Well howdy doody then!
Thanks bunches!
does anyone have crisis of conscience in a digital format, or pdf?
any other books that would be worth my time?
the one by steve h ?.
Well howdy doody then!
Thanks bunches!
does anyone have crisis of conscience in a digital format, or pdf?
any other books that would be worth my time?
the one by steve h ?.
Does anyone have Crisis of Conscience in a digital format, or PDF? Any other books that would be worth my time? The one by Steve H ?
I am at a point now where I would like to start reading it and/or them.
PM me.
i was sent a link to a homemade video from our summer district convention, not the one i attended, but the next weekend.
it was a video of a local brother, relating his "experience" of "trusting in jehovah", and how he was blessed.. it was just about 1 short minute long.
ms harper showed it to me first, she wanted to get my comment on it before she said a word.. background: we both know this brother, he is about our age, so we know the "real" story.. anyways, his story goes like this: this experience goes back about 10 years (jeez, we must be really searching for the experiences now!).
I was sent a link to a homemade video from our summer District Convention, not the one I attended, but the next weekend. It was a video of a local brother, relating his "experience" of "trusting in Jehovah", and how he was blessed.
It was just about 1 short minute long. Ms Harper showed it to me first, she wanted to get my comment on it before she said a word.
Background: We both know this brother, he is about our age, so we know the "real" story.
Anyways, his story goes like this: This experience goes back about 10 years (jeez, we must be really searching for the experiences now!). He was injured on a constrution jobsite, pretty severely, put him on permanent disability. Truth. Here is where his story went quickly awry, no doubt at the behest and prodding of the brother giving the talk, and the CO, in order to make it "fit" the part.
During his recovery period, he is asked how Jehovah blessed his efforts. Answer (in a sad, quiet voice, begetting a remourseful, sorrowful tone, sounded like he was going to start bawling..): "Even tho the injury I sustained was traumatic, and had a very negative effect on me spiritually, I continued to pray alot. The brothers in the congregation looked after me, and Jehovah continued to provide for me and my family. Now we are in a much better place, and are doing much better spiritually. We learned to trust in Jehovah with everything we had..he blessed our efforts and continues to do so to this day."
To the casual observer, and anyone not knowing any better, we can see a family that went thru real hardship, trusted in Jehovah, and made it thru the tough times, and were being blessed because of their faithfullness. You may even have shed a tear.
Now, here's the REAL backstory: This guy is lazy. He's a mooch, and sucks up freebies faster than a hoover on HI. Just my opinion of course, but one that is shared by alot of others. While injured and recovering (we will give him that, his injuries were indeed real and NOT something any of us would like to go thru), him and his wife lived with his mom and dad. Meanwhile, over the next few years, his injuries did not stop him from pumping her up enough to spit out more kids. He healed up, but 'couldnt find work'. She was perfectly capable of working, but chose not to (why would she want to?), despite the free day care at mom and dads. All the while, they were pretty much inactive, to the point of not being seen for months at a time. The congregation tired quickly of efforts to "care" for them, and let them do their own thing. It was obvious that they were milking the system, and taking advantage of their brothers.
Jehovah provided for them??? Ya, bunch of crap. Try wellfare, food stamps, and more state benefits. Us taxpayers provided for them. I can remember them boasting about the great healthcare they were receiving, and isnt it great that they are pregnant again!!! FREE HEALTHCARE FOR ALL! Then, oh, Jehovah blessed them with a new house!!!! Goverment subsidies all over!! Still, the puke had no job! Last I saw them, a few months ago, they were happy! Its a no wonder, with free healthcare and a free house.
Just made me sick to see that this is what we are subjected to: twisted, out of context, made-up experiences that are supposed to show how we need to rely on Jehovah and his organization, when the TRUTH is far from what we are actually hearing.
I KNOW FOR A FACT that this "experience" was stretched, painted over, manipulated, and "made to fit" this part on the DC. Truth, it was not.
I looked at Ms Harper, and gave her the WTF? look..... she just grinned and laughed. Gotta love her.
Jack Harper, Tech49
so, off we went to the dc.
the public talk was "what is truth".
in it, the speaker said, "the truth can stand up to any scrutiny.
That, my friend, is the glimmer that occurs when the reasoning faculties within us are startled. What we hear suddenly sounds silly. Something is amiss. A little red flag, with a flashing light, warning buzzers, etc. The intelligent ones catch it.
Our brothers and sisters have been taught how to reach over and hit the "cancel" button on the alarm. Its not her fault, obviously something is going on in her mind. Sooner or later, they will go off more and more, and cannot be ignored.
Savor that moment, build on it, use it for a topic for conversation at a later time.
Ha ha.... I said "Topic for Conversation"......
this is the kind of thing that really burns me.. .
wtbts holds out an extreme double standard in regards to education.
most, if not all, of you know how they feel about obtaining an education past high school (in the u.s.).
This is the kind of thing that really burns me.
WTBTS holds out an EXTREME double standard in regards to education. Most, if not all, of you know how they feel about obtaining an education past High School (in the U.S.). They mention it frequently, as something uneccessary, woldly, and frivilous. In some of my recent notes from our last Circuit Assembly, one speaker said " we dont need additional education, we are the most educated people in the world! When it comes to "worldly" schools, we just need a "good" education."
Crap, complete crap. And here's why I say that:
Recently, the congregations all received a letter from the branch in regards to the project at Warwick, and how much work will be done thru 2015. In addition to that letter, they sent a second page that listed the TRADES SKILLS NEEDED FOR PROJECTS AT U.S. BETHEL.
It is quite an extensive list, with most of the standard trades that you would expect....Concrete, equipment operators, electrical, roofing, drywall, tile, carpet, etc etc. In addition to the trades was the classification of CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT. These skills would include the following: HVAC Engineers/Designers, Electrical Engineers/Designers, Structural Engineers/Designers, Building Control Engineers/Designers, Quality Control Engineers, AV Systems Engineers/Designers, among others. Yes, we would like you to bring your extensive schooling and background to New York to help us build a Multi-Million dollar extravaganza!
Last time I checked, to be in the field as an ENGINEER, specifically Structural, Building Control, Electrical, and HVAC............ it REQUIRED extensive education. This is NOT education that can be obtained in the first 12 years of public school. It is NOT a classification that can be obtained through experience alone. It is very specific to COLLEGE education.
So let me get this straight..... you DISCOURAGE, STRONGLY, higher education, to the point of hate speech, removing elders, chastising families, deleting brothers from privileges of "service", removing brothers and sisters as pioneers..... but if you JUST HAPPEN to have an ENGINEERING degree, well then we could sure use you! Which means you fit into one of two classes: 1: You didnt listen to us, and got an education anyways, or 2: came from the "world" with your education in hand. But no matter.
Really, came from the world with an Engineering Degree? I could probably count on one hand how many individuals would fit into this category in the entire U.S. I know one elder personally that was SENT to get his Degree in Engineering by the Local RBC, because there were so many local projects coming up. Nope, not making it up. Said Elder missed WEEKS and MONTHS of congregation meetings because he was taking night classes, yet no one could say a word because he had the blessing of the branch. Oh, there were quite a few folks that were baffled by that one, lots of grumbling from the older ones!
Why, you ask, does this irritate me? When graduating High School myself, I was well on my way to obtaining a degree in Structural Engineering and Design, but was very specifically told to abandon any hopes and dreams and SCHOLARSHIPS (full ride, mind you), as it was striving after the world, and was in full pursuit of "worldly" things. Besides, I would NEVER need them! We had another "experience" at our CA just recently, of a local sister, smart bright young gal, who gave up her full-ride scholarship to be a pioneer. Yay! clap clap clap clap clap....how wonderfull......!!! She will be so blessed!!! No engineering in her future! Here's a scrub brush and a vacuum!
Sickening, just sickening. To give up that kind of opportunity is just plain retarded, in my humble opinion. People that encourage and promote that kind of demented thinking should be ashamed of themselves.
Lesson for today: Get your education, pursue what you dream of. Let NO ONE tell you otherwise.
Jack Harper, Tech49
we were told today, yes!
our accusers will be there.
is it true?
Here are the facts, and the facts only.
The answer given to you is deceiving.............. your accusers are the 3 brothers on the JC. There will be no others there.
The only "offense" that would truly qualify as a disfellowshipping matter is #3. Apostacy. That is a picture that can be painted by a very broad brush, and can mean anything they want it to. Items #1 and #2 are just personal feelings, and will be used to prop up #3.
If you choose not to reply, they will DF you in absentia, as THEY see fit.
No matter the path, you will always have the option of APPEALING to the brothers within 7 days, and a NEW committee from a neighboring congregation will hear the "charges", and review the case, a do-over.
Jack Harper, Tech49
after reading some of your other posts and experiences, especially regarding the elder's school, i am reminded of part 2 of my experience down the rabbit hole.. the last elder's school i attended was in 2011. i remember vividly the 3 day event.
i remember vividly being bored out of my mind!.
as has been stated by others, the hours of monotone counsel and examples and experiences were continually beating on your brain with the usual stuff:.
Here's a little more about me personally, maybe it will help fill in some of the blanks.
I was mostly born-in, baptized in 1984 at 16. Ministerial servant around 1996 or so. Served as an elder since 2005. Have served as CBSO, School Overseer, and Secretary most recently (last 4 years, in addition to CBSO when it was still around). Helped in the forming of a new congregation in 2010, as Secretary. Served on the RBC for probably 20 years, EXTREMELY active in it in the 90's, less so in the last 10 years, only because my young family was more important.
Up until about 2 years ago, I was a black-and-white kind of guy. You either played along, or you didn't, plain and simple. I played a part in weeding out some pretty nasty influences and genuinely BAD seeds from our congregation. It was a time full of stress and long nights, but it got done, and it needed to be done. I dont feel bad about decisions that were made, some people truly are deserving of a boot.
Moved to the newly formed congregation at the instruction of the CO. Was ok, but family and I just weren't into giving our every breath to it. At some point, we moved physically, and were in another congregation's territory, so moved our cards.
Now this was a good-ole-boy club like no other. We knew most of them, but it didnt seem to matter. They were NOT in the mood to reappoint me, even with a favorable letter, and took their sweet time until the CO came thru and asked what the problem was!? No problem, just waiting to see if he was "truly qualified".... They got their asses chewed on, I got the appointment, but from them on, I knew they were gunning for me.
The high-jinks started soon after that...........a few examples.... I was serving as the secretary, but the brothers would write letters and just have the he-coon COBE sign them, I would never see them until a copy was handed to me to "file". Judicial commitees were formed for stupid reasons, where they had no business, others would do obviously bad stuff (fornication, admitted to myself and another brother, face to face) and would never see a committee. 'it was handled". Elders and their wives would sign up to "aux pioneer", and then put in 5 or 10 hours, and be the "exemplary pioneers" of the day! Made me ill. One assistant CO told me that I was not being an example, if no one from my family signed up to "pioneer" for the 30 hours. Didnt matter if we knew we couldnt do it, just the fact that we didnt sign up showed our "attitude". (see my post on the other forum about Hours and Time, linked to here n the General Discussion area). About that time I was pretty much fed up. This whole thing was a big egotistical show.
Then the good-ole-boy club started to come after my family, picking on them, demeaning them, gossipping, spreading rumors...it got pretty heated, Ms. Harper was PISSED! We had EMAIL PROOF of the elder body spinning rumors and lies. Even had a meeting with the CO at his next visit, he told them to knock it off and apologize to my family..... Didn't happen.
I could see that they were gunning for me, just waiting to trip me up and get something to find as a basis to DELETE me, and have the pleasure of announcing it from the platform.
The family was hurting, we knew it, and something needed to change. Meeting attendance fell to about 50%, I turned down assignments, cancelled Public Talks that were scheduled out. Told the COBE that I just couldnt do it right now, our family was having real "troubles" putting the energy into this. I was hoping to get some help for the family, to get a sheperding call on us all, as it was obvious we had hit a wall, figuratively.
NOTHING. Absolutely NOTHING. Where were my "friends", my "fellow Elders"? Too busy to care, too busy going on vacations, too busy buying toys and spending money, having wine parties and "exclusive" dinners with their little groups.
We decided, as a family, to move to a neighboring congregation to restart, to find some joy again, to get away from the backstabbing, petty pricks and their families. This wasn't the way I wanted to serve, and this was not the group of brothers I would serve with. In an impromptu "meeting" to discuss the issues at hand (which I suddenly discovered was more of a Remove-Your-Priviliges meeting) the brothers told me that because of my wife's attitude (she was pretty hot about all this, and wasnt afraid to tell them!) and the fact that we wanted to RUN from OUR problems, they would see fit to NOT send a letter of recommendation with me. Oh, but if we STAYED, then NOTHING would change (appointment-wise), we will help you, WE PROMISE!! Truth be told, I knew that's exactly what they would do, and they would be denied the FUN of deleting me.... I resigned before they could say anything else, walked out. Checkmate, fools.
I had "brothers" who were my friends stab me in the back so fast I couldnt believe it. Suddenly, I was out of the "club". Sick. Just made me ill. Our "friendships" were truly anything but. I felt a HUGE sense of betrayal.
It was shortly after that, within the last year or so, that I really sat down and started to research all the questions that had been on my mind, to allow myself to look at "apostate" websites. I found more than I bargained for, and my mind has been a swirl of thoughts for many months. I see the falsehoods, the coverups, the outright blatant lies, and the willingness to be "blind" on the part of well-meaning people. Lots of other stuff too. But I am done. Won't do it anymore. Spent way too much of my personal life, time, energies, and money supporting a business entity that prints literature and controls people.
So anyways, here we are, MUCH happier with the lack of responsibilities, no more "pressure" to please people. We do what we want, when we want to do it.
Faded? No, but fading. Coasting.
Wife and I are working slowly to retrain our kids to think carefully, clearly, and to see the entire picture before they make decisions. Teaching OURSELVES to do the same is a little harder sometimes, but it feels good to be awake.
The biggest "lightbulb" moment we have had is this: If you are not a positive influence on our family, then we don't need you in our lives. I dont care if you are extended family, congregation members, elders, or an entire organization. Out ya go!
PM me anytime.
a customer on my route with whom i have had some lively debates was his number 1 complaint is that "the witnesses have so many rules".
last month i agreed with on this issue.
he asked why the change, i told him that i have been doing some soul searching.
James Jackson, please feel free to send me a Private Message (PM) if you want to talk.
I would be honored to hear more of your personal experiences.
Jack Harper, Tech49
with the changes in doctrine being fully unveiled at the dc this year, i expected many to wake up.
the dcs have been going on for a month now, i fully expected to be welcoming new members by now!
am i just being impatient?
I lurked for a year before summoning the courage to post amongst you mentally-diseased folk!
I am not an uber-poster, I post on topics that strike a cord, or that I feel I can contribute to. Dont ever think for a minute that things are quiet out here in cyberspace. People just like me are watching........... learning.............. taking it all in, figuring out what to do with it all.
When they are ready, they will chime in.
a customer on my route with whom i have had some lively debates was his number 1 complaint is that "the witnesses have so many rules".
last month i agreed with on this issue.
he asked why the change, i told him that i have been doing some soul searching.
James, I would like to chime in here, as we are both new here, and to this whole experience.
My 2 kids are both teens and I struggle with the same feelings as you. Here's my take on it all:
As someone else mentioned, you should have ALREADY instilled morality in your kids. No doubt, you have. But there is, as was already mentioned, a big difference between morals and rules, especially when those rules come from men, many of whom don't have the best interests of your family in mind, and many who have NEVER EVEN HAD KIDS! Forcing rules on our kids does more damage than good, and hiding reality from them turns them into ill-equipped stepford-children. Anyone can make rules, but it's up to you to DECIPHER those rules and turn them into catalysts that form new adults.
So take everything with a grain of salt, meditate on it, let it sink in, then CAREFULLY plan your actions based on WHAT IS BEST FOR YOUR FAMILY. What's best for me and mine may not work for you and yours. Visa Versa.
I know that, for me, to drop a "change-bomb" on my family right now would have terrible consequences. I have taught my children morality, and will never stop teaching them how to be honest, forgiving, caring people. They are truly wonderful young adults, very caring, incredibly smart, and yet very observant. But now, my focus is on teaching them HOW TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES. Present information to them in a way that will teach them to be analytical, to ask questions, and to make sure that things just "make sense". Their young minds have not been subjected to propoganda and b.s. for nearly as long as ours, so the clean-up process will be somewhat easier, especially with someone like yourself to "captain" thier ships, as long as you keep your eyes clear and focused.
Someone posted a link for me in another post of an elder's experience in de-programming his family, thru critical, analytical thinking and reasoning by means of Family Study times. (Maybe someone can repost that link for James).
I was impressed with his ability to understand that this is NOT a quick process,..... remember, it took you and your family YEARS to get where you are, it will take just as much time to get where you are going. Don't be swayed by some of the negative comments here.... alot of folks here are hurting, have been hurt, and can't fathom the responsibility you have. Everyone's circumstances are different, and none are less important or trivial by any means. You'll get there, my friend.
Wish you all the best,
Jack Harper, Tech49