I love cats in any color Brummie. my current feline children are black, white, and grey tabby. they look like 'momma'--I am white with black hair (and lots of grey....shhh!)
the watchtower society is supposed to be without racial prejudice.
god's channel would be expected to be unlike the world in its ungodly views.
yet, the watchtower magazine as well as other publications at times spoke of the black race as accursed, uneducated and unable to adequately teach the word thru the publications.
I love cats in any color Brummie. my current feline children are black, white, and grey tabby. they look like 'momma'--I am white with black hair (and lots of grey....shhh!)
late last summer i got the piano music for saint-saens delicious danse macabre.
i downloaded it for free on the net.
what an awesome free gift and what a monstrous monkey it became on my back!
Dear Farkel,
everyone else have used up all the words I might have.
thank you, that was beautiful. you performed it proud.
the dictionary defines a friend as a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
this definition seems fair enough, but at what point do you really know someone, and how much trust is needed?
i think everyones ideas of what a friend should be like are broad.
a friend is someone who makes me the best person I can be when we are together and I them.
how do you now understand the world... and your place in it?.
i personally believe in evolution... and also a "higher power"... it seems more and more people are drifting away from organized religion, but they are then left searching for meaning and purpose..... going to college/university and studying a normal curriculum, one is exposed to philosophy, the socrates and platos of history, who in many ways started widespread discussion on such topics as above.
some sort of philosophy has to be studied i believe, just so one can understand the history of man, from that point in time and how we came to christianity in the first place.. however, it is a very personal matter, as we must all find our own answers.. i believe it is natural for people to be drawn to ponderings of purpose and god, and there are many ways to seek connection to that souce.
I just don't like rick ross or his website. he is critical of everything that comes under the heading of religion.
I personally do not have a problem with the definition of cult---and I know the difference between a dangerous cult and any cult...unfortunately today the word has become synonymous with only the negative meaning.
but to use rick ross' judgement as a measuring stick for anything is one-sided as the guy has a problem with everything except what he believes himself.
that is all I meant.
how do you now understand the world... and your place in it?.
i personally believe in evolution... and also a "higher power"... it seems more and more people are drifting away from organized religion, but they are then left searching for meaning and purpose..... going to college/university and studying a normal curriculum, one is exposed to philosophy, the socrates and platos of history, who in many ways started widespread discussion on such topics as above.
some sort of philosophy has to be studied i believe, just so one can understand the history of man, from that point in time and how we came to christianity in the first place.. however, it is a very personal matter, as we must all find our own answers.. i believe it is natural for people to be drawn to ponderings of purpose and god, and there are many ways to seek connection to that souce.
here are the links to rickross' coverage of Deepak's legal woes. you be the judge. personally I consider rick ross to be nothing more than a sensationalist. he trashes everyone. he is anti-religion, check out his list of cults and you will find every sect there is, regardless of whether or not it is dangerous.
and don't forget the interview with Larry King from the same site:
(which I fail to see how it is damning evidence of Deepak Chopra starting any kind of 'cult'...)
Ravyn, who believes the man has something worthwhile to say.
how do you now understand the world... and your place in it?.
i personally believe in evolution... and also a "higher power"... it seems more and more people are drifting away from organized religion, but they are then left searching for meaning and purpose..... going to college/university and studying a normal curriculum, one is exposed to philosophy, the socrates and platos of history, who in many ways started widespread discussion on such topics as above.
some sort of philosophy has to be studied i believe, just so one can understand the history of man, from that point in time and how we came to christianity in the first place.. however, it is a very personal matter, as we must all find our own answers.. i believe it is natural for people to be drawn to ponderings of purpose and god, and there are many ways to seek connection to that souce.
^here is a review of the book I am talking about.
Deepak is a very wise man, and like all wise men, there is a tendency to worship such if you are searching for someone to worship. I am not. I have never wasted a penny that I have spent on his books. I do not understand why anyone would be critical of what he has to say. If you don't want to pay full price for a book-there are enough places to get one free---go to the library.
anyway, out of all his books(25) "How To Know God" is the best and worth $14.00.
read some of the reviews--41 sample pages---on Amazon.com :
thanks to little toe's piquing my interest on this subject, i hafta ask it...... .
has anyone here had any personal spiritual experiences and is anyone here brave enough to describe/relate any personal spiritual experiences they've had, whether pre-borg, during being borganized or post-borg?
to be more specific, have you ever seen any angels or spirit creatures, been made aware of their presence in any way, interacted with or communicated with them, or had dream/visions...etc?
I am not talking about a book like a 'Truth' book! LOL this is actually dealing alot with quantum brain states and it talks about strange phenomenon...it is not so much an instruction book as the results of experiments. it is stuff you and frannie would both like. Don't let the Bible scare you away from words! I appreciated the chapters dealing with people who never have any kind of 'spiritual' experiences. Lots of personal experiences and illustrations, really hit home for me. A pleasant read too---I read the whole book in less than two days.
And yes it should be easy...but there is this little thing called EGO that gets in the way.
get the book--you will like it. I promise. Or you can kick me in the butt.
how do you now understand the world... and your place in it?.
i personally believe in evolution... and also a "higher power"... it seems more and more people are drifting away from organized religion, but they are then left searching for meaning and purpose..... going to college/university and studying a normal curriculum, one is exposed to philosophy, the socrates and platos of history, who in many ways started widespread discussion on such topics as above.
some sort of philosophy has to be studied i believe, just so one can understand the history of man, from that point in time and how we came to christianity in the first place.. however, it is a very personal matter, as we must all find our own answers.. i believe it is natural for people to be drawn to ponderings of purpose and god, and there are many ways to seek connection to that souce.
I just finished Deepak Chopra's "How to Know God" from three years ago(2000)...and I wish I had the money to buy a case of these books to give out for xmas this year! oh my...talk about new 'light'!
how do you now understand the world... and your place in it?.
i personally believe in evolution... and also a "higher power"... it seems more and more people are drifting away from organized religion, but they are then left searching for meaning and purpose..... going to college/university and studying a normal curriculum, one is exposed to philosophy, the socrates and platos of history, who in many ways started widespread discussion on such topics as above.
some sort of philosophy has to be studied i believe, just so one can understand the history of man, from that point in time and how we came to christianity in the first place.. however, it is a very personal matter, as we must all find our own answers.. i believe it is natural for people to be drawn to ponderings of purpose and god, and there are many ways to seek connection to that souce.
I don't think I replaced it---I realize now that I never really believed the way JWs do anyway. I discovered MY belief system and am still refining it based on MY personal experiences.
I see the need for religion and ritual in human life, mine in particular. But I try to see the big picture and look at it objectively, still I wish I could do without it. But I have always been fascinated with archetypes and symbols and mythology. This time I am using religion as a tool to feed my spirituality tho instead of what dictates it or defines it.
I consider myself a witch for lack of a better term. I am also a deist, into some New Age stuff, and Catholic. What works for me on Monday mornings may not work for me on Thursday afternoons. I use what works.
i personally don't have any favorites.
i dont know why some people's favorite is pizza.
just serve me rice and beans and i'm happy.
love oriental food--chinese, japanese, korean, vietnamese, thai, philipino
mediterranean food--greek, italian--seafood especially, indian
mmmmm mmmm love a greek salad with feta and warm bread for dipping in olive oil, and calamari
mexican food, cuban food, puerto rican food...
regional US I like cajun, some southern, pennsylvania dutch, new england seafood, california hamburgers, new jersey raw fruits and veggies....
my two most favorite meals are: bangers and mashies, and a rare grilled steak with fresh salsa and hot buttered tortillas. Italian ices!