I'm a 24yr old non-witness who has been dating a 23yr old witness. We met through a mutual friend. When I met him I thought he was sweet and kind and the kind of guy I could see myself with for the rest of my life. We have spent everyday together for a month and a half. He asked me to marry him and I said yes. I was looking forward to spending my life with him. Now things have changed and I"m not sure what to do. He didn't tell me he was a witness until three weeks into the relationship. I don't know much about it other than what little he has told me. I thought okay this is not going to be a big deal. Wrong!!! At first he asked me to try after many hours long conversations that usually ended up with me crying. I thought I can try because I love him. So everything was fine. He has met and been around my family and they all know about our engagement. He however waited until after he proposed to me to tell his parents that I even exsisted. Then when I went to meet them his mother grilled me for a half hour while he sat in the other room and let her do it. She politley told me to get away from him. I told him this and asked if he wanted me to leave him alone and he said "No." So I was feeling a little bit better. He has been telling everyone..non family...that we are getting married and they all ask if he is crazy or if I am pregnant which he takes major offense to...even if they are just joking. I told him not to worry about it but he does. A few days ago he told me that he was thinking of leaving being a witness because he has not been doing what he is suppose to be doing for two months and no one has bothered to ask where he has been until recently. I hate to say it but I was somewhat relieved because there has been a huge unbearable pressure on me from him and his friends/family to become a witness. Then yesterday he told me that I had to become a witness or he could no longer love me. I told him I said I would try and I also asked him that if I did try and thought it wasnt for me but it was great for him would he be okay with it and he said yes. Now he says no. Even if I do try and think it's not for me there is no possible way he can love me. I asked him why. Just because he is with me does not mean he can't believe anymore and he said he couldn't do that. He would have to give up everything to be with me and he can't do that. I don't know what I'm suppose to do. I thought if you loved someone you loved them no matter what. I am really confused right now and really need some advice!!
Posts by CW02
I Need Help Please!!!
by CW02 ini'm a 24yr old non-witness who has been dating a 23yr old witness.
we met through a mutual friend.
when i met him i thought he was sweet and kind and the kind of guy i could see myself with for the rest of my life.