So I am going through the Bible from a Christian perspective this time and then going back to the Reasoning book to figure out how on earth the JWs ever came up with the stuff they did. It is not like I am a n00bi3 - I was raised JW, pioneered, went to Pio School, studied diligently for years, zealous, etc.
Where do they come up with the two classes - one going to heaven and one not? Here are the lines of reasoning I can find:
- David did not go to heaven - Acts something. Except that the scripture is not even talking about David's destiny. It seems to have been taken completely out of context.
- John the Baptizer was a great man, but not great in kingdom of heaven. Therefore, he must not be in heaven. However, that scripture seems to be way convoluted to me.
- The scripture about two flocks - little flock and other sheep
- The scripture that the great crowd are before the lamb and not on mount zion, therefore they must not be in same place.
Those are the only lines of reasoning I could find. And I must say they do not make much sense. Am I just dense? Let me say that the Bible is in a whole new light now that I feel the New Testament applies to me. The old way of believing that the Greek Scriptures only applied to the anointed and that I was not saved until the 144,000 applied Christ's sacrifice for me made the Bible and God seem distant.