You are right Yeru. But Christians do not have dibs on the 'golden rule' and love. The Ten Commandments have no place in a government building unless it is a display celebrating all religions.
Paul said everything is lawful but not all things are advantageous---the Wiccan Rede states ' If harm ye none, Do what thou will' ---see what I mean?
If Judaism-cum-Christianity is represented then so should Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, Hinduism, Wicca, and most especially something representative of Native American teachings--after all they were here first!
See how it could get out of hand? So maybe no religion should be represented except in their churches?
These fundies in AL are taking it way too far...and THAT is exactly why other religions protest it! These people are worshipping this statue like an altar! And these same people burned out my Catholic Church and smashed their little statue of St. Joseph(on CHURCH property, not a public government building) for the EXACT SAME REASON! Hypocrites! Ignorant, arrogant, hypocrites.
Give em an inch and they take a mile. Some people can't handle the freedom you are fighting for Yeru.