Well, I am sure that I see someting that not many others seem to see.
I see a man with his hand on the doorknob, ready to leave, telling us we need to trust him, all is okay.
Sit, relax, take a nap, it's all good.
Hand on the doorknob.
Well, I am sure that I see someting that not many others seem to see.
I see a man with his hand on the doorknob, ready to leave, telling us we need to trust him, all is okay.
Sit, relax, take a nap, it's all good.
Hand on the doorknob.
Speculations ...yes. However, a police detective begins with specualtion. And ends with prosecution.
Well, thanks for that rational response.
I was actually hoping that there was at least ONE of US in there to give a report. Even better, somebody close to the action who might be provoked to respond.
Regarding this thread, I was hoping that along the way, some person might say "well, I don't think there's a cement wall erected behind the curtain ...etc blah blah"
No, I don't suppose that the GB got the masons out to erect a concrete wall with an actual blast door in it. (I wouldn't be surprised to hear they thought of it though)
However, I don't believe for a minute that it was an accident that the podium was not 6-12 inches further out. The g-boobs look crammed in there with the curtain riding up their suit jacket.
I see the CO and DO working the stage at the conventions and everything has to be 'just so', to the inch. Sound brothers are even told to go out and align the microphone cables all perpendicular like, no S shaped cords on the floor thankyou.
Nothing is left to chance. And that is just a stupid DC or CA.
So, the podium was exactly where it was because that is exactly where the g-boobs wanted it. (I imagine there was a committe of 4 elders appointed just to make sure of it)
My whole point was, the GB member only had to take one step back, and he was gone. Out of sight. Just the first hint of trouble and ONE STEP BACKWARDS. Poof. No GB member. Like Houdini.
From there he could exit the area quite rapidly without being seen. It would be hard for a shooter to get a second chance. Maybe even impossible for a shooter to get a first chance, given that (I would believe) there are cameras watching the audience carefully.
I would take it one step further and say I'm fairly sure there would be a few brothers, the bigger the better, at the ready behind the curtain able to provide whatever "support" was called for. (Even at the DC there are plenty of 'guards' distributed around the paltform)
If these governing bubbleheads really believed the tripe they are spewing, then they could stand out there in the breeze, confident that 'Jehovah' would protect the most important men on Earth. Surely, next to Christ Himself, the most important men to have ever walked the Earth. The 8 men who will rule the Universe!
One step back. The substitute for 'divine protection'.
I am going to call these guys the OSBT. The "One-Step-Back Team". If the shoe fits.
By the way Apognophos, did you manage to get to the Stanley? You sound like you were there.
Sorry, that was "Apognophos" post.
Slimfatboy says " Oh my God, this topic is stupid beyond belief. I hope it dies as soon as possible to avoid making the community look bad to lurking JWs."
Yes, I am sure the governing body is preparing a part to discuss the quality content of JWD, and whether or not those putting up ideas are "stupid"
I would like to ask this person how many years they toiled for watchtower... and do they look back on those wasted years and feel "stupid"...?
Cofty says..." How did a photograph of the backstage with no wall become "proof" of a "reinforced wall, blast doors and a get-away car"?"
Interesting. How did cofty come to the conclusion that "a photograph of the backstage with no wall become "proof"..."
I didn't say that. I read up the board and I didn't see anyone else suggest that. What's cofty saying?
Prologus say: " WT travelling sound/echo professionals have done an excellent job of making difficult, long standing sound propositions really sound. good, even for the seniors."
THANKS .... it feels good to have recognition.
However, you suggest that a few FADS members being killed would be a good idea from their perspective. Somehow, I don't think they share the view that a few of them being knocked off would be welcome. How would they choose which one of them should die so that the position of the others would become stronger? I suppose they could use the tried and true method of selecting straws. But I feel strongly that the one who got the short straw would somehow feel that he.... well, got "the short straw".
I remember back when the first suggestion came out that the Watchtower joined the United Nations. I wish I could post all the negative comments about that from Hourglass2.
The mere idea that it could have happend was derided to no end.
I did not join that group. I was open-minded, and had enough imagination that it could have happend.
I took it one step farther. I called the UN and spoke to Paul Hoeffel at length and persuaded him to produce the document that is shown in Crisis of Conscience, having scanned the original and emailed it to Ray myself. I went further and worked with my associate to gather all the evidence to prove it. Evidence you all take for granted today.
Today, everyone is like.. "Ya man, of course, we knew that",
...but before we got the proof ... well those of us who had immagination ...'we wore tinfoil hats'.
Now, how about evidence.
Click the link and see how deep the stage is at the Stanley. Look at the podium. Now go watch the video and explain why the g-boob is practically at the front with the curtain pulled up behind him.
My whole point is, the curtain should not be there. What's behind the curtain Mr OZ...?