As always, I refuse to participate in the big, giant headcount!
JoinedPosts by Warrigal
What Are Your Goals For The Memorial Season?
by minimus inbe zealous for what is good!
is the article of the latest km.
there's a box in the article that has the following question---what are your goals for the memorial season?-----here are the check off points that should be answered to this question.
Brother Ted, Theocratic Economics and Card Run-outs
by Duncan indear all,.
i nearly met up with brother ted f. the other day.
i say nearly, because i arrived round my mothers house just a few minutes after he left.
Great reasoning, Duncan. I too asked the question about how a lion could eat straw like the ox as the lion's digestive system couldn't accomodate all that roughage...they have a relatively short digestive tract.
But another thing comes to mind. After the 1000 year paradise...if indeed it is a paradise, why would people rebel and side with Satan if everything had been hunky-dory up till then?
Going nuts....
by Vivamus inslowly going nuts here.
i quit smoking nine hours and 52 minutes ago.
still counting... when does it get easier?
Hang in there Vivamus! They say kicking a smoking habit is harder than kicking heroin. Its a tumor causing, teeth staining, smelly, puking habit. At least thats what the ads down here say about it.
I quit in '86 and I've never been sorry. You can do it too!
Where'd you sit in the KH?
by DblOSmith inour hall has 3 sections of seating, we always sat in the left section all the way in the back if possible heh.
it's funny: it seemed like all the foreign people, immigrants, etc, sat on the right side, all the "goody goods" sat in the middle, and all of the um "shady" people... all the people i would think would become defectors sat on the left.
I used to sit on the left hand side near the aisle. It was one of the few places where the cool air would circulate. The hall was kept so warm and stuffy that most everyone got dozy during the meetings.
I'm so glad to be out of that now!
WTS Secret Police
by Pleasuredome inheres a story of what happened to me at a district convention this year.. an unbaptised publisher and i travelled to wolverhampton district convention in england.
this wasnt our district but id been on holiday and had missed my own district convention (how unspiritual of me).
so me and this friend decided to go to this convention and was also hoping to meet a friend there.. on the saturday morning we were delayed in traffic and we eventually arrived at 11.30am, paid our 3 for parking (i wonder if they had the use of car parks for free?
We were told at the Service meeting about the new food arrangements at our DC and everyone would have to bring a sack lunch from home. This was distressing because the Convention site was in an area where there were some nice gourmet fast food places.
While sitting in the stands munching on a stale sandwich I saw two 'sisters' walk in with bags of food from one of the outlawed establishments. They went behind the stage and distributed the goodies to the elite and members of the visiting GB.
Warrigal....who never went back to that convention
And you think Gas is expensive.....
by Lost Diamond injust another thing to think about....
you think a gallon of gas is expensive?
doesn't run on water, scope, or whiteout, or god forbid, pepto bismol or .
Thanks Lost Diamond! I just fed my snarveling monster van a $20.00 dose of unleaded and I'm sure glad that its not drinking Nyquil. Thanks for putting the price increase into perspective!
"Dead conscious of nothing at all" .....
by anti-absolutism in.
when speaking to a jw the other day, i didn't really have a good explanation of ecclesiastes 9:5, where it says that the dead are conscious of nothing at all.. what is everybody's take on it?
Ok, 'splain this one. If the dead are conscious of nothing at all, what is the current view of Rev. 6:9 & 10? If the souls are dead how are they able to cry out?
Can't shake the feeling the end is near, help me
by m0nk3y ini hate this feeling .. i try and reason with myself thats its the life long programming that i have been through .. but the world events atm are really getting me nervous ... please people help me get past this :/edited by - m0nk3y on 12 february 2003 1:34:50.
Hi Monk3y; Just remember that in addition to all the signs mentioned in Matthew 24, wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, pestilences, etc and the scripture in Revelation 11:18 about those ruining the earth; that there will be both natural and man-made disasters and destruction. Depending upon where they happen and where you live it can seem like the end of the world.
Be strong. Trust in God and keep your spirits up. He loves you as he loves all his people.
For your singing pleasure.
by out4good3 into the tune of "if you're happy and you know it".
if you cannot find osama, bomb iraq.. if the markets are a drama, bomb iraq.. if the terrorists are frisky,.
pakistan is looking shifty,.
Where ever it came from...its good and so appropriate today!
what to make of this.
by kls inmy jw husband told me the other day he went to a car dealership and was talking to an employee there he knew, they were watching this woman walking back and forth between cars husband asked his friend what is she doing?
his friend replyed , she's been here before she is a jehovah witness, with that my husband replyed , i am a witness and we don't act like her ,praying to cars.
his friend took him inside and showed a watch tower that had been changed.
Was the title of the magazine "The Watchtower"?