priscilla and aquila, a first-century christian married couple, observed apollos giving a speech at a synagogue in the city of ephesus.
they know that the bulk of those baptized are children of current jws and that anywhere from 50 to 80 percent of them leave or are df?d/da?d within 5 years.. focus on people.
(2 timothy 2:15) (s) evidently (buzzword), they were serious students of the scriptures.
I actually hated the Public Talk the worst. I usually played anagrams with the big words in the WT.
Why, oh WHY, didn't I think of something like that? Instead, I sometimes tho't I was going to lose my vision from forcing my eyes to stay open, or that my brain was going to go completely dead! I'd rather dig ditches for an hour with pick and shovel than sit through the mindless drudgery of listening to a public talk at a KH, and I would have dug for an entire weekend to get out of attending some of those repeatedly boring circuit and district assemblies.
he was telling me his new book will be published in about a year.
it is called" jehovah's witnesses & the third reich" by university of toronto press.he was telling me there is some very new revealing material in it that will prove how rutherford & the german bransh tried to ingratiate themselves with the nazis in the summer & early fall of 1933.. he told me this privatly .i did ask if i can repeat it, he said of course.
I was a kid who practically worshipped Rutherford. Our first "home Bible study" was in his "Children" book, and that's where I learned to frown on any JWs who decided to get married "before Armageddon." I collected all his speeches on 78 rpm phonograph records and played them over and over. When I was a teen, I sometimes played them in the ministry school library after the meetings so that those present could swoon as I did at hearing his dynamic pronouncements against practically everything and everybody in the world, especially those related to the "Nazi-Fascist-Catholic" conspiracy that was out to take over the world.
It was only after I went to Bethel and became a friend of some old-timers that I heard that he was often mean-spirited and arbitrary, that he used vulgar language, and that he probably had a problem with alcohol. I also learned that his wife was living separate from him in California and that his son was not a JW. When my wife and I were assigned as special pioneers in Wisconsin, we found ourselves in the same town where Olin Moyle was living. He was a legal counsel for Rutherford who had been thrown out of Bethel in a high-handed manner. A few folks in town enlightened me that Moyle was dealt with most unfairly. They viewed the WTS as anything but Christian.
I better stop here. My blood starts to boil when I think about how the organization of which Rutherford was the actual founder lied to me and misled me throughout most of my life.
One of the biggest factors that led me out of JWs was the discovery of how Rutherford tried to cozy up to Hitler, even agreeing with and commending him for his goals against America, Britain and the Jews.
"God began calling the dry land Earth, but the bringing together of the waters he called Seas. Further, God saw that it was good. . .
. . . to be owned and inhabited someday in the future by only the members of the Watchtower Society and those who devote a great deal of time to knocking on doors to spread the Watchtower message."
he was telling me his new book will be published in about a year.
it is called" jehovah's witnesses & the third reich" by university of toronto press.he was telling me there is some very new revealing material in it that will prove how rutherford & the german bransh tried to ingratiate themselves with the nazis in the summer & early fall of 1933.. he told me this privatly .i did ask if i can repeat it, he said of course.
he was telling me his new book will be published in about a year.
it is called" jehovah's witnesses & the third reich" by university of toronto press.he was telling me there is some very new revealing material in it that will prove how rutherford & the german bransh tried to ingratiate themselves with the nazis in the summer & early fall of 1933.. he told me this privatly .i did ask if i can repeat it, he said of course.
i think the people who said's that they are going to heaven is the ones who are so upset that when they lose a love one or see death, they just put aside and say in their heart that armageddon is not coming, a new earth is not coming, therefore im going or we "must" go to heaven.. i dont agree with the jw on everything(some things they say dont make no damn sense), but one thing they taught me is that god's cares for his footstool.
in the bible it said's: the earth was creator for a purpose and this purpose was not made in vain, the earth has a purpose, behold the earth is the home of humans.
the bible is full of evidence that the god will not get rid of the earth and a new holy city(which is a new heaven and a new earth) is coming.
in 1915 in the united states,a pilgrim,or traveling elder,named john a. gillespie signed songs to the small deaf audience attending a convention of the international bible students,as jehovah's witnesses were then there are over 1,200 congregations and groups of deaf publishers and interested ones around the are these being spiritually fed?.
at present,bible study aids are available in 18 sign languages,and the number continues to grow.those who use american sign language ( asl ) received a special treat in september 2002.starting that month,watchtower study articles became available on video as a monthly edition.this provision is helping deaf people in ways that others might easily take for granted.. consider:most witnesses who are not deaf can quote a variety of scriptures from memory.this because they hear or read exactly the same words each time.deaf publishers,though,do not always enjoy such consistent renderings.why not?because the bible is not available in asl,and those handling parts at congregation meetings do not always sign scripture text in precisely the same way.but this began to change with the introduction of asl video publications.and now ,with watchtower articles also available on video,deaf audiences can enjoy a consistent rendering of bible passages.. additionally,asl congregations and groups no longer have to assign interpreters as readers for the watchtower hearing congregations,an assigned reader might spend an extra hour or so preparing his watchtower so that he can read well.but in a congregation of deaf publishers,those scheduled to sign an article would often spend many hours in, that valuable time can be used in other spiritual do the brothers and sisters feel about this new provision?.
a group of deaf publishers in the state of rhode island,u.s.a.,wrote:"we were overcome with joy when it was announced that we would have the watchtower on fact,some of our publishers were moved to tears.
And according to some churches, JW's are taking their few deaf members away.
That statement is absurd! Many churches are doing marvelous work in behalf of their deaf members. There are several church society's that provide a large number of videotapes and other resources for deaf Christians worldwide. Some church organizations provide magazines specifically for their deaf members, and they arrange conferences for them annually and even more often. By comparison, JWs are doing hardly anything. Instead of gaining deaf members from other churches, JWs often lose deaf members as deaf JWs find genuine friendships in cultural organizations for the deaf that have been established and supported mainly by various Christian denominations.
You not only misquote the words of the Messiah, you greatly misunderstand what he meant when he told us to love our enemies. You completely ignore how he condemned the scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy. You're the type of person who would condemn Jesus today rather than those whom he condemned.
You also fail to see that God and Christ have commissioned the governments of the world to maintain law and order and to punish evildoers. Likely you never read the Bible to any extent in order to notice. Still, you feel qualified to be a public instructor of others who know far more than you do about life and about the Scriptures.
In my experience, the only 22 year olds that I have known who are tattooed, own 2 cars, an apartment, and 2 houses, and call people "sucka" are generally drug dealers or pimps.
After reading U2K's last post, I'm more convinced than ever.