I get on and check for new posts in the morning while eating breakfast and end up getting to work late.........
i found this site a few days ago.
it has been the greatest therapy.
for the first time in twenty years, i have just been given the opprutunity to "let it all out" and answer to every issue i ever had with these folks.
I get on and check for new posts in the morning while eating breakfast and end up getting to work late.........
the majority of people who become jehovah's witnesses, really have no idea what they've gotten themselves into.
did you truly understand those baptismal vows that you made?
I was baptized in my mid 20's - was the son of an elder and thought i better get on with it.
I do remember having porno videos in my car when i was at an elders house for my study when i was progressing towards baptism - maybe that should have been a sign that my heart really wasn't in it.
i have been considering religion and god recently... and to some extent the jws religion.. i was in a video games shop the other day, looking for a few good games for my xbox console.... i found myself thinking "would god look favourably upon me if i brought this game".... the game in question was 'mortal kombat' (one of the more violent games).
this is one of the main reasons i did not purchase it.. i think i have succumb to jw logic.... is this the right way to be thinking?.
ahhhh..... wtt
I feel the same way when confronted with demonic themes or images in games and movies. I don't really worry about whether god would approve but it just turns me off. A legacy of jw upbringing for sure.
i myself was raised in the "truth" til i was df'd at the age of 21. i have often wondered that if i were allowed to grow up just as every other child did in the u.s. would i have been interested in looking at the organization and taking interest?
do any of you think and wonder the same thing?
I often thought about that while i was still going. I came to the conclusion that there was no way i would have ever let the jws into my life because i am and i think always have totally non religious. I mean i feel like i haven't got a spiritual bone in my body.
1. having to sit through 3 of them a week, year after year after year.. 2. talking to the same old faces after every meeting, year after year after year.. 3. tolerating nerdy speakers, often with irritating speech and nasal habits.
many over-emphasing and spending an excessive amount of time on some pet insignificant point and glossing over main points.. 4. quietly fuming at speakers going over time on the service meeting when one is tired and cranky and dying to get home.. 5. cold, draughty kingdom halls with the crudest and cheapest heating and airconditioning installed, if any at all.. 6. attendants (beagles) who go opening up all the windows at half time, or sooner, when it's chilly outside and everyone was just starting to feel comfortable.. 7. feeling guilty cause i never bothered to stay behind to vacuum, dust, or clean the bog when it was our bookstudy's turn.. 8. screaming brats, babies, and fidgety obnoxious kids who squirm, move, whinge, and kick my chair through the entire meeting.. 9. people constancy whispering and talking to each other thru the meeting.. 10. twerps who habitually turn up 10 minutes late every meeting and insist on sitting up the front.. 11. being bored witless with watchtower studies on some dull, dry, doctrinal subject, or some touchy feely, lovey-dovey, emotional subject.
counting the paragraphs to see how much torture remains before escaping back home.
I used to REALLY hate the COs visit because the prick would come and rearrange all the meeting times - swap the tuesday and thursday meetings over and make the sunday morning one in the afternoon. I always liked the mornings because you could get it over and done with and have the rest of the day to your self.
our hall has 3 sections of seating, we always sat in the left section all the way in the back if possible heh.
it's funny: it seemed like all the foreign people, immigrants, etc, sat on the right side, all the "goody goods" sat in the middle, and all of the um "shady" people... all the people i would think would become defectors sat on the left.
I have done the front row / platform mic attendant thing and the front row suck / just because i like the front row thing but i thought the very back row doing the sound system was the best, as long as i didn't fall asleep and miss the song.
Last year before the fade i also liked the comfy chairs in the KH foyer very much also......... Now i think the chair in front of my computer seems to have my ass imprinted into it permanently like homers spot on the couch.
today had been a bad day, i realy dont know why, it just has been.
and before i get into this i have to say im on a bit of a bender tonight.
i find myself wondering alot about "what if's"... you know "what if" i had or hadn't done this or that, .
Hey Not Interested, you must have been feeling as blue as me this morning. I was sitting at work staring out the window wondering what my life could have been without JW interference. I just feel i've done nothing with my life so far. As a whole the people i talk to seem to have 10 times more life experience than us poor dub kids. My 2 cents anyway. This afternoon has been a bit cheerier for me.
What would you like to have done if the 'what if' had not happened? I think i would have liked to join the air force and travel.....
hey guys,.
with all the talk lately about micheal jackson, i wanted talk about prince.. a few months ago, hung out with prince.
i was also planning on going to a public talk meeting with him, but i got into town too late.
Being a REAL witness is going to the meetings and no one talks to you because youre not in any of the cliques, you feel completely invisible and continue to have no friends in the world but you still go to the meetings to learn all about how loving the jehovahs organization is. Completely on your own.
these guys are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
if there is a war, you get the impression it is going to be very, very short.
the choice for iraq's rag-tag army: be killed by the us or by saddam .
In the gulf war part 1 the american troops used bulldozers to fill the trenches in on top of the iraqi troops. Thousands died without being able to let off any shots. I think it will be worse this time.
i am also on the yahoo exitfundyism board and it is amazing how many times the posts mirror each other between here and there.
i thot this might be relevant in light of current events, so i am copying the posts from this thread to share here.
the answer makes a very good point that i think we can all appreciate and i never quite thought of in that way before.
Jw teaching has at least taught me that there is nothing after this life. (Very bad move there Jw's) So i don't really give a rats ass what happens to me. If it is going to come - BRING IT ON. I plan to find me a gun and blow my head clean off. Only as a last resort mind you. Paradise shmaradise - i couldn't live with more of that mind numbing crap for the next 100.000 years - i would go completely stark raving mad.