Thank you.
about matthew 24
have you read this chapter?
all those who have called themselves "christian" have at one time or another read it, and wondered.
Thank you.
the following is what really irritates me:.
i'm just about to tuck into a $100 meal when some ignorant b*****d lights up.
when nobody lets me out of the side road onto the freeway.
Telemarketers-I don't like them. I do not need what they are selling....
I don't like them.
I don't like getting the same call day after day for the same useless blabering about wanting to sell me a load of nothing for about 59.95
My favorite lines to them are:
Does your product get bloodstains out of carpet?
If someone is in your house and you shoot them it's self defense right?
Do you guys sell this crap to each other.
I do not take calls on Sunday. When they say it is not Sunday ask them how they know where you are. It might be Sunday somewhere and on Sundays you do not take calls.
Call back in an hour. Repeat as needed.
Let my kids talk.
Ask (If it is AT&T) Do you have that friends and family program. I don't have enough friends. Go on and on about how lonely you are; Ask them if they will be your friend.
Tell a person that they have been very rude to you and you are very angry and want to talk their supervisor. Then tell the supervisor how wonderful the person is and you can't wait to get "it." Then hang up.
Ask them what else they are selling today. Repeat this line.
Tell them to be firm and explain why you NEED this stuff. Coach them to be affermative. Then decline.
i would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valued input on this board.
i will never forgive you for making it almost impossible for me to give up coming here.
this turned out to be like a drug for a weak willed person like myself.
Thank you.
I have had many of the same experiences with my jw family. You are not alone. Thank you for reminding me that I am not the only non-ever-converted-human being that cares about what harm the jw's do to everyone around them.
I met yet another person abused by this group earlier this week. She told me about how her jw husband would beat her before meetings. I talked with another ex-jw that went to her KH when she/they were in the club. This Ex-jw said "I remember her comming to meetings with bruises......But, I never thought anything of it....
According to her elders, apparently she was to keep being beaten until Jehovah does something. She did not wait to get killed, she left him. So she was eventually targeted and da'ed. (Thank God and her for doing that.)
You say that you are "uneducated" well it seems to me that are very well informed in the reality of the Jehovah Witnesses. There is not a better way to know what is reality that to have lived it. It seems you have. Therefore I say you have a reality degree in "jw horsepuckey."
what does creationism explain?.
what does it predict?.
what about blind cave fish with residual eyes.
I think it better to have a mind open to the wonders of the universe, as opposed to a mind that is closed by belief. I think it best to have a mind that is open to the wonders of God-like unlimited potential without the shakles of dogma created for the sole purpose of limiting our potential for good or bad. Our potential for love is not limited. But, our gravitation towards apathy creates all the hell we ever need see or live.
jehovas' witnesses are an interesting group.
they enjoy the freedoms and liberties that they receive by living in the united states, but at the same time they refuse to partake in voting, national celebrations and have basically created their own nation within a nation.
i find it hypocritical for them to act in this manner and believe that they should gather from around the world and all go and live together on some island.
Aye! A Paduan.
A freedom fighter!
i know i have not properly introduced myself here yet.
i have been doing the fade from jw religion for about one year but may soon be d/a myself just before i speek out again the elders about what they are doing to someone close to me.
more on my story soon.
About you question
"I looked up the scripture in Matt. that you used and my bibles say 'eunuch' where you have man. There is a huge difference in the whole meaning, depending on which word is accurate. I'm not sure which word is right, are you?"
Of the Bible's l have "Holman" (Old King James) and "Nelson/Regency" (New Kings James) both use the word "eunuch" (castrated) which I used "Webster's Encyclopedia Dictionary" to define "eunuch." The "Catholic Rainbow Inc." version uses "man." But I don't understand your question.
I hate academic legalism of scripture. I have less use for it than tp. For me it is like debating the definition of the word "is."
I feel and search for the "spirit" of the scripture. I don't like lawyers of scripture. (Not a barb to you in any way.)
My points with the original poster of this thread was that for so long males have acted like the Bible was their exclusive playground and women exist to cook clean and sexually gratify. I say that is bull shit. I want a partner in life. I do not want a quasi-slave. If I were Adam when the snake came around Eve would have been off with me naming animals and not all alone.
Divorce is a tragedy. I see It like a death. It is a death. It is not just a matter crime or approved/justified. It seems there are always two forces at work in life. (About this issue) on one side is the "I divorce you I divorce you I divorce you" side. Here divorce for any reason. On the other side is the "Moses-ists" that say only if you have sex with someone else can the (a) bad marriage finally be laid to rest.
Both trivialize marriage.
If you divorce is it a sin. Yep..And a tragedy. But it is a sin like all the others. Including having adultery in your heart.
I am not a theologian nor do I claim to be. But, I do not look down upon people when their marriage fails. I try to comfort them. It is a time to grieve not judge.
These are my beliefs about these things.
Following them has given be a beautiful marriage that I cherish with a wonderful partner and mate.
Am I clear as mud DJ?
after reading the thread on whether or not hatians should be allowed in the usofa, because of the 'trouble' they cause, i thought i would ask those who would keep them out - should the states be required to keep jwism at home, afterall they do sneak in in disguise and cause a lot of problems - should other countries have the right to send them home.
A Paduan,
I would love to see them have to register under the F.A.R.A. But there is that pesky 1st amendment thing. But, I am working on it They claim that they are seperate don't they? They claim the desire to create a Theocracy to replace our government don't they? They claim to be a (that) Theocracy don't they?
jehovas' witnesses are an interesting group.
they enjoy the freedoms and liberties that they receive by living in the united states, but at the same time they refuse to partake in voting, national celebrations and have basically created their own nation within a nation.
i find it hypocritical for them to act in this manner and believe that they should gather from around the world and all go and live together on some island.
i am in a pissed off kind of mood today, and i need to do a little venting.
i was thinking about my mother, who was disfellowshipped about 12 years ago.
i was 9 at the time, and our lives completely shattered.
That is the nicest thing about being away from the JW assholic mentality. My wife does not cry every day. That is until I started sharing things about coming here. It all comes back. Given a choice of hurting her or not, I will not be here or any jw tainted place. The problem is for me being here validates what happen to me for 10 years. For her it brings back the pain of being hit and mocked. (Which is why she left)
Jehovah Witnesses are cruel barbaric people. If you are not willing to become a preditor then you are pray in that world. Too bad they live like animals.
hi there..im new to the board.
i am a coptic orthodox christian right now, and i am good friends with a witness.
unfortunately, i didnt know enough about my own religion before i started listening to my friend and i am starting to question my faith.
I hope that you will never be scared off. There are truly awsome people here.
Can I ask you what you mean by "actual witnesses?" I ask because the idea that once you are a witness you have to stay one or you are useless. That seems a little fuzzy to me. I have never understood that.
I am not nor have I ever been a Jehovah Witness but I have spent over 10 years with them. I hope that has some substance too you. If you have already begun to accept the concept of filtered information then you are well on your way to where ever the person who sends you the information wants you to go. I recomend going off the JW path for awhile. For or against it. Learn about the concepts of propaganda. I mean the black kind. Learn the tactics. Learn about it. Learn about mind control, the modern kind. Give yourself the tools to make an informed decision. Cyre this whole thing is just for you. I have nothing to gain by sharing my life experience with you accept I can show you some of the pot holes in my life. If you need to hit them too so that you know that they are real thats up to you. But I care about people. And I care about you.
A friend,