...................who was a witness at my Judicial Comm. that got me Df'ed. Any of you that know me also know i was df'ed because an elder had an outcome in mind, and that was to keep me quiet about a pedophile in the congregation. He was partly able to do that by using a sister (friend of mine and also another elder's daughter, who was on my jc)by getting her to incorrectly quote me as slandering the pedo's MS brother to her. Complicated i know. 9 years later, and 7 of those i've been inactive, I see the sister at a shopping centre car park. I try to avoid her, she starts a conversation. I am a bit dismissive and disinterested, after all she did lie to protect herself and got me df'ed. She then said, 'i'm really sorry for what happened to you because of me. I got tricked into it and had no idea what the elders really had in mind to do. Anyhow, I'm out too. I have disassociated myself and have nothing to do with any of them.'............Well, you could have knocked me over with a feather! We had a coffee and chatted. I felt happy and satisfied, for her as well as me. Just thought I'ld share. Cheers, Bliss (-:
An apology from a JW................................
by BLISSISIGNORANCE 22 Replies latest jw friends
That must have felt good. Few people ever hear an apology of that kind.
changeling :)
g'day bliss,
Good things happen, eh?
Good to hear this.
Cheers, ozzie
P.S. Mrs ozzie's also happy about changing circumstances. Just shows, stick to what you believe and in time truth will out.
It's so nice to hear that two more are out! It was nice of her to apologize to you and actually she did you a great service. Your OUT! Best Wishes!
Thanks for sharing.
Nice...I'm glad you were able to let bygones be bygones. What a twisted system - I don't think that any of them start out that twisted but the more they buy into the system, the more twisted they become.
That's an awsome experience!
I know it's been said already, but...
wow. -
Great story Bliss, and a good reminder. We were all in a mind control cult. We shouldn't hold grudges against anyone. We were just as bad at one time.
Thanks for sharing, Bliss. It shows that giving time and reflection some jws come to their senses.
Love, Blondie