JoinedTopics Started by DblOSmith
I'm back!!!
by DblOSmith inwent on a little hiatus, but this unbaptised nonbelieving houstonian's back.
i felt it needed to be said.
chris (houston, tx).
Where'd you sit in the KH?
by DblOSmith inour hall has 3 sections of seating, we always sat in the left section all the way in the back if possible heh.
it's funny: it seemed like all the foreign people, immigrants, etc, sat on the right side, all the "goody goods" sat in the middle, and all of the um "shady" people... all the people i would think would become defectors sat on the left.
How did you imagine the end happening?
by DblOSmith ini always imagined it as being the sky turning different shades of purple and finally seeing colors i've never seen before.
loud lightening, thunder in all directions... i would hear god speak, then the sky would turn red, and i'd see angels coming down from the sky and devils go up and fight in the sky... kinda like in raiders of the lost arc.
it would last 40 years, then the earth would split and open all demons would be cast below, and then 2 weeks of rain will cleanse the earth and the paradise would grow from the ash and neutrient rich rain.. .
American Beauty is such a good movie!!!
by DblOSmith inoh my god, i finally saw it!!!
what did you guys think about it??
?edited by - dblosmith on 13 february 2003 7:38:59.
HI, Newbie here
by DblOSmith inhey, guys.
i'm just a newbie 19 year old from houston.
cruised on this site.