I started this thread because of one thing. The fact that they do not have any room for fractions.
Now there's a lot of other stuff to talk about with regard to this new card, and I am glad to see that many picked up on it. That said, I was particularly peeved that there is no mention of fractions and no place to write it down.
A while back, I had a brother, who was serving alongside me, and his wife sit at my dinner table. Blood was brought up and I said something to the effect of "the Society is encouraging us to use blood products". Brother hard-line took it like you would expect. He went straight to the body and called me out.
So, I got hauled in before two elders and had to answer for what was said. One elder, whom I have known a long time and had no trouble working with, sat without a word. The other was a Society man to the core, but I backed him down hard. I recorded the entire meeting.
Nothing came of it. However, the point is, the WTS is encouraging the use of fractions galore and I say this because this new document goes past even what they have done prior to this. The new document assumes that you take all fractions except the specific things mentioned on the card.
The section where you can write things down is for "other medical conditions", not for your acceptance or denial of some fractions.
The WTS WANTS YOU TO TAKE EVERYTHING to limit the deaths.