Posts by fjtoth
Ray Franz pics
by izobcenec inhello...we are currently translating crisis of conscience into slovenian language.... i would like to introduce ray franz to our readers and i would need few pics of him.... they are few on the net (freeminds, beacon) but mostly low quality...can anyone scan.
thanx in advance!.
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
The following translations read similar to the NWT:
- "through the death of his own Son." (Today's English Version)
- "with the blood of his own Son." (Contemporary English Version)
- "with the blood of his own Son." (New Revised Standard Version)
- "with the blood of his own Son." (Revised Standard Version)
- "with the blood of His own Son." (The Holy Bible in Modern English, by F. Fenton)
- "with the blood of his own Son." (The New Jerusalem Bible)
- "with the death of his own Son." (New Century Version)
Matthew 12:31, 32 states a difference in the consequences for blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and against the Son. Biblical unitarians believe the Holy Spirit is God's power and influence, and hence an extension of God the Father. That would explain why blasphemy against the Spirit is more serious.
As for putting God "in a box," I think he's done that himself. Jesus said regarding the Jews who did not believe in a triune God, "We worship what we KNOW." (John 4:22) He said in prayer to God, whom he knew better than anyone else did, "This is eternal life, that they may KNOW you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." (John 17:3) So, it seems quite possible that God can be known, and that it's worth the struggle to get to know him better.
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
Edited by - fjtoth on 6 December 2002 8:11:18
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
Your statement contains some irony:
I think if Jesus showed up in this Thread, He would grab an Electronic Whip and Drive us all away!
It was good of you to include yourself. However, why the condemnation of everybody? What is ironic is that you cited Jesus' use of a whip. Doesn't that show that he too got forceful when dealing with persons who rejected the Scriptures in favor of tradition?
There's nothing wrong in exposing error and and those who teach it for what they are, namely, false teachers. Either one side is right and the other is wrong in this discussion, or both sides are wrong. Both sides seem to have the Scriptures on their side, though I think it's becoming more and more apparent which side is following them and which side is twisting and contorting them. The side that uses the Bible improperly ought to be exposed and ridiculed!
Bible truth has endured corruption for centuries. Jesus warned that there would be false prophets and false teachers. False doctrines like Purgatory took hold upon the church as the Dark Ages began to creep over Europe. Truth seekers have been diligent to expose these, even in many cases at the expense of their lives. But some confusion continues to linger as the simple truths of the Bible sparkle ever brighter. The question still remains, for example, about the Trinity, whether it is a Christian or pagan doctrine. Strenuous efforts still need to be made to show that scriptural statements are clear in themselves and don't need the interpretations of imperfect men.
Meanwhile, whether Trinitarian or non-Trinitarian, we have the special privilege of a personal walk with the Master, to be faithful unto death. Only then do we have the hope of a crown of life divine, including immortality. Only then will we have the honor of reigning with Christ in glory. Only then will we be honored to assist our master in delivering the whole world out of bondage, and into faith, until "the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea." (Revelation 2:10; 20:6; Isaiah 11:9) Whether our belief is that Jesus is God or the Son of God, we speak the truth when we say "Hallelujah, What a Savior!"
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
While some will consider this discussion unnecessary, I think it's interesting how many in this forum have shown an interest in it. Despite its comparative short life span, it's had nearly 3,500 visits! Is it just for the cartoons?
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
Edited by - fjtoth on 4 December 2002 16:40:12
Calling All Bethelites & Former
by somebody ini have an inquiring mind.. .
are there pictures of charles t. russell and/or da judge rutherford hanging up at the wtbs?.
are their any pictures of jesus christ hanging up at the wbts?.
Thanks for the memory. I remember that picture of the Areopagus too. The WTS does have some excellent artists. Many of those paintings and murals were much more impressive than what appeared in the literature, although it would be hard to find publications with so many beautiful Bible scenes. It's just too bad the Society accepts only some of the Scriptures and that it gives a false interpretation to many other portions.
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
Thanks for your kind words.
Yes, it turns out that the verses in Jewish Bibles are numbered differently than in the regular translations. It goes like this:
- Isaiah 8:23 in Jewish Bibles = Isaiah 9:1 in regular Bibles.
- Isaiah 9:1-20 in Jewish Bibles = Isaiah 9:2-21 in regular Bibles.
So, in Jewish Bibles, this sentence appears in verse 6: "The zeal of the L ORD of hosts will perform this." Here the Tetragrammaton is rendered "L ORD ," and it is a reference to the Lord God who makes it possible for the Messiah of verse 5 to be called "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace."
I hope this is the information you were looking for.
Edited by - fjtoth on 1 December 2002 14:11:34
I Would Like To Learn Series #3
by IslandWoman inthis is the third in a limited series of questions i have for those who know the bible and may have an answer for me.
i will not make further comment on any posts to this thread.
my only intent is to understand what those who study the bible believe and to encourage discussion between them.. .
You asked,
Never heard that about Eve being named after the fall. How is that calculated?
The answer is in Genesis 3:17-20:
"To Adam he said, 'Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, "You must not eat of it," Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life. It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.' Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living."
Did you hear why Eve got upset with Adam? He stayed out late for a few nights. Eve said, "You're running around with other women." But Adam told her "You're being unreasonable. You know you're the only woman on earth." Well, they argued and argued and finally Adam fell asleep, only to be awakened by someone poking him the chest. It was Eve. Adam asked her "What do you think you're doing?" She said, "Counting your ribs."
The Trinity
by meadow77 intop reasons the wts is lying about the trinity.
their translation of john 1:1 is not only a complete farce but falls apart upon closer examination of their own beliefs.
the insertion of the phrase a god, instead of god is just a clear misinterpretation.
Another question that puzzles me concerns their phrase "eternally begotten." To be begotten means to be procreated or sparked into life. That signifies a beginning. So the person who is begotten could not have existed eternally in the past. There came a time when he was begotten, when the first spec of his existence showed a flicker of life. So, to be eternally begotten would require never reaching the point of birth as a full person. Each time the begettal took place it would soon be repeated and then repeated and repeated ad infinitum.