Dear Brummie,
beautiful putty!
I have hesitated to talk about it, because I thought most people would really think I was messed up(it does not help when there is schizophrenia in the family and you live most of your life waiting for the other shoe to drop...)but...I had an experience similar to yours but not with Jesus. This is where I hesitate....but let me set the situation....
it was my first real Christmas after I left JWs. I always secretly loved the feeling of Christmas and would allow myself to share in it even when I was one. All the lights and holly and xmas tree and was just so appealing to me. I never really got into the Nativity part, for me the attraction was in the eggnog and mistletoe and stockings and reindeer.... so anyway I started buying every children's book I could find on Santa Claus..all the stories and fables and myths and I got very attcahed to him. He became real to me. Well we didn't have alot of money and I dug up a poor pine tree out of the yard and potted it---it looked worse than Charlie Brown's tree...we had just moved there and knew no one. The day before Xmas a red jeep cherokee drives up the drive and Santa gets out. I am thinking 'who the heck is this and how did he know we lived here?' and he hands me a xmas bag with two gifts in it and without a word the man gets back in the car. I open my gift---the one with the girly paper---and it is pajamas in my size....and my husband got a sweat shirt. Now I don't claim this to be anything other than human...but it was odd and it made me even more determined to find out more about this mythology. Something moved this person to dress up like Santa and give gifts to complete strangers and that can't be bad, can it?
So anyway a couple more xmases go by and each one is a little better than the last for us. And about two years ago I decided I wanted a big porcelain Santa doll I saw on eBay. I was afraid it would go over $100 as he ones n the store sold for that much, but something told me to bid and not worry about it. I did not even check back on the auction until it was over, I was afraid i would lose it and it would break my heart! I won the doll for like $20! I was so thrilled and I kept looking at the picture of it waiting for it to arrive. The doll had such a lovely kind face.
In some of my pagan research into xmas and the German/Norse mythos I of course came across Woden. This is what the saxons called him in southeastern England. He was called Odin and Wotan in other areas, but I was always partial to Woden. I found a wonderful picture of him and I realized it was the same face as my Santa doll! So that night I did a meditation on woden and I recited a list of his names....(they do this in the Catholic Church too for Jesus or Mary---I forget what they call it...)
I felt such a prescence and was not voices or a vision or anything like was just sheer affection and it felt like it was going both ways. I really felt a relationship start with Woden. One of his names is All-Father, and many times when I need to pray....and I can't bring myself to use the name Jehovah anymore....I use Woden. And I know that he is the same one I always prayed to as Father, no matter what I called him.
Now maybe this sounds childish to you, and maybe it can be explained away by psychology. But I don't want it to be diminished. It is important to me and it is a relationship, not just some mystickal experience. So I can understand you having a relationship with Jesus.
Sorry for this being so rambling and weird.... but hey you all know me by now!