Welcome Quester55.............all sounds so familiar. Rule number 1: NEVER LISTEN TO JW WOMEN ON ADVICE ABOUT SEX AND MARRIAGE. From my own personal experience the ones who want to give the advice are the ones who need help themselves. When i became a jw i was a single mother with 3 little kids in my early 30s. The sister i studied with at the time i was pregnant with my 3rd and found out my husband was cheating (non-jw).......told me the night i found out about his cheating, that now was going to be difficult for me because it was a sin to masturbate! Hello! i was pregnant, sobbing, just lost my husband and she's talking to me about masturbating!!!!!thanks for the advice. This sister was married but as i found out over the years, was totally frustrated. She always gave the soon-to-be-married sister the sex talk and always answered up when there were sex and marriage studies or parts. She was also the most jealous woman i've known. She implied that i was a sex maniac, in the org. to find a man. i was a flirt and 'hold onto your husbands' because apparently i wanted all of them. in time (7 yrs of celibacy)i married a brother and we have been happily married 12yrs. we both left the wts several years ago and haven't looked back. actually, some of the sisters who had so much to say are now separated or divorced. You know what you need......go for it. Don't rely on unhappy women to tell you on what you need to be happy! Cheers, Bliss (-:
JW Women
by Quester55 inwhy are there so many old women in jw world who are so down on men?
my divorce will be finalized next month, it hurt me, but it was and is an unfortunate circumstance of life.
but among the jw women it was assumed that i was happy my marriage had ended so now i would have more time for meetings and field service.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses LOVE their enemies?
by Terry injesus' message differs from every other religious leader of his day in that he encouraged his followers to love their enemy.. are jw's encouraged to love their enemies?.
they aren't allowed to even pray for disfellowshipped former brethern although they are stray sheep.
you'll recall jesus said that a fine shepherd would even leave the 99 sheep to go after and return with the "stray".. how do jw's love their enemies?.
I don't think jws love their enemies, they have to act like they do so they can please jehovah and be saved. Actually, i have never met a bigger bunch of judgemental people in my life. How can they love their enemies when they don't love their spiritual bros and sisters?............i had never heard so much bitching, back-biting, judging, condemning and criticizing as i did in the jw congregation. i was on the receiving end of much of it and all because i was slim, single and friendly. so much jealousy drives a lot of jws. Love bombing is the trick they use to make people believe they are god's people but once baptised and still wet behind the ears..............look out. My answer to your question is...............NO!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers, Bliss
JW Sex Offender found in Kingdom Hall bathroom...
by mavie inhttp://www.stuff.co.nz/stuff/dominionpost/4588516a6000.html
'I am also curious why the parents of this child allowed him to go to the bathroom by himself with a known child molester attending meeting. Perhaps the congregation was not notified of what was going on????' From my own personal experience the only people who would know about a pedophile, convicted or not, are only the elders........and even then, like in our case, only two elders knew about the guy that abused our child. We were told specifically not to tell anyone else, even other elders. The only time another elder was informed was when the two original elders decided to trump up some charges against me, got 2 witnesses to tell lies and got the weakest OTHER elder in the congo to sit in on my JC case, a 'yes' man elder. For all I know the pedo may have abused other kids in our congo (god knows he was always around them, playing with them etc.) or previous ones. Fact is my df'ing was in actual fact to shut me up. It happened a year after the incident and the elders had to protect the pedo's family because people started to perceive something was wrong and the offender was under pressure. In the news article case my opinion is the elder who went into the toilet knew something (official or not) about the offender, noticed him missing, found him in the toilet and reported him. It probably went to legal because the authorities had warned the elders (who assured them he would be monitored) that if it happened again in their realm they would be held accountable. With our case the sexual abuse detectives went to the elders and told them they had better inform families and protect the innocent otherwise they would be dragged into the mess. That's why they had me df'ed a year later, they never 'FORGAVE ME' for going to the police and making them become responsible, not for the sexual abuse but for the manner in which the offender was dealt with and protecting others. I'm just glad some other children have been saved from such a horrendous experience (for the moment). Cheers, Bliss
Italy 2 France 0 in Euro 2008 soccer.....
by chrisjoel inyes the great force known as the azzurri...the italians....err..italy.....have sneeked past romania and france .....everybody was shitting on italy but they proved once again that not only is skill on their side but luck as well.. you need luck on your side and italy have it in spades right now..... so when, hopefullly they get past spain, they will meet the dutch who somehow managed to beat them 3 nil..goddam orange men..lol..that will be a game to watch!!!
the azzurri start off a little slow but then rev it up..so go italy..
Italy 2 France 0 in Euro 2008 soccer.....
by chrisjoel inyes the great force known as the azzurri...the italians....err..italy.....have sneeked past romania and france .....everybody was shitting on italy but they proved once again that not only is skill on their side but luck as well.. you need luck on your side and italy have it in spades right now..... so when, hopefullly they get past spain, they will meet the dutch who somehow managed to beat them 3 nil..goddam orange men..lol..that will be a game to watch!!!
the azzurri start off a little slow but then rev it up..so go italy..
Forza Italia..............as an italo-australian i'm pretty happy. winning isn't everything to me but beating t he crap out of france is extremely satisfying. if france wins anything we will all need to speak french, look at the eurovision contest!!!!!!!!, the olympics.........or is it just that the french aren't smart enough to learn another language. Cheers (in humour) Bliss......if anyone is french or francophone learn to laugh! (-:
Australia District Convention Dates
by sass_my_frass ini want to make sure i don't accidentally call mum in the middle of a session.
i also want to know when the rest of the family get their hands on the new book about gods loving rules; eg, before or after my next visit?
there's a reprint of the info re how to treat your disfellowshipped family like shyte in it, it's going to set my family back another five years.
hey come on sass..............tell the truth...............you want to go right!!!???? LOL How you been girlfriend? Let's make a date. Cheers, Bliss (-:
Stats from USA elders meetings - ANON source
by Dogpatch inhi randy.
some stats you may not have.
latest stats from elders meeting [usa].
Hi Dogpatch.............wondering if you could shed some light on numbers leaving the WTS, congregations dissolving, df'ings etc. Cheers, Bliss
An apology from a JW................................
by BLISSISIGNORANCE in...................who was a witness at my judicial comm.
any of you that know me also know i was df'ed because an elder had an outcome in mind, and that was to keep me quiet about a pedophile in the congregation.
he was partly able to do that by using a sister (friend of mine and also another elder's daughter, who was on my jc)by getting her to incorrectly quote me as slandering the pedo's ms brother to her.
It's been great catching up with all you guys.............and thanks for your friendly comments. I'm glad you all got a positive from my post. Cheers to all, Bliss
An apology from a JW................................
by BLISSISIGNORANCE in...................who was a witness at my judicial comm.
any of you that know me also know i was df'ed because an elder had an outcome in mind, and that was to keep me quiet about a pedophile in the congregation.
he was partly able to do that by using a sister (friend of mine and also another elder's daughter, who was on my jc)by getting her to incorrectly quote me as slandering the pedo's ms brother to her.
...................who was a witness at my Judicial Comm. that got me Df'ed. Any of you that know me also know i was df'ed because an elder had an outcome in mind, and that was to keep me quiet about a pedophile in the congregation. He was partly able to do that by using a sister (friend of mine and also another elder's daughter, who was on my jc)by getting her to incorrectly quote me as slandering the pedo's MS brother to her. Complicated i know. 9 years later, and 7 of those i've been inactive, I see the sister at a shopping centre car park. I try to avoid her, she starts a conversation. I am a bit dismissive and disinterested, after all she did lie to protect herself and got me df'ed. She then said, 'i'm really sorry for what happened to you because of me. I got tricked into it and had no idea what the elders really had in mind to do. Anyhow, I'm out too. I have disassociated myself and have nothing to do with any of them.'............Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather! We had a coffee and chatted. I felt happy and satisfied, for her as well as me. Just thought I'ld share. Cheers, Bliss (-:
How did your young children cope when you left?
by boyzone ini have an 8 year old son who's in primary school.
he has to pass 3 sisters and their kids most mornings and they shun me, so therefore they shun him too as he's with me.
he has known these people since birth so he's pretty confused by this.
Hi Boyzone...........haven't met you before, welcome. I'm an oldie on this forum, just haven't been regular here of late. I don't know your circumstances so forgive me if my response is uninformed, I'll just tell you about my kids. We (me, husband, 3 kids and my parents)left the organization late 2002 after seeing a tv show about the number of jw kids sexually abused and how the wts dealt with this matter. For us it was easy to leave as my kid had been abused by a jw and i got disfellowshipped as a way to keep me quiet...........long story, on my post/topic history if you're interested. Leaving was probably the easiest thing my kids did. The one that was sexually abused suffered more emotional upset when I was df'ed and trying to get reinstated (and i did 1 yr later). I guess there was a sense of guilt by the kid, that i went through everything because of the abuse. There was a lot of support from school, teachers, counsellors, friends and this forum. Eventually I got reinstated but left (inactive now) after a year. My kids are fine with leaving. I guess because I always maintained association with some non-jw friends we were able to move into another phase easily. We now celebrate xmas, b/days, mother's/father's day etc. We are non-religious now, and the best thing for me is knowing all my kids can come to me and not be afraid to tell me anything. This doesn't mean they can do whatever they want and i'll think it's fine, no matter what. I will always, however, love them no matter what. They have relationships, go to parties, watch movies and listen to music that still makes my hair curl......LOL...........they do things that most people do. I believe they are decent people deserving respect and love no matter what. Life is about learning and making mistakes........my kids know that, i tell them and accept who they are. The most important thing i found was that for my kids to feel confident and secure about leaving the wts, i had to be all those things. Open, honest communication is a must. Don't be afraid, your kid will be ok, just give it time. Cheers, Bliss (-;