I think your original post--printed up on pretty paper would make a lovely wedding gift. discreetly in an envelope, addressed to the Bride only, handed to her by your daughter, or sent in the mail.
haunted still, after all this time.
most of the time, i am able to separate who i am today from who i was five years ago.
soon, it'll be the five year anniversary of my disfellowshipping.
I think your original post--printed up on pretty paper would make a lovely wedding gift. discreetly in an envelope, addressed to the Bride only, handed to her by your daughter, or sent in the mail.
I was raised to understand that the proper definition of apostate was for those who knew 'the truth' and decided to leave it---however it was understood that at armageddon, since all who die would have had the chance to know the 'truth' all would be apostates. there were active apostates--who once were JWs and inactive ones--who are a part of christendom and their ancestors apostisized but they continue in that course.
basic meaning
basic meaning
a new sun is rising, and it is, for you, a time of great transformation.
oh yes absolutely! If the Borg thought it could subliminally influence their ignorant sheep---such as leaving the Tower and becoming involved in immorality leads to Death....I am sure they would use it. Just an 'inside' joke tho to realize the REAL meaning of the cards. Similar use of the Death card was employed by the DC Sniper and has been used in VietNam as a calling card of sorts by certain 'invisible' spec op groups.
many comments are made that jw's are actually brainwashed.
do you think this is true?
brain washed assumes there was something there that had to be washed away---so maybe the term is not accurate in my case. I was raised in it. but I was never once led to believe that there was any other choice. Even if I chose NOT to be a JW---then I chose to be nothing. Any other religion was all lumped into Satan's World. So the choice was Jehovah or Satan. No degrees of Satan. Which is exactly why upon leaving I went right to witchcraft---figure if I was going to be accused of it, then I better learn what it is and get good enough at it to scare off anyone who might come to call. So I did. But I have since intensely researched other religions--spanning the whole spectrum.
christos anasti!
(christ has risen!).
i went to the greek orthodox celebration of pascha/easter last night and got home about 4 this morning.
I dont know if this will make a difference to you or not. but after 5 intense years of searching xtianity--I decided that I could not even consider any form of xtianity but catholicism. so I checked out the various forms of catholicism. I went to a Greek Orthodox church and enjoyed myself very much. I was even accepted as a catechist and they also allow anyone so inclined to take of the communion bread after the service(it becomes 'poor bread' and is a blessing). Only thing that stopped me--was the fact that it was hours away from where I lived, and so far out in the countryside that I was humming the theme to Deliverance by the time I found it, and I did not feel ethnically connected. I wish I was greek! So anyway, long story short--I ended up converted to the Roman church because my husband's family was RC and we needed a church wedding to get them off our backs. I still do not believe in xtianity the way 99.9% of xtians do...I think it is total myth(but not an invalid myth!) and I am considered Catholic even when I read tarot cards for the other parishioners! But I would go to another Greek church if it was convenient and friendly. So by all means--check them out! It is a beautiful and rich tradition, the ritual is very satisfying. and about as far as you can get from JWs as the North and South Poles are from each other!
there is a special talk today, evidently about our old friend babylon the great.
there is some speculation that it might be related to the possible new light on the un that undisfellowshipped spoke about in his thread:.
Dear BlueSapphire,
I left in Jan of I did not stay in long enough to be accused of murder. Dang!---they really said that? talk about cutting someone's self-esteem to keep them in control! I remember the big mess back in 95 between the pioneers about how now we did not know why we were pioneering if we were no longer doing the sheep and goats sorting out! If I was accused of being a murderer because nothing I could ever do would be enough to clear me of bloodguilt I would have walked away and never looked back! Thank goodness I did that a few years before.
basic meaning
basic meaning
a new sun is rising, and it is, for you, a time of great transformation.
I read the cards from left to right, but if you read them from right to left...the Past and Future would be switched, which in this case would mean that either:
left-to-right= the Borg was destroyed in your consciousness FIRST before you left it--such as finding out it was involved in scandal...
right-to-left= YOU made the transformation first on a personal level and hence 'outgrew' the Borg such as you figured out all the rules were utter nonsense and decided to break a few of them....
basic meaning
basic meaning
a new sun is rising, and it is, for you, a time of great transformation.
If I was doing the spread for the querent I would say, first of all--all major arcana denotes a transformative period or something of great spiritual importance. second, if the spread was the typical Past-Present-Future spread with these cards, I would read them this way:
Past- Tower= liberation from religious authority, a catstrophe that means a whole new set of rules and freedom from the old ones. Disaster-but necessary to progress. The fall of the old religious world order, can mean chaos and pain, but will eventally mean freedom.
Present- Lovers= choosing physical over spiritual. a new contract. a new alignment. joy, ecstasy, passion and desire. happiness coming from a new partnership that promises physical fulfilment.
Future- Death= going thru the doorway of transformation. a complete change in nature, metamorphisis on all levels. death to the old and rebirth to the new.
I don't know if they intended the meanings I got from the reading---or if they even know how to manipulate it like that---BUT I would say it would be a very poistive spread for someone who was leaving JWs. It certainly reflects my first couple of years out of the Borg. In fact such a spread if it was intentionally laid out, could be used as a spell--I wonder if the ranks of those leaving the Borg increased after they used that illustration? I know that picture always fascinated me! And that was years before I ever picked up a deck of tarot cards or a ouija board. Kinda' backfired in my case--wouldn't ya say?
get a hold of Barbara Walker's Women's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets. I got it before I left JWs, and it just made it a whole helluva lot easier! She puts the feminine back into spirituality with her research on everything you thought you knew....including Lilith.
there is a special talk today, evidently about our old friend babylon the great.
there is some speculation that it might be related to the possible new light on the un that undisfellowshipped spoke about in his thread:.
dmouse--how did they develope Cities of Refuge? Those were places for murderers to go to seek asylum from vendettas...???????????? talk about 'WTF'?