch football/soccer instead.
wife has also missed 4 in a row...still havent discussed ttatt
Well done!
tell us a little about yourself and your family.. i grew up on a small island south of england.
my parents moved there from mainland uk and left their families behind.
as noone else in the family is a jw and lived in different countries i don't know any of them that well.
What a beautiful person.
so if you read thru my previous posts from years ago u can see a little background of my life.
to do a quick summary i was df'd at 19, got into the party lifestyle which included party drugs and lots of alcohol.
at 24 i decided to step bacdk and really try to get my life in order.
It's all in the name: deservingone. Yes, you are, but not for feelings of guilt. You deserve a happy life. All the advice so far has been heart-felt. Please consider what the other posters have written and know we all care for you. Being brought up as a JW confuses and disjoints. Being yourself is impossible until you leave, and then you have to work out who that hidden self is!