Thanks for the responses. Remember though, that the the very first letter, the one that is now in CofC is what Hawkaw and I worked on. It is snail mail, a hardcopy.
The letter that went up on the UN website was the upgrade. It was prepared later and for electronic dissemination. It was even more specific and was a rebuttal to Watchtower's lies.
Watchtower said that they never agreed to the Criteria of Association for NGO's and of course the reason for that denial is plain, namely they would have had to agree in writing to the "principals and ideals" of the UN Charter. (hawkaw's work getting this, he is a bright fella having recognized this fact)
So, Watchtower lied to the UN, claiming to agree to the principals and all that, but of course we all know Watchtower. Then they lied to all of us about the formal agreeing to the Criteria of Assoc.
Paul Hoeffel asked that the first letter be disseminated to all who needed the confirmation, and of course we spread it wherever we could on the interent. But you all out there kept on calling the UN unrelentingly, the demands for specifics being more detailed after some had written the Watchtower for a comment and recieved Watchtower lies.
So the continued phone calls to the UN created a need for the more detailed document right on the UN website. For that I give a big high5 to everyone out there who participated. (a one, the another one, then one one one one one)
Just recently, I uploaded for dissemination, the correspondence emails that were ongoing between Stephen Bates (writer for The Guardian) and 'Brother' Gillies (Watchtower mouth) as I was in contact with Mr Bates during the big blowup. Mr Bates gladly provided me the correspondence. It is now on jwfacts along with my personal comments of the time.
To the Watchtower claim that watchtower was glad to have had this matter "brought to their attention", one has but to read the emails flying back and forth to understand the "veracity" of watchotwer statements. (I thank jwfacts for putting it up on their site.)
I am feeling that one CAN make a difference. If one can, then do we need a big organization to go head to head with Watchtower? Call it whatever, but do we need one? If not a "need", then 'is there room' for one? Is it necessarily a bad thing?
I personally believe that one must have love in their heart as a motivator for any of this work. And if that, then humility must play a part.
I don't think it's enough to bulldoze Watchtower. Not that I wouldn't like to see bulldozers levelling the Watchtower. If I would see that, I would say "yep, that's about right". (smile)
But I feel that any effort, if many would want to become involved together as a unit, this would have to be because we LOVE people, and JWs are people. I am still attending meetings, where I have to. I fake service. I am even serving the congregation if you can imagine it. (take that watchtower)
Yes, after all these years. Why, because I am helping to hold family together. And while I am in Watchtower camp, I try to help people out. And I have helped some. I have one young 'brother' presently who has asked about the "UN thing" and he want's to see the letter.
He must know a fair bit. I am not sure all of what he knows, but when I said to him that "certain relationships were cultivated that should never have been cultivated", he came right back with "you mean the UN thing"?? and I asked "you know about that"?? So I begain my work, hoping to help him and promised to keep it between us as his "wife doesn't know"... Sound all too familiar?
Why am I helping him? Well, I love him, and anyone else who wants to better understand. To possibly be free.
Whatever is done, let's try to keep love out front. Is a name starting with "anti" going to be the best we can do?