.....every mans death diminishes me for I am involved in mankind. Therefore do not send to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee. John Donne
JoinedPosts by Warrigal
Morality/Ethical question...all life equal??
by SpiceItUp inwhen the shuttle broke apart in the sky over texas the whole world stopped.
i just came from our lunch break room where the tv was turned to the channel (maybe all have it on) covering the memorial service of the astronauts that died.. i thought back to a conversation i had with my mother the other day.
she made the point that we all stopped our lives a bit by this disaster whereas the 7-100 (at least) people that die in traffic accidents etc on a daily basis are no more mourned than maybe with a blip in the newspaper and the close family and friends.. the i thought back to "the practice" that i watched last night.
What exactly ARE the JWs known for?
by detective ini was reading a thread in which jh said:.
people knew we were jw's just by the way we dressed, but also by the way we talked.. .
now, not to come down on jh by any means, but this raised a question in my mind.
Everywhere in the media, JWs are known as the people who knock on doors early in the morning. No one made comments about how 'loving and caring' they were. Now they're known as people who shield pedophiles within the congregations. Yuck!
What's The Worst Thing The WT.Society Has Taught?
by minimus inout of all the wrong things the watchtower society has taught, which do you feel are the worst?
The doctrine of the 'unforgiveable sin'. They don't clearly define it and yet they can apply it to about everything.
Is the term "sheep" offensive to you?
by pr_capone ini was thinking about this the other day.
the society likes to call all those who follow their teachings "sheep" or "sheep like ones".
how offensive is that?!?!
In my late teens I took a job tending sheep during the lambing season. Why the woolies give birth in the dead of night I'll never know! During the day, I worked in a boat yard scraping hulls and painting the bottoms of the boats. I was trying to earn money to buy my own sailboat.
The looney sheep would wander down to the boatyard and get chased by the local dogs and end up in the bay.....I'd have to wade in, grab them by their fleece and physically turn them towards shore and get them back to the pasture.
In my opinion, all those striving for a position of eldership in the org should be made to tend a flock of real sheep for at least a month. I hated to be called a 'sheep'. I just plain hate sheep.
Warrigal (sheep baaaad, lambchops good)
Who plays a musical instrument?
by JH ineverybody likes music, but i don't know many people who play an instrument.
years ago, every house had a piano, and just about everybody in the house played the piano, but not today.
we all know that farkel is an excellent pianist, and i do enjoy listening to his music.. does any of you play a musical instrument?
I play the radio....a virtual virtuoso!
Chill down the spine
by whyhideit inyour reading a post online this evening, about someone's encounter with what they think is a ghost.
you see some photos and cover the account word for word, when suddenly you have a shadow cast from behind you, over the monitor.
something seems to have moved in the room and yet you are the only one in the house.
Happens to me almost every night.....I've got a black cat with glowing golden eyes who is either sitting on my body or knocking things around in the room. Any visiting ghost would be overwhelmed by this pesky feline!
Great story, Whyhideit
Sisters and the great tribulation
by Brummie injust before i retire to bed my mind starts reflecting back over things i done heard that made a profound impact on my mental faculties (i guess i still have them).
anyway having worked the night shift i'm about to fall into a coma so you can imagine my minds on over-ride.
here's what i remembered.
Didja ever light a stream of hair spray??? Instant flamethrower.
I'd want lots of bottled water as the water supply is dependent on electricity here. Would also want to have canned food and toilet paper too. Will have to check on my supply of ammo....already have the guns.
The Watchtower's Liability Nightmare
by metatron inmany years ago (1970's), there was a small rebellion in bethel,caused by the indifference.
and heartlessness of bethel overseers.
one item that came up back then was the immediate.
Thanks Romans.. most succinctly put. Lets encourage victims to step up and get their bite of the pie.
by zev inagain.. i don't often go to the web site of my former cult membership, and employer (after all i did publish for them)... but tonight i was surfing around and discovered this page.. http://www.jw-media.org/releases/bg_molestation.htm.
here is the contents:.
jehovah's witnesses office of public information.
These blundering morons are doing everything in their power to confuse and mishandle any investigation that comes before them. Imagine subjecting a child to this level of trauma and degradation after the s.o.b. has told her/him that they won't be believed anyway. Then calling the child a liar in front of the monster who molested them.
Parents! Take warning now. If your child acts strangely after an encounter with anyone in the org., take them to the local hospital and get a rape kit done. Contact a social worker at the hospital and have them call the police. Don't go to the elders!
Elder Rumor How Widesprd: IraqWar=WWIII=Armageddon
by romansfourteen1to6 inan inactive friend just spoke to some elders who, not from the platform but one-on-one, said they believe the coming war with iraq will cause world war iii and armageddon.
has anyone else heard this?
it may be that some are using this as a tactic to scare inactives back into the watchtower society along with their needed donations, especially since the pedophile and wts-u.n. scandals.
I do recall when I was active that the thinking was that a man-made war would not be a trigger for the big A because it would dilute God's attack on mankind. He would begin the destruction of the world during a time of relative peace and quiet when those in power would be congratulating themselves on bringing about "peace and security" for their subjects.