This thread reminds me of how the Watchtower Society plays God.
If you have pre-marital sex before you became a JW, no discipline is administered by the organization. You have to face the music only if you do it after becoming an associate and especially after baptism as a JW.
The same applies to divorce on "unscriptural" grounds, and to re-marriage. You're free to become a JW. All is forgiven, no questions asked. The Society speaks for God. Just don't get caught doing such things AFTER you become a JW!
A former thief doesn't have to make restitution for all the things he stole even if he professed to being a Christian before his baptism as a JW. The WT Society has "authority from God" to say a former Baptist, Pentecostal or other person who underwent immersion in a non-JW religion is free and clear. It would be "nice" if he paid everything back, but he doesn't need to. He's totally forgiven -- God (the WT Society) has spoken. Only if he steals after becoming a JW or an associate does he have to pay for his crimes--before God (the WT Society and its "elders").