I went to Downey North in the 80's. And the suicide was a friend of mine in 1996, Gary Kreider. I don't know if I can give you the info you want, but PM or email me.
i know that several people here live near downey.
i live close and i used to go to the meetings at the downey kh (a spanish congregation).
if i'm not mistaken, the downey north congregation gather there.
I went to Downey North in the 80's. And the suicide was a friend of mine in 1996, Gary Kreider. I don't know if I can give you the info you want, but PM or email me.
on another treat some of the ladies commented on the married brothers hitting on them or making sexual remarks to them.
this brought back to mind the personal custom i had about not looking the sisters over when they walked by at meetings.
i would look away or down when and sister passed by.
I used to get it from the brothers and the sisters.
I have had sisters hit on me, but most of the time it was done in a malicious and jealous way, not sexually(but it has been sexually too).
one time I had just arrived at the KH and there was a sister I didn't know standing right in the doorway, I had to say 'excuse me' to get past her. she gave me a long stare and said 'I would never wear a blouse that low-cut!' I just looked right back(at her flat chest) and said 'YOU couldn't.'
The mike boys used to be instructed to stand in front of me. I know this because one of them was the best friend of my foster son and he told me. He also told me he LIKED to stand behind me.
I really didn't wear low cut blouses, I just always had big boobs and no matter what I wore there was a cleavage or a button gap. They don't make dresses one size on top and another size on bottom! And suits were even worse- the skirts could put me in twice and the jacket was still too tight to button up. Can't mix and match when most of your clothes are given to you or bought at thrift stores and yard sales.
Now when I show cleaveage it is with pride and I WANT those looks.
My husband has no problem with it--he is proud to be mine. he also thinks JW men are blind, and the ones who aren't are stooooopid.
frannie b (21 days a member of jwd)
yay! Frannie!
congrats...keep it up and you will own the show!
well, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
I have seen alot of my husbands relatives really screwed over child support issues. My advice is--IF you have kids together and you want him out of all your lives, forget the child support. All it does is keep him involved and give him legal rights. I have never been the kind to force that issue. If you need child support--by all means do it, go after it---but personally if I wanted to be rid of someone, I would not even consider giving them that much of a wedge they can use to keep my life and my kids' lives tied up in their chaos.
Just my humble opinion,
this may be bizzare to some of you and maybe not from for others!!
you see i bought this super duper vacum cleaner this past week-end.
what i want to do is ritual or honoring with my old hoover vacuum cleaner.
ok so what would be the nirvana for old vacuums? I see it in a flower bed with a 'carpet' of flowers...
with bird feeders on it...real bright and pretty..the kind of flowers to attract butterflys and other things of an airy nature since it is a vacuum...hummingbirds too
or you could do a 4 point element thingy--like a sundial and use the vacuum as the Air point.
use climbing vine type flowers to go up it too....but definitely do a thick 'carpet' of flowers and have it right in the middle...it will rest happy.
well, it has finally happened.
my jw husband came home last week and told me he is moving out.
it seems he has been talking to the elders, and they feel his spirituality is being threatened (even though i have not insisted he stop going to meetings, i won't allow any jw material in my home because of my children from a previous marriage - i don't want them exposed to it.
uh, not to rain on anyone's vendetta parade, but most of the things you all are suggesting are not only illegal--but highly dangerous and would not look good in divorce court if she is caught doing them, and no one is capable of the perfect crime.....
I suggest you get as much out of him as you can---but do it legally. First off, sue him for the money he owes you. Get a good divorce lawyer. If indeed you have supported him for 3 yrs and he is divorcing you because of the alienation of affections thing(check that out in your jurisdiction) then a lawyer should be able to get you out of the bills. Also my suggestion---write a letter telling what you told us about the circumstances to your local newspaper. If they won't take it to stand on its own, send it as an editorial or submit it to the Religions section. I also recommend getting yourself a good therapist, because a therapist can testify to your emotional damage and you may be able to sue both your future X and the JWs---a therapist might also have some suggestions about what you can do to get the most out of this situation and other groups you can contact too. What you need is as many professional and respected people of your community on your side as you can get. Make it something people will ask every JW who knocks on their door about! Take it to the local television station as a fraud situation--they all have some kind of consumer fraud segment---maybe you can convince them to do one on this. I see TV shows all the time about fraudulent romeos who try to take women for a ride and if you tie in the JW connection--it should be newsworthy. Ruin his and the JWs reputation in the community--but do it legally and preserve your own while doing it.
If you do these crazy vengeful things suggested you will end up looking like the looney he is trying to prove you are. make him look like the crack pot. get him good-but stay sane.
the feb.1st.1998 issue of the wt.page 21.if anyone can scan it and show it here,please do.it is an update on "where is the great crowd serving"?.
thanks blueblades
Dear BlueBlades,
I am not so noble as to claim the pain was the best thing to happen to me..I still think we all could have learned our life's lessons in other less painful ways...BUT
we are here now aren't we?
thank you,
so that is a major relief.
still means they don't know what the problem is, but cancer was one of my worst fears.. tomorrow (wednesday, august 27th) is the arbitration in that stupid lawsuit and it will determine the next 20 years of our lives.
mars, the new moon, my energies are pretty scattered right now and i am just trying to get thru it an hour at a time.. thank you for all the support you have given me thus far and what you will continue to give.
Dear Mouthy,
so good to see you are back online! hope the pc repairs were not too $$$.
the feb.1st.1998 issue of the wt.page 21.if anyone can scan it and show it here,please do.it is an update on "where is the great crowd serving"?.
thanks blueblades
too little too late---this is exactly the issue that opened my eyes to my own New Light!