The governing body are so scared... so very, very scared. (see video)
by apocalypse 43 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Can you see it? Can you tell how frightened these men are?
Ok. Let me point out what you may not have noticed when watching the video.
The stage at the Stanley Theatre is quite large, and deep. Yet the GB boobs are standing with their backs to the curtain. Literally AGAINST the curtain. The podium has been placed so that the GB boob has to squeeze in behind the podium, in front of the curtain. So much room up there and he has to squeeze in.
And why is that curtain there in the middle of such a deep platform? With as much space is available on that stage, they put a curtain up right there.
I wonder what's on the other side of that curtain. Wait... I bet I know.
A quick exit.
On the other side of that curtain is a fortified wall with an open blast door. There are two large brothers just through that open door, standing at the ready. At any moment they can reach through the opening and hoist the governing boob to safety, slam the bullet-proof blast door shut and spirit him quickly to an awaiting vehicle in an undisclosed location.
And NEVER, NEVER, NEVER would the g-boobs all be on the stage together. All in one place. Ah... what a target.
And think of who they are afraid of. Every goody-2-shoes JW in that audience was identified. Faithful dubs who could be trusted.
And yet, the g-boobs shiver.
yea good catch! I often wondered if they feared for their lives, since they are the ones ruining thousands of families, that perhaps they might push one to the edge who seeks to get revenge on them.
You have an over-active imagination.
The podium is set as far back as possible to avoid feedback.
If that's the case, why at circuit assemblies are they generally 1/2 way to all the way at the end of the stage? My whole life at assemblies the podium was never so far back they were touching the back.
(however I doubt there is a blast door, etc, behind it lol)
The acoustics of every hall and the placement of speakers are different. The best location for the podium can only be assessed by sound checks. The further back the better if there are speakers set up in front of the stage.
There is plenty to accuse the GB of without daft stories about blast doors and escape vehicles FFS
apocalypse -
Thankfully there was no attempt to physically harm these demi-gods. It would only make them icons and they would be replaced quickly from the bench waiting in the wings.
It would be the biggest boost to the to the rank and file since the last earthquake killing tens of thousands.
cofty says "You have an over-active imagination. The podium is set as far back as possible to avoid feedback."
First, the podium is not "set back as far as possible". Over 85% of the stage is behind the curtain. The g-boobs are standing in the front 15%. And your notion about feedback shows that you know nothing about sound. I have worked in that department in sound for almost half a century. I have original documents from the branch office from 1972 on the rules for how things ought to be set up. (I was much younger then) And I have qualifications in the area.
And I will thank you to NOT discuss that which you know nothing of. You just display your ignorance.
I too worked on sound for many years. If they moved the podium further forward there would be a greater risk of feedback. This is basic.
Over 85% of the stage is behind the curtain.
Would it not be odd if they hid the podium behind the curtain?
On the other side of that curtain is a fortified wall with an open blast door.
So you are saying they built a fortified wall and blast door right across the stage? Wow
Isn't it funny the way people who promote conspiracies get angry and personal when somebody proposes a more mundane scenario?