Those images reminded me of the recurring nightmares i had when i was a teenager, at the time i could never understand the fear i woke up with but i think definitely related to the jw armageddon teachings.
no scanner but need to illustrate your point?
try google images, then select jehovah's witnesses: .
edited by - blondie on 30 january 2003 14:9:4.
Those images reminded me of the recurring nightmares i had when i was a teenager, at the time i could never understand the fear i woke up with but i think definitely related to the jw armageddon teachings.
i don't miss being spoken to like i was someones best friend when i know they wouldn't pee on me if i was on fire.. i don't miss always standing on my own and having no one come and talk to me.. i don't miss having people talk around me about the great time they had at the latest sport/barbecue/dinner get-together which i wasn't invited to because i'm not spiritual enough.. i don't miss not having friends in the truth or out of the truth because i shouldn't mix with wordly people.. i don't miss being so bored for all those hours a week.. i don't miss all the false smiles people give me when i look at them at the hall and the way they look away when i walk past them at the shopping center.. .................. anyone got anymore?
I don't miss being spoken to like i was someones best friend when i know they wouldn't pee on me if i was on fire.
I don't miss always standing on my own and having no one come and talk to me.
I don't miss having people talk around me about the great time they had at the latest sport/barbecue/dinner get-together which i wasn't invited to because i'm not spiritual enough.
I don't miss not having friends in the truth or out of the truth because i shouldn't mix with wordly people.
I don't miss being SO bored for all those hours a week.
I don't miss all the false smiles people give me when i look at them at the hall and the way they look away when i walk past them at the shopping center.
.................. Anyone got anymore?
obviously the williams sisters who are so prominent in the tennis at the moment, michael jackson is he or isn't he, i heard prince or whatever he calls himself now was studying.
Obviously the Williams sisters who are so prominent in the tennis at the moment, michael jackson is he or isn't he, I heard Prince or whatever he calls himself now was studying.
Anyone else?
the active jw's watching tv tonight will be surprised when they see themselves in the spotlight.
how do you think the average jw will react when watching the program?
will they think that it's all lies, or do you think they will believe a good part of it?
Any main points for those of us overseas?
Thanks, Kwiji.
i would like to hear some of the strangest or most ridiculous thing you got in trouble with the elders for.
here is mine.. back in the early 70's i was married at the age of 18, typical witness thing to do.
my husband who was 6 years older than i ruled me like a overly strict father.
My wife doesn't show it to much but the kids ask me awkward questions every now and again - like: do you want to die at armageddon? It is so hard to explain to a child but i hope they can see that there is an alternative to being a follower and decide for themselves later.
I noticed a few posts from other parts of the forum that some jws are staying in for their families and i think thats what i was doing for quite some time if not always but when you make a break it is hard to put yourself back in the situation you were really not liking to much but didn't fully realize why.
i would like to hear some of the strangest or most ridiculous thing you got in trouble with the elders for.
here is mine.. back in the early 70's i was married at the age of 18, typical witness thing to do.
my husband who was 6 years older than i ruled me like a overly strict father.
I decided to leave over a very long time. I think i just felt like a square peg in a round hole. I was brought up as a witness - dad was an elder, and i think i just kept going. Till one day my wife, who is fairly ill most of the time, recieved the worlds biggest tearing down (counseling) from another sister and said she wasn't going anymore and i agreed with her and said i wasn't going anymore. Problem was that my wife decided to continue going.
I think i realized that i wasn't really a witness a few years back - seeing my oldest daughter trying at the door and almost being in tears from embarassment really hurt and i heard a saying which really struck me: Just because you go to church doesn't make you a christian. I think that applies to at least 3/4 of the people that go to the meetings and i don't want to be a hypocrite anymore. The people who rock up once a year to the memorial really get my goat i mean why would you bother? (It has always struck me as and odd out of place ceremonial thing anyway)
Since leaving i have noticed how much guilt i was carrying around with me and feel completely free and easy nowadays.
i wonder if any of you who are now da or just faded have consciously or subconsciously done what i seem to be doing lately.
that is, cutting ties with people.
i don't mean cutting ties with people who are obviously abusers, etc.
I have been out for over a year now but my wife is still in and i have found my anger was quite hard to keep down for quite a while, mostly against workmates or kept internal. I have always been quite easy going but i guess that was my meek and mild christian spirit.
Lately i feel i have been settling back down probably because it has taken that much time to cut ties with the few people i still see and the elder that insists on visiting me and just happening to always bring another brother along. But i have been able to be non comittal and have said each time that i want to be left alone but they seem to not get the message.
I think you just have to get over being timid and obediant and finally just say what you think.
F&%k em. I want to decide what i want for a change.
ok guys, .
i know you know what i'm talking about.. what was the funniest comment you heard from the audience during a study where the brother or sister used their comment as as platform to counsel the elders..
I heard of an old brother who made a comment during a watchtower study on sex and marriage that young people shouldn't eat cake because the sugar content makes you masturbate.....
It was a running joke for years anytime someone was eating cake - you know what that makes you do, nudge nudge.
hey everyone,
i took this test..... .
jung typology test .
Your Type is ISFJ |
Introverted | Sensing | Feeling | Judging |
Strength of the preferences % | |||
67 | 44 | 22 | 22 |
You are:
i would like to hear some of the strangest or most ridiculous thing you got in trouble with the elders for.
here is mine.. back in the early 70's i was married at the age of 18, typical witness thing to do.
my husband who was 6 years older than i ruled me like a overly strict father.
I was called into the "doom room" for sitting next to my to-be wife (although we didn't really know it at the time) at the meeting.
We had been getting to know one another among a group of friends and had innocently become good friends. I guess the PO just gave us a big shove in the right direction but i was so embarassed because we really hadn't thought that far ahead and hadn't thought about where it was leading to.
The other elder was a good friend of mine and he was more embarassed than i was. I think the PO in our cong used to like to make things up as he went along when it came to issues within the cong.
I have just signed up to the forum but have been lurking for a month and am amazed at how alike us lost ones are.
Anyway Hi everyone......