Yes by all means your story would be welcomed. I will try to work my last words to her that would make her wiser. Then it would be up to her.
i have recently been diagnosed with lukemia with a limited life left in the old bod.
my daughter is a jw and was lured into the institution by her then boyfriend (now husband).
my present intention is to prepare some idea of what she has got herself into.
Yes by all means your story would be welcomed. I will try to work my last words to her that would make her wiser. Then it would be up to her.
i have recently been diagnosed with lukemia with a limited life left in the old bod.
my daughter is a jw and was lured into the institution by her then boyfriend (now husband).
my present intention is to prepare some idea of what she has got herself into.
Her husband has everything to do with everything she does. He is a controller and has always has been even since before they were married.
i have recently been diagnosed with lukemia with a limited life left in the old bod.
my daughter is a jw and was lured into the institution by her then boyfriend (now husband).
my present intention is to prepare some idea of what she has got herself into.
I noticed that I have received some messges in my inbox. This appears to be a way to communicate with other members in private. How do I do that? What is the process.
i have recently been diagnosed with lukemia with a limited life left in the old bod.
my daughter is a jw and was lured into the institution by her then boyfriend (now husband).
my present intention is to prepare some idea of what she has got herself into.
I would like to thank all the people that have responded to my note regarding my condition.
First of all, my daughter is aware of my condition. I feel that all "family" have a right to know of such changes in the life of other members. This is part of the sharing my life with the family, the good with the bad.
My daughter was a jewel during the raising phase of child rearing. She is the baby of the family, and needless to say she was spoiled mare that the other. She was always an understanding child beyond her years. She was good at almost every endeavor she participated in. The only complaint I ever heard of was from high school. THe only complaints were she, from time to time did not get her homework in on time and the worst was she was a gabber in the classroom. Her devoting her life to a cult was and is the furtherest from my mind. When she did DO IT, I figured she would last a year or two and come to her senses and drop it. WRONG! She graduated from university and got tied into the JWs with the able assistance of her boy friend. Most of this activity was held from us at the beginning. How long? I don't know.
When she was told of my condition she appeared to be upset. To me this is contrary to her actions. She would not share her feelings and still does not up until now. I have always told my children that they should express their feelings openly, verbally so that there is no doubt in our minds as to which she is going. THis has never happened. With the threat of becomming an enabler, I have been unable to bring up the subject of JWs. With the lack of openness on her part, we are left to guess what is on her mind. I have a scientific mind, and with that comes relatively simple solutions to problems. ie.,two plus two equals four. In the mind game it is never that simple. THe adjustment from one to the other is sometimes difficult if not impossible.
So, I want to tell her what she has done that I think is wrong and why in the hope that she will see the light and errors associated with being a cult member and the difference between right and wrong. This is manly to prepare her for what is in store for her in the future. She has cancer and who knows, she may beat me to the grave. Her husband seems to be the fanatic in the relationship and if he is one of the persons at headquarters that do the searching on the internet to find the wayward members within the org. he will recognize this story, maybe. After I finish this document, I may just present it to her before I'm gone.
Thanks again, I will use the data that given and will start searching for more such information on the internet.
i have recently been diagnosed with lukemia with a limited life left in the old bod.
my daughter is a jw and was lured into the institution by her then boyfriend (now husband).
my present intention is to prepare some idea of what she has got herself into.
I have recently been diagnosed with Lukemia with a limited life left in the old bod. My daughter is a JW and was lured into the institution by her then boyfriend (now husband). My present intention is to prepare some idea of what she has got herself into. THis would be my final note to her to tell her that I love her so much that she has been on my mind every day since she left our family.
I would like to include as many letters from people that have left the JWs and have posted their family experiences over the years. THe persons that would help must be sincere and forthright in the descriptions of their feelings and experiences they have encountered prior and during the breakaway period. I know there has been many many persons that have written on this and other JWD forums but, it would be difficult and time consuming to go through the entire list of messages. I would like to know what is the best way to extract this data from this program so I can gather as much info as I can while I can.
a 100-year-old baptist church in the heart of new york was the venue .
saturday for an abc debate on the existence of god.
actor kirk cameron and .
The answer is very simple. There is NO proof of a supreme being. If people think that we humans have all the answers to all questions eminating from the smartest person that has ever existed on this planet had better think again. I would say , of all the "actions" performed by we humans, 80% have been and will always be wrong. That percentage would probably go up in Washington.
People tend to forget that religion of any kind is a FAITH and as such is man made. Evolution however , is a THEORY, and as such is subject to change over time. The true theorist, will and should welcome change to his or her theory as time passes and new evidence is uncovered. Faith is rigid as it is alleged to be the word of God who is all mighty and cannot and does not make mistakes. The Bible being the word of God. Faith has its place in our society as long as it is moderated with reason. I think God would agree with that.
Owen... HOT!!
Back to business. The religious right is gaining power in this country. I think it is a little extreme also. We must watch out for all extreme organizations. This includes Christianity as well as Muslim organizations. JWs should be included in this list, but they are not that big or influential, YET. O'Reilly is not always right, however he is right more often than he is wrong. Personally! Siros however, does his thing using devious methods which leads me to believe he cannot be trusted. Soros is extreme left but O'Reilly is not too extreme right.
you can answer this as seriously (lt) or as inanely (buttlight) as you like!
i was reflecting having read someone's thread about blowing off non jw family that actually it would have been so much better if i had a larger family, preferably not completely jw saturated and this random train of thought led me to thinking that if i could choose i would be catholic, because then i would have a huge family, go to really nice gothic churches with lots of candles and tortured saints and be able to go to confession (instead of lt's mobile).
also the colours of the whore of babylon always were a lot more enticing to me than the mild blues and undistracting beiges of the khs.. i think we all have religions which would suit our personalities so much better.
Deism is the only way for me. In this way I steer clear of all the man made belief systems and rely on my own "God given" instincts.
i have a question that i'm curious to have feedback on.
if jehovah has always had a group of people that were "his select group" to have his messages relayed, who were these people/relgions between the time of the early christians of bibilical times and the founding of the bible students?
IMHO I do not think any of the "groups" (religious organizations) would qualify. Individuals, yes. Albert Schwitzer, Einstiein, etcetera. There are not too many, perhaps a couple of thousand.
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intervenes to get 1 of the b.c.
sextuplets a transfusionlast updated: wednesday, january 31, 2007 | 2:43 pm pt cbc newsthe b.c.
The B.C. government has gone to court to force one of the sextuplets born in Vancouver earlier this month to get a blood transfusion, CBC News has learned.
B.C.'s director of child protection went to court for an order for the transfusion under child-care legislation.
And it's believed that the transfusion has since taken place.
The parents of the child are Jehovah's Witnesses, a religious group that prohibits blood transfusions.
In its presentation to the judge, the province argued the order is necessary to preserve the baby's health.