1 through the revelations recorded in his word, jehovah has helped us to become better acquainted with him and many of his purposes.
what a great aid thewatchtower has been to us in understanding jehovahs revelations!
if jehovah isn't the true god then who is?
if the jehovah's witnesses aren't god's people then who is?.
please let me know and i need current information, not outdated information regarding the origin of the organization.
All beliefs are based on faith. But not all beliefs are based on facts.
i am nearly done with my writing project about why i went from a jw to an atheist.
whether you are an atheist or not, i was just wondering what you thought about the biblical signs that the society points to as proof that it is the "true religion.
" the essay is basically a breakdown of why i reject the society's claim to being the "true religion" and i was looking for specific arguments that i hadn't already thought of.. i'm tempted to post this essay somewhere once it's complete, but i don't know where i would since it's looking to be between 40-50 pages long.
Why did you become an atheist? Can you explain?
where did russell get the notion that the 144k are a literal number, and that they are the rulers in heaven?
what do other religions believe this group to represent?.
what did john really mean?.
It seems Russell got his information from the bible itself. It seems that Ancient Israel was the key component in identifying what would take place in the future.
We all know that Israel had a priesthood that was separate from the people. Also we know that the original priesthood was established by God who chose the High Priest and the under priest who were separate from the whole nation.
Revelations state that the priest would number only 144,000 and would be taken from the earth to rule as priest and kings. The other sheep the great crowd of followers will remain on earth under subjection to God's rule.
When Abraham obeyed God's voice to sacrifice Isaac, that episode only symbolized what God was going to do in the future. He sacrificed his only begotten son for us. So in closing, by observing ancient Israel we will find other information and details that foreshadowed the future things to come.
can someone tell me what the wts' belief is re: the resurrection of christ, or send me a link to their publication which elaborates on it (preferred).. thank you,.
The bible teaches us about two resurrections. The first resurrection will be for spirit annointed followers of Jesus Christ. That resurrection is going on as we speak. The second resurrection has not taken place yet. This resurrection will take place after the War of Armageddon, when evil on the earth will be subdued and extinguished.
Psalms 37:21, 22, 28, 29, states that the righteous will inherit the earth and the wicked will be cut off from the earth. So the second resurrection will be for the righteous ones that died who obey God's voice.
Jesus Christ stated that he came down from Heaven to fulfill his fathers request. Once he fulfilled his mission on earth he returned to Heaven to take his place by God's right hand. As a man Jesus was none only by his earthly name, but the scriptures also calls him Michael the Archangel who commands the angels with an Archangels call. 1 thess 4:16
There is no other angel spoken of in the Bible that commands other angels except Jesus/Michael. Michael even cast satan out of Heaven, no other angels were said to have that kind of power.
if jehovah isn't the true god then who is?
if the jehovah's witnesses aren't god's people then who is?.
please let me know and i need current information, not outdated information regarding the origin of the organization.
If Jehovah isn't the true God then who is? If the Jehovah's Witnesses aren't God's people then who is?
Please let me know and I need current information, not outdated information regarding the origin of the organization. I need biblical facts that can be researched.
in the garden of eden was there a difference between the tree of the knowledge of good and bad and the tree of life?
This is a interesting topic and I wanted to give you some of my thoughts on the subject. I believe the trees mentioned in the Holy Bible were literal trees that symbolized Jehovah's authority and right to rule mankind. The tree of knowledge that was in the garden of eden symbolized God's right to rule us. When Adam and Eve chose to eat from this tree they basically wanted to know what was right and wrong for themselves and not trust God's direction. Also they wanted to be like God, having the power to decide what's best for them. It's funny because the world of mankind is exactly like that today! They're deciding for themselves what's good and what's bad, this is what the first humans chose over life.
Second, the tree of life that was in the garden of eden, it also was a literal tree, but symbolized the gift of eternal life that God wanted to bless Adam, Eve and their offspring with. It was of no consequence for Jehovah to reveal to his creations the second tree because they were already enjoying a perfect life free from sin. They may have eaten from that tree for years without knowing what the tree symbolized. Jehovah wanted them to have life and have it more abundantly. But he did warn them about the tree of knowledge and what the consequences was when eating from that tree.
It seems that today we are experiencing the same thing as in the garden of eden, but on a grand scale worldwide. Man chooses fleshly knowledge over spiritual knowledge, man chooses material wealth over spiritual wealth, man choosing death over life, man chooses the love of money over the love of his brother, some choose the love of the flesh over the love of God. Sometimes we keep looking and the answers are always right there in our face.
Thanks for letting me comment!!!
so i am going through the bible from a christian perspective this time and then going back to the reasoning book to figure out how on earth the jws ever came up with the stuff they did.
it is not like i am a n00bi3 - i was raised jw, pioneered, went to pio school, studied diligently for years, zealous, etc.. .
where do they come up with the two classes - one going to heaven and one not?
Hello Hellrider,
You said, Do you have to have subjects to be a king or priest? And who says that everyone in heaven will be kings and priests?
Yes, you have to have subjects to be a King or Priest. One of the roles of a King is to judge, how can he judge when there is no one to judge? As a Priest he is to pray on behalf of the people for their sins before God, how can he pray on someone's behalf if there is no one to pray for?
To answer that other question, What other reason would they be asked to go to Heaven. Revelations 20:4-6
I have a question for you, when God had his arrangement set up with ancient Israel, how many priest did he elect to office? Who was qualified to be a Priest? How were the true Kings in Israel chosen? Could anyone who felt they had the right to be a King or Priest become a King or Priest?
I need some answers to these questions.
question, if everyone who professes to be christian are going to heaven to rule as priest with jesus, who will be our subjects on earth?
can someone pleasee shed some light on this subject..
You said, There are more the seven such GOD MEN or as we call them Christ's that are said to have lived before Jesus
I try to stick directly to the Holy Bible, if it's not in there I do not mess with it!
question, if everyone who professes to be christian are going to heaven to rule as priest with jesus, who will be our subjects on earth?
can someone pleasee shed some light on this subject..
So you see, ONLY Christians recieve the reward of imortal life and the ability to go into the heavenly realm to be with Christ. The rest of mankind, although they will benefit from the Kingdom, and can attain life on earth again, are not given imortal bodies
Lilly I agree with half of this statement, but then I disagree with the other half of this statement. The scriptures say's that Christ brothers will receive immortality when the go to Heaven the 144000 as stated in Revelations 20:4-6 Now the rest of mankind will remain on earth but in on a paradise earth as God intended in the begining.
Also forgive me for the red ink. This crummy pc would allow me to change the color back until now! so forgive me for the red ink statement. I just wanted to highlight your point.