I don't post very often, but today, I just have to. I am feeling a bit out of sorts & I need to bounce this off the board.
Do some of you remember the coming out of the UN scandal back when?
Have you seen the letter from the UN in C of C?
I am sitting here with that original letter in my hand.
The day before the date on this letter, I had heard about the watchtower involvement on HOURGLASS2. Till this day I still do not know who it was that first posted about it and I'd like to meet him/her.
I called the UN the next day around 3:30PM. I spoke at length to Paul Hoeffel and I pleaded, I mean pleaded, with him to produce a letter defining watchtower's involvement. I believed, I still do, that one person can make a difference.
Paul agreed to do it and faxed it before dropping it in the mailbox. It was faxed to the Ministry of Environment, Kingston ON Canada. The first appearance of this letter in Ray Franz's book Crisis of Conscience was not the original, but the fax.
After seeing the fax in C of C I called Ray and asked if he'd rather have a scan of the original. He said yes, so I sent it and that is what appears there now. (Ray was a superman, the best there could be)
Now, I couldn't risk having the UN send that to me. Today would be a different story, but those days, fear was huge. My significant other was not "out" like today. It would have been chaos for me.
So, my good friend, who went by the name Hawkaw here on the forum, and who works for the Ministry of the Environment, consented to receive it. In fact, he also called Paul Hoeffel to make sure that that letter would be coming.
In time, my good freind sent me the original which I have till now. He feels his work is done and you don't see him here anymore. He has gone on with life. Thankyou to him.
My dilemma. Even though I lived all this, Ray put the thing in his book, and I am sitting here with the original in the date stamped post marked envelope, one in my group feels strongly that one person cannot make a difference. Not much of one anyway.
I have been told that I have "gone off the deep end" with my thinking.
Why this comes about... All this chatter about anti watchtower activists has caused some controversy amoung my group and I expressed myself in one place. It has caused me some distress.
Now, I will be the first to say that I feel that the anti wt people are doing it wrong. Just my opinion mind you. Seems others share that opinion.
I might even call Barb Anderson and express such and hope she doesn't go the aaw route. I hope she doesn't hate me.
Was my effort with the UN so meaningless? Did it not matter. Does it not count? Can one make a difference?