Hi Nathan,
I never saw the article. I met an ex jw that told me what happen to her, Re readin my post pasted here I need to correct she was DF'ed not DA'ed. Also she is an EX JW not an EX JE yikes my typing is very bad. lol
I met an EX JE that was DA'ed for telling a sister that the man she was dating was convicted in Sacramento CA for child molestation about ten years’s prior.
She use to live in the same city and had cut the article out of the paper because this man was a JW. His first wife divorced him & he went to prison. When he got out he moved to a smaller town & got reinstated.
How do you find old news paper articles? My JW's JW sister molested my daughter. She went to jail, but I was so upset at the time and never read the papers.