JoinedTopics Started by truthseekers2
HELP! Alpha and Omega...
by truthseekers2 ini found this information and when looking up the reference on whether jesus is referred to as the alpha and omega, it is incorrect.
is it a typo?
was jesus ever referred to in any of the publications as the alpha and omega?
I'm sick again! Is it all the stress?
by truthseekers2 inwe have been so sick over the past few months since we began our indepth research and stopped going to meetings.
i'm sure jw family and friends would say jehovah is punishing us.
Following up on the research for family.
by truthseekers2 inwell, we put together two more emails to send to hubby's family following up the ones about whether the witnesses are encouraged to do independant research and whether they claim to be prophets.
we haven't heard a thing from his sister, but his mom wrote back a quick note to say she and dad are going to reply, but just need the time to put it all together.
she also said they still do not doubt it's "the truth.
It's ironic I guess.
by truthseekers2 inwhen i read the posts this morning about how we are on a high terrorist risk alert right now (level orange), my first reaction was, "wow, the end is really near!
" rotflol {smacks self upside head!
} when will my programming take a back seat?!
Encouraged to do independant research? (& m...
by truthseekers2 ini wanted to share these two emails that we sent last night to hubby's family members that are sincerely trying to understand what has made hubby and i resolved in our new stand.
if anyone can use these to help their family members and/or friends, it would be my pleasure to see you cut, paste, and send them!
most of the info was gathered from the quotes site, although i went into my cd and library to read every article and quote before using them.
My Biography (shamelessly long)...
by truthseekers2 ini'm embarressed to no end on how long this ended up being, but i felt it all too important to leave anything out (and yes, i did delete some!
{blush} ).
my name is shauna.
by truthseekers2 inwe are trying so hard to reply to questions that we are being presented with by family members.
hubby received a letter from his sister yesterday, replied to it, and received another email from her today.
we just sent her info this evening addressing her claim that the society encourages us to research and compare (yeah right) and that they claim to be a prophet while delivering false prophecies.
POLL: Where would you start?
by truthseekers2 inmy husband's parents are open to a discussion about our doubts as long as we do not offer them anything except information from the nwt and the watchtower publications.
we cannot quote or refer to anything outside of all this.
hubby and i have felt like we are on information overload.
Who has a March 15th mag so they can tell me...
by truthseekers2 in...what lesson my husband's mom is wanting to mail to us?
she emailed today and said she wanted to ask if we are still getting any watchtowers in the mail or if someone brings them to us because in the march 15th magazine is a very good lesson she wishes we would read.
i'm just wondering if someone has the mag and can tell us what lesson she is talking about.