Is anyone going to the special talk today?

by dmouse 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    There is a special talk today, evidently about our old friend Babylon the Great. There is some speculation that it might be related to the possible new light on the UN that Undisfellowshipped spoke about in his thread:

    It would be interesting to hear if this is so. Is anyone in a position to attend and take notes for us?

  • Latte


    Oh...i forgot all about it. I actually may of gone with the hopes of being ready to recieve some wonderful 'new light' lol

    Hopefully someone will share their spiritual food with lol

    I have had some wonderful people staying with me this weekend, (ex-JW's of course) so i have been kinda busy.

    dmouse.....thank you so much for the KM

  • qwerty


    Just about to take the wife to the KH, will ask her to take notes. Trouble is she might hide them if I ask!

    Might keep quite and try to find them later.


    Those XJW's stopping over, do their names begin with V & S?

  • Scully

    There's a Special Talk today??

    Oh bother, I had no idea.... however, I wouldn't have gone if I'd known either. But I might have been tempted to toss a few eggs at cars going in from some hiding place across the road from the KH.

    Love, Scully

  • sf


    Yet, not me personally. If all goes according to projective plans set in motion I have put in progress, I will share the results as soon as they come to me. Please do not ask for details on this post. I will update it accordingly.


  • JH

    Special talk?

    Everything seems to be special there. The memorial is special, the meetings are special, the assemblies are special, the overseer is in town, that's special.

    What meeting is not special that we can all miss?

  • Mulan

    I'll ask Mom to listen carefully for any new light. She hears it on the phone link. I could lay on the floor with my ear to the heater vent, but I'd rather throw my body in front of a train.

    Marilyn (still jet lagged from our Florida trip)

  • dmouse

    Well folks, I decided to make the sacrifice and go myself - what a big fat waste of time!!!!!

    Here is a brief rundown:

    Intro - who/what is Babylon the Great? (Much leaping about and false logic, after about 20 mins we finally get to the conclusion that BTG is world empire of false religion)

    Main body of talk - we are living in the time of the end, just consider the signs. (Uh? what happened to the theme of this talk?)

    - Something about cities of refuge. (WTF!!) oh yeah, the Org is a city of refuge that we flee to after leaving BTG.

    Conclusion - We need to keep active in Jah's service - more study, ministry etc (WTF again!! where is the relevence of these points to the main theme?) Jesus more powerful than Satan, BTG doesn't stand a chance when Jesus and angels decide to destroy it, so be safe in 'city of refuge'

    NO mention of King of the North. NO mention of UN. Talk given by an unenthusiastic elder who sounded like he was reading from a phone directory. A significant number of the audience fell asleep before we got half way through. 50 minutes of mind-numbing repetition and banal, unsupportable SPECULATION which barely touched on the theme of Babylon the Great.

    Call this a special talk? I would just as soon call Dan Quayle a wit.

  • Ravyn

    best Special Talk I ever went to was back in 96 in Brattleboro VT when two sisters got in a rumble about a baby shower invite and the elders watched gape mouthed as one single sister beat the hell out of a poor little mousy married one. Sisters were grabbing the kids and covering their eyes! Every one stood there frozen in disbelief as the aggressive sister punched the other one in the face up against a wall and screamed obscenities until another sister, with some heft to her, took them both down in a tackle that would have made even her native Scotland proud to have her on their team! I was so ashamed. Private reproof was all that concluded the matter which was very very public(Special Talk in front of all the 'newly interested ones')! It was so beyond the last straw for me that I was just in shock for weeks. Ha! No one would go into the Ladie's Room alone with that sister!


  • Ravyn

    dmouse--how did they develope Cities of Refuge? Those were places for murderers to go to seek asylum from vendettas...???????????? talk about 'WTF'?


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