I saw this thread and read it with interest. In todays climate, it's very apt. So many people are laughing at those of us who work, and take the benefits we have worked for. Yeah, the healthy and unemployed should have to work for their social security. As for youngsters getting pregnant to avoid work and get a council home....Well, I am a housing officer for the local council and we see this all the time. What I can tell you is, from personal experience....the ones in our society who have the most be be grateful for, thanks to the welfare state, are in fact amongst the most ungrateful, rude and belligerant. Give someone free money, a free home, and free healthcare, along with all the customer care and politness they can grab, and you have a recipe for selfishness. On the other hand, if people didn't see a free handout, and had to do something to earn what they get, I believe that they would actually appreciate it more. We have had the welfare state for long enough to see that it does, indeed, help to breed a selfish society, with a "Screw you" mentality. Just my thoughts!
JoinedPosts by goldfish
Is it time to demollish the welfare state in the UK
by Gill init's an unfortunate fact that the uk is gradually slip sliding away in the ranks of great achieving countries.. our tennis players aspire to greatness but slip at the last, and often first hurdle.
our national health service though catering to all, is no where near the quality it should be.
i can vouch for that fact from last weekends experience, having to call an emergency doctor out to see my son, he missed totally what was wrong with him.
Windows XP Service Pack 2
by JH in.
did any of you get this service pack installed yet?
i received it through a windows update, but it didn't want to install on my computer because i don't have a valid version of windows xp
I have installed it.....seems ok. I did have to get an update for Nero v6.....and re install Clone dvd, both due to issues with SP2. Apart from that, it`s fine, nice security features too!
A view from the Watchtower.....Picture
by goldfish insorry if this is so totally naff, i suppose i do have a warped sense of humour!
we were visiting the royal air force museum near to where i live today, and i saw this picture, of a german guard overlooking the prisoners in the camp.
well, it tickled my fancy!
Hi People,
Sorry if this is so totally naff, I suppose I do have a warped sense of humour!
We were visiting the Royal Air Force museum near to where I live today, and I saw this picture, of a German guard overlooking the prisoners in the camp.
Well, it tickled my fancy! Just imagine all the dubs taking off their rose coloured glasses and seeing their reality!
Actually, I hope this works and you can see the picture, and not just a red x......
All the best folks,
Revealed; god's last communiucation to mankind!!! A new genuine discovery!
by Abaddon inhere's god's last known communication to his creation;.
no, it's not photoshopped, and you can see the page it's from here;.
If it was, I`m sure it would be a sign to Satan and the Demons!
More assembly fun......
by integ inmost of early friday morning was standard watchtower fare...you know, "wear your lapel badge to restaurants and preach to waiters" etc.
but there was some good meat later in the morning during the talk "glorious prophetic visions spur us on".
one point i found interesting was that only the annointed saw christs acsension to heavenly rulership in 1914. no one else.
Oh God, I need a gin and tonic........
I stopped going about 2 years ago...I couldn`t put up with that apostate crap they teach about Jesus not being our mediator, and apart from that, I was sick of the boredom!
District Assembly talks about apostates............
by integ indistrict assembly 5/24/03 3:40 pm "beware of the voice of strangers".. 1) counterfeit words: beware of those using "counterfeit words".
2) flirting: young ones need to avoid being lured into relationships with un-believers.. 3) you trust your christian parents...listen to them.
you also trust those taking the lead among you..such as elders.
I just couldn`t sit there and listen to that clap trap! What a load of bogey! Just proves they are fearful of loosing control over people. I`ll give the assembly a miss this year (-:
Birthdays - I may need some input
by rocketman inwe had a birthday "party" for my daughter at a local restaurant today, with a group of her friends invited.
we are "inactive" but i still attend some meetings.
i do not comment or want any 'privilages'.. anyway, one person whom my daughter invited is a jw, though she has said that she may want to get out soon.
Oh I`m sorry that you are in this situation. I do feel for you, But try to remember, you don`t owe them anything, and they can only hurt you if you let them! Try to remember that and take no notice of the attitude they might come out with. Elders cannot seperate you from God, even if they are mental enough to think they can! All the best, Goldfish.
Door to door work really being done?
by freedom96 inobviously the witnesses are going door to door, but is it as effective as could be?
in all my years as an adult, only once has any witness come to the door preaching "the good news.
" this is once in over 15 years.
I know two pioneers who just slowly walk around the area, talking to each
other and don`t knock on doors! Just out counting the time......
Why not just stay at home and watch a good video?!
They can fool the Watchtower.....but they can`t fool me (-: