I guess I am just a dumb ass.
Use non bombing ways to deal with mother DELETED and we are peices of shit. As in Korea we have more options to deal with the situation before it comes down to force.
Use force against even Hitler like forces and we are "bullies" and peices of shit. You know personally I don't think all of the people of Asia, Africa, and the Middle East are worth one American life. They DELETED up their own countries let them figure out how to solve them. If they want to rape and kill and starve thier own people DELETED them! They made the mess not us.
I am done here. The posts here are not worth my time. And before it is said nope no one made me ever do it. Caring about the Jehovah Witness syndrome was my mistake and one I will correct right now. It was all said that the people who leave here can't hack it. "They don't last." I guess I am one of those pussies. I guess I just can't hack it in the "big leagues." Can't be with the intellectual greatness that ferments here.
You know the "Silentlambs" movement is the same thing. I guess I am just a "bully" for getting involved. The Jehovah Witnesses DELETED up thier own kids let them deal with it. OK I am out of that arena too.
This week I will be driving my best friend to the Airport and back to his Army Base. I have no doubt that he will be shipped out soon after. Maybe I will never see him again. Ya, he is the tool of the "bully." What bull DELETED
I will be closing my account and will never speak about "Them" again.
And to those "Not in my name" people DELETED YOU TOO!
Edited by - Englishman on 1 January 2003 19:8:57
Edited by - Englishman on 1 January 2003 19:10:57
Edited by - Simon on 1 January 2003 19:14:34