well I had 4 emails and it seemed that the general consensus was that it was an offensive quiz becoz it came from a website that is designed to humiliate Bible believers.
i double dog dare you to take this quiz!.
i got 40 out of 50, but the average score for americans is 15!.
well I had 4 emails and it seemed that the general consensus was that it was an offensive quiz becoz it came from a website that is designed to humiliate Bible believers.
i double dog dare you to take this quiz!.
i got 40 out of 50, but the average score for americans is 15!.
well I meant the link to this for entertainment purposes only---I have already gotten some private email---I did not intend for it to offend anyone('cept maybe the WTBS....)
i double dog dare you to take this quiz!.
i got 40 out of 50, but the average score for americans is 15!.
Hey Ven---when I left JWs...one of the first things I did was take a class on OT from a historical viewpoint---talk about an eye opener! JWs don't have a CLUE what the OT really says or who YHWH really was. It proved beyond a doubt to me that the Bible is an odd conglomeration of 74 books that were written to stand alone, by different men-for different reasons, over a time period of 600 yrs or so.
And Brummie! Hi! I think the test was so black and white because that is how the OT is. In the NT Paul is pretty black and white too, but the gospels and the writings of 'John' are pretty gray...
i double dog dare you to take this quiz!.
i got 40 out of 50, but the average score for americans is 15!.
actually Gopher the scriptures DO say that she was offered up as a holocaust and that the daughters of Israel would leave home every year for four days TO LAMENT THE DAUGHTER OF JEPTHAH not to visit with her. Look it up in a Bible translation other than the NWT. Judges 11:34-40. This is yet another thing the JWs twist to fit their own needs( did it never occur to anyone that if Jepthah's daughter was merely given to the Temple that there would be no reason to lament?) I know when I was a JW it was used as an example of staying single for the Kingdom and becoming a pioneer or missionary or Bethelite--but again, why lament about that?
i am thinking of getting a pistol and i am not sure of what kind to get.
i went to an indoor range today and tried out a glock .45 (the smaller model) and a heavier .45. i found the glock rested well in my hand but i could shoot much more accurately with the heavier (and longer barreled) pistol.
any way, i am looking for a home protection / target practice pistol and would like any input on what caliber to get.
first time i ever held a gun in my hand-it was a beretta 9mm-and my husband let me shoot it at the range. i shot 7 shots all in the black head outline and he took it away from me and said i could not shoot it anymore. but he did show me how to use the rifle a few months later and I shot a milk carton from the hip at 25 yrds right thru the pic of the missing kid!!!!! he sold his guns right after that.....
and noooooo not for my sweetie i know what to do for him!.
what i need is suggestions for family my kids and grandchildren who live waaaaaaay too far away.
i have never celebrated valentine's day before and feel like a total dufus.
this is where DOLLAR STORES come in handy! LOL I went to a Dollar Store and bought little votive candles and single-serving size bubble baths or pot-pourri for my female friends, a tiny heart of chocolates and a silk red rose for my male friends, a cute little troll or teddybear with candy hearts for the kids---and cards for all! I shopped for about 14 people and spent less than $20. And it was FUN! You can do it all anonymously--secret admirer thing-- and keep em guessing. One year I went to Dollar Store and bought a screwdriver, put a red bow on it and wrote a naughty little Valentine for my husband using the 'screw'driver as a pun...... * wink wink *
i double dog dare you to take this quiz!.
i got 40 out of 50, but the average score for americans is 15!.
I double dog dare you to take this quiz!
I got 40 out of 50, but the average score for Americans is 15!
well, we put together two more emails to send to hubby's family following up the ones about whether the witnesses are encouraged to do independant research and whether they claim to be prophets.
we haven't heard a thing from his sister, but his mom wrote back a quick note to say she and dad are going to reply, but just need the time to put it all together.
she also said they still do not doubt it's "the truth.
<<<Proverbs 4:18, 19 But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established. The way of the wicked ones is like the gloom; they have not known at what they keep stumbling. (New light cannot contradict old light!)>>>
here's a point Truthseekers2---where in that scripture does it say anything about NEW light? It doesn't. It does not even allude to NEW light. That is a totally made up JW thing. It says the light gets brighter, does not say it is a different light. It also does not say that it gets brighter, then dimmer, then brighter again...so the light cannot go back to what it was, it can only add to itself. So if the answer is yes today, it can't be no tomorrow and then yes again in 6 months. This is not vacillating light, no dimmer switches, or power surges or solar flares. I don't even know when the expression 'NEW light' first came up---but it is not even scriptural.(of course that never stopped JWs before from turning an idea into dogma...)
i am also on the yahoo exitfundyism board and it is amazing how many times the posts mirror each other between here and there.
i thot this might be relevant in light of current events, so i am copying the posts from this thread to share here.
the answer makes a very good point that i think we can all appreciate and i never quite thought of in that way before.
I know JWs are not correct, in fact I am not even Christian anymore. So it is not a problem for me. But I am on other exit fundy boards and lists and it is a big deal to alot of people to worry about burning in Hell, and Satan tricking them into being happier out of it than in, that sort of thing. That is why I posted it. And I also wanted to share that others who were never JWs have the same concerns when they leave. We are not unique in that.
do people believe that being an ex-fundie is tantamount to being an ex-christain?
seems thats the generalisation of many.
can't someone be an exfundie and yet remain a christian...?
I think what happens when you leave a fundy cult is that you tend to swing so far the other way that alot will lose xtianity. I tried to come back to xtianity after a few yrs, or atleast give it another look, but it just doesn't work for me. I consider xtianity to have been originally part of Judaism, with a dash of Zorastrianism and Hellenic Greek philosophy, and those elements are not my ancestry or heritage. It feels wrong to me to try to force myself to adopt a belief system that is foreign when my people had their own. But I am not anti-xtian. I am anti-fundy(and that goes for any kind of fundy, not just xtian ones). I actually did become Roman Catholic, and I do attend mass from time to time when I need to feel connected to the rest of the world like around holidays. I can honor it as a belief system, but it is not my primary belief system.