Hello Skyking,
I apologize for not getting back to you as soon as I could, I was indisposed at the time.
First I have a question regarding the third Heaven, please show me another scripture that backs the theory that there's a literal third Heaven. Because if there is then they someone else would have written it down in the scriptures besides Paul.
In answering your question regarding Heaven. First of all there is a Heavenly abode where Jehovah, Jesus and the angelic beings reside.
Second there is the Heavenly expanse where the sun, moon and stars occupy. The scriptures also state that the birds fly around in the Heavens.
Now the Third Heaven is an experience only experienced by the anointed of Jehovah because they are in full union with the Christ and Jehovah God. (Ephesians 1:3, 2:6) Some of the anointed experienced things beyond a normal humans comprehension. Paul stated at Ephesians 2:6, that those in union with Christ were raised up together and seated together in the Heavenly places. If that's so, then the anointed of Jehovah already are full aware of their position in Heaven. The Apostle Paul was still living when he wrote this scripture, so he knew in advance that he had a place in the Heavens. He could envision himself there in Heaven, although he was still on the earth. Ephesians 2:22, states that the anointed in union with the Christ are being built up into a place where God's spirit can dwell, which could be constituted as the Third Heaven. Only the anointed experiences this event due to their relationship with Jehovah. Also if you compare John's account in Revelations 1:10, he states that by inspiration he had been taken to see the Lords day, which is liken to a Third Heaven position. Anointed followers in union with Jesus will experience this in body out of body experiences, that's why people can't understand how the anointing process works. That's why it's a mystery to some.