I appreciate all your comments--I really do.
I can't take antidepressants, the doctors will not even consider giving them to me. I take 7 prescriptions aday for Lupus and Narcolepsy. The doctors do not feel I am depressed, they feel I have chronic disease and alot of pain and just have to learn to live with it. I have Lupus-no sun, no crowds, no children, I have Narcolepsy-no driving, no going anywhere alone. I live out in the country, atleast 6 miles from the nearest grocery store. My husband works from 7AM to 8PM regularly and sometimes earlier or later, and this is atleast 6 days a week.
If I was rich I would hire a companion or just hire my husband to stay home with me sonce when we are not fighting about money we really enjoy each other's company.
Twenty years ago I had hope they might find a treatment or a cure for Lupus, now it is unlikely I will see it in my lifetime--I am going to be 41 this year, a little late for me. I stopped thinking that someday we might could win the lottery---never bought any tickets anyway. The dream house we have designed and planned on is just not possible. 6 years we have been together and so far he has proven incapable of ever being trustworthy with money or us getting out of the holes we both started this relationship in. (Me-from losing my house, vehicles, furniture, household goods, pets, job, health, family, freinds, etc when I left JWs. Him from bad choices with money and supporting his dead-beat family all his life besides.) Basically my life was over the day I walked out of the Kingdom Hall. Thing is it was over that day whether I stayed or left, and leaving was the only chance of survival that I had. They not only took my life, they took my future too. I can see the number one problem and challenge people who leave JWs face is the complete cutting off of livelihood---and since most do not leave until they are in their 30's and 40's--well guess what? We are screwed. I was a regular pioneer for 15 years--from 18-34. They took everything I had and any future potential too.
Sheila the suggestions about crocheting et al seem like a possibility. Having children is not and never has been a possibility for me. If I could survive the pregnancy how could I take care of a child when I can't take care of myself? Besides there is a good chance any child wuld also be disabled. I got a husband with a money IQ of 8 yrs---I don't need another expense- :)
Last night in chat, HillBilly and others suggested the 'envelope' method of bill paying--I think I will try that. Only problem I have with that is that I don't know how effective it will be because we don't make enough money to keep it in the envelopes for very long--when the paycheck comes in, it goes right out to pay bills. We have never had $20 to save. He is doing the best he can. He can't make anymore money than he is making now--the economy is to blame. He has no college education, and he is 37 now. A change in careers at this point is very risky. He is a CATV telecommunications tech--he does everything from installing cable from pole to house to Project Coordinator which is what he did for a rebuild for Comcast. Comcast screwed him, just like Motorola, Texas Instruments and Raytheon did. Middle Management for a specific project will never get hired on for more than a temp.--even tho they always promise more than that to get him. Right now he is working for a contractor who has contract with Adelphia, Comcast, Nesbe, and Cox and Charter. But he is working for someone else and his boss is the one who makes the $18 an hour, Lee gets paid by the piece. So you figure out who is making the money now? Lee who is 37 years old and 65 pounds overweight, or the 25 yr old who can climb the 75 foot ladders like a monkey? He is really going thru a crisis about what to do with the rest of his life. He is seeing his dreams slip away too.
Which brings me to the BIG part. This world! How is this possibly going to turn out? I read a 'conspiracy' type article about China the other day and I am not so sure now we should not all just take a chinese language course. I spent the last 3 years down in Tennessee and I saw so much fundamentalistic hatred and prejudiced that I am completely turned off christianity. But not only that---people who don't live in places like Tennessee and Texas and Mississippi just do not have a clue! And the rest of the US does not realize how much influence and political power this faction of extremists hold! It is not paranoia. It is something to truly be legitimately afraid of. So what is the future of this country? I mean the future as in the next 5 years--not the next 20! I don't know what to expect. I don't believe in any armageddon like fundys in this country do---but there is something building up to a head and everyone can feel it and that is where they are getting the fuel for their fires! Anyone read the novel American Gods? VERY VERY GOOD! It is about how eveyrone who every came to this country brought over their gods and the gods are all still here--they just might be taxi drivers and Vegas hookers, and it is all coming to a head- Ragnarok. which incidentally happens in the heart of fundyism...EXCELLENT book. But it is eerily true. It strikes a cord. Makes me want to move out of this country--problem is, I don't know where else to go either.
Doesn't anyone else feel this restlessness?