Question, If everyone who professes to be christian are going to Heaven to rule as priest with Jesus, who will be our subjects on earth? Can someone pleasee shed some light on this subject.
JoinedPosts by unbaptized
Question, What will happen to the earth and the Animals?
by unbaptized inquestion, if everyone who professes to be christian are going to heaven to rule as priest with jesus, who will be our subjects on earth?
can someone pleasee shed some light on this subject..
Two Classes?
by VanillaMocha73 inso i am going through the bible from a christian perspective this time and then going back to the reasoning book to figure out how on earth the jws ever came up with the stuff they did.
it is not like i am a n00bi3 - i was raised jw, pioneered, went to pio school, studied diligently for years, zealous, etc.. .
where do they come up with the two classes - one going to heaven and one not?
Zack & Lilly,
Unfortunately my comment was taken out of context. I am sorry you did not understand my point. I don't recall Jesus ever saying that the physical Israel was being restored on earth. I know of spiritual Israel being established in Heaven, but I don't see were earthly Israel will be restored.
What is this thing with everyone wanting to go to Heaven. If everyone becomes priest and kings in Heaven then who will be subjects the animals?
So I guess if everyone's going to Heaven to become priest, then it will be their duty to pray on the behalf of the animal sins, since the animals will be the only creatures left on the planet. The earth will still be in existence to my knowledge, so I guess Walt Disney's prophecy about talking animals and fish was correct. The cartoons are correct!! Also I believe the dinosaurs will be resurected to animal life on earth and the apelike creatures in a quest to reinvent fire.
Two Classes?
by VanillaMocha73 inso i am going through the bible from a christian perspective this time and then going back to the reasoning book to figure out how on earth the jws ever came up with the stuff they did.
it is not like i am a n00bi3 - i was raised jw, pioneered, went to pio school, studied diligently for years, zealous, etc.. .
where do they come up with the two classes - one going to heaven and one not?
I just wanted to shed some light on your latest comment regarding the anointed class and the great crowd. If you examine the history and organization of the former nation of Israel in the Holy Scriptures there were certain offices that individuals held that Jehovah used to set them apart from the entire congregation. Everyone did not have the potential to become a King in Israel, Jehovah appointed them. Everyone did not have the right to become a prophet, Jehovah was the one who appointed them. All Jews did not qualify for the priesthood that Jehovah had established through Moses and Aaron, Jehovah had appointed Moses and Aaron to their positions. Well since we know this information from the scriptures and we know that Jehovah is the same as long ago and never changes, then it is safe to assume that he has set aside a Holy priesthood for our benefit to act in service to us. They are going to Heaven to work for us, not us work for them. It isn't because their better than us, Jehovah just chose whom he wanted too choose. Look what happened to Korah the Kohathite who had a position in Jehovah's arrangement and lost his life because he felt that he should be the High priest. Numbers 16:9-11. A similar thing happened to Moses sister Miriam who because of her presumptuousness spoke against Moses, Jehovah's anointed and she was then struck by leprosy.Numbers 12:1-15.
In closing I feel that we should focus on doing his will than debating about the two flocks of sheep. Remember, no matter what flock you think you belong too, Jehovah and Jesus does the choosing.
revelation study
by loulucy ini am new at studing revelations and am wondering if someone could explane the ednic prophecy to me.
what do you want to know about it?
Regarding Genesis 3:15, Tell me what you think
by unbaptized ingenesis 3:15 states " i shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed.
" " he will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel.".
i did some meditating on this scripture and came to the realization that this prophecy could have somehow been misinterpreted.
Genesis 3:15 states " I shall put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed." " He will bruise you in the head and you will bruise him in the heel."
I did some meditating on this scripture and came to the realization that this prophecy could have somehow been misinterpreted. Think about this for a minute.
Some people speculate that the bruise to the head is to be considered a death blow. But a person can receive a bruise to the head without it necessarily being a death blow. It could also be considered as a blow to ones supremacy or one's mental disposition. A bruise would be considered in some terms as a nagging and painful sore. Something that causes agitation or discomfort.
The scriptures state that satan was cast out of heaven and so was his angels that followed him. Rev 12:9-12. Before that time Satan was said to have ruled the world of mankind from heaven and that this authority was given him. Luke 4:6-7, 2 Cor 4:4, 1John 5:19
It has come to my understanding that the bruise that Satan had felt was his organizations removal from heaven and his confinement to the earthly realm (footstool) and since that time he knows that he only has a short time left to run his organization or seed. So he goes off to wage war against the remaining ones of the anointed flock on earth and the great crowd which could be considered a bruise to Jesus heel. If this is so, then there could possibly be a slight misinterpretation of that scripture. Some say the bruising of the heel was the time when Jesus was executed on the torture stake. Jesus told his followers that the wicked one has no hold on him. John 14:30 Jesus also stated that because of him his followers will suffer the same persecutions as he did, by no being part of the world. John 15:19. So it's safe to assume that Satan could never hurt Jesus directly because Jesus knew he would complete his mission, so he takes his anger out on Jesus followers on earth which could be considered a heel wound to Jesus, since we are figuratively at his feet by living in the earthly realm.
Tell me what you think?
Can someone with the heavenly hope lose their position?
by unbaptized inquestion, can someone with the heavenly hope lose their position?
Question, Can someone with the heavenly hope lose their position?
by davidsf ini'm sure this has been discussed before but the search feature isn't working so i'm going to ask anyway.... is it true jws are taught that once the 144,000 are sealed armageddon will come?
how many have partaken of the wine and bread during the memorial over the years, i.e.
how many are there currently of the "little flock"?.
If a person claims to be of the annointed, he should be able to explain how he or she came to this determination. From a bible standpoint every person whom Jehovah has chosen or annointed for a specific purpose had some kind of confirmation that they were assigned to a specific task. Saul was called by Jesus in a vision that took away his sight. Jesus was acknowledged by Jehovah after his baptism. Mary was told of her pregnancy before her wedding and Joseph was informed about the child as well. I believe that the number of sealed annointed ones are still being gathered and will continue until the very end of this system. But some feel that they are annointed by some deep feeling or by their relationship with Jehovah becoming more stronger. Jehovah chose John the baptist and told him that he will be baptising the Messiah. John told his followers that the one comming after me I am not worthy to even tie his shoes. He also confirmed his assignement by explaining to his followers that Jehovah said "the one whom you see the spirit come down on and remain is the one I have chosen". If this information is so, then we can plainly say that Jehovah will annoint his priest in a very special way and his annointed will should be able to explain their appointing.
JW Baptism
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe baptism of jehovah's witnesses compared with the baptism of the christians in the bible .
jesus christ commanded:.
"go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all things which i commanded you.
Thank you for the nice welcome. But how is it that Jehovah and his Holy Spirit are separate. That doesn't make since. I know it's not a person, But it makes sense that his power would surge from him and flow through everything. All Holy Spirit comes from Jehovah correct!
JW Baptism
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe baptism of jehovah's witnesses compared with the baptism of the christians in the bible .
jesus christ commanded:.
"go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all things which i commanded you.
What are some other things I should inquire about at my study?
JW Baptism
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe baptism of jehovah's witnesses compared with the baptism of the christians in the bible .
jesus christ commanded:.
"go, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all things which i commanded you.
onacruse I'll ask the gentleman I study with this weekend. Is there anything else that I should know?